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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
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Posts: 41


Post#1 » Sat Sep 19, 2020 6:44 am

I have noticed that in Altdorf city the guards outside the palace (not the mounted knights) are extremely light armored, like they are guarding a barn or something. On the other side, in I.City. we see all the guards being armored to teeth, as they should, with helms on! Don't get me wrong but whenever i see in rpg's or even movies soldiers without helms, i get "crazy" cause if there is something you wanna protect first, this is the CPU, aka your head! Wouldn't be nice, mostly for our immerse feeling, to have those guards in proper gear with helms on ofc? I would also suggest to place, in both factions, some Royal Bodyguards in Leader's room (maybe 2-4), close to them, with sov set. In general, things like that has nothing to do with our gameplay but, as i mentioned, with the rpg element of the game and how we feel walking in cities. Ofc, there can be more of those "fixes" around the world but lets start from Capital cities first. ;)

Anothe thing i would like to ask is if, technically, is possible to import armors from mods of other warhammer games? I have seen it happening from rpgs to rpgs, even from rpg to rts, if i remember right. Ofc, RoR is an mmorpg and i dont know if that works. What i had in mind is the armor of the Chosens of Khrone we see in 'Mark Of Chaos' trailer. Im sure everybody knows what im talking about. In total war-warhammer we see that set and modders working on it, not to mention other fans making 3d models of both the WP and the Chosens we see. This set is realistic enough (in terms of warhammer universe) and badass looking. Personally, i think most of Chosen's sets have this "alien" look and Mythic should avoid it in first place.

And a last thing, is the shield the Chosen guards use in CW keeps. It's identical (except for the colour, which can change ofc) to what we see in that trailer and a characteristic (also, realistic, meaning pratical) design of a Chosen shield. Pls, can you make it available to players, since it's already ingame? Unless it is and i've missed it... :shock:

Thx for all your work and for reading my post! :)
No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!


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