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[Role-Play] Character Sheet - Derias Redsmith

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[Role-Play] Character Sheet - Derias Redsmith

Post#1 » Sun May 17, 2015 10:19 am

Name: Derias Redsmith

Race: Imperial Human

Age: 37

Residence: Whitegard Abbey, Altdorf

Profession: Lector of the Sigmarite Cult, Vampire Hunter, Oathkeeper of the Three Oaths

Religion: Church of Sigmar, Sigmarite Cult

Allies: House Kaein, Ironshield Clan, Imperial Fifteenth Battalion, the Oathsworn

Enemies: Blood Legion, House Felryth, da Gud Guttin' Boyz, Chaos Undying, the Sons of Svarnir

Rivals: Sarrien Felryth, Svarnir the Bloodwetter

Personality: Driven, focused, and determined, this Priest of Sigmar is quite serious. His duty often finds him busy on many tasks, unable to find time for leisure or pleasantries. Around those he considered friends, he can be seen with a calm smile and friendly demeanor. The praises of Sigmar are always the first things to leave his mouth, often causing many to find him quite annoying. He is otherwise very kind to all of those he deems righteous. He can quickly become hostile to those who speak heresy, though he is typically slow to anger and slow to speak.

Brief History: Derias Nathanis Redsmith was born to a small farming family in the city of Herenzburg. His family was known for growing strong cattle and smithing tools used for every day farming. Young Derias was taught how to raise livestock and work a forge for his living, being quite successful in both of those endeavors. He worked at his parent's estate while reading many books about their patron god Sigmar and his righteous cause. It inspired young Derias to find a strong faith in the Emperor-god.

He came of age the same year that Emperor Karl-Franz I von Holswig-Schliestein was crowned. Holding a strong love of Sigmar in his heart, he immediately offered his service to the spreading of Sigmar's influence. The Abbey of Whitegard, located in Altdorf, accepted him into their fold and began teaching him the ways of the Warrior Priest. His devotion to his patron served him well, as he became very wise in the religion his heart so willingly followed.

When the Empire set out to aid their Dwarven allies against the Greenskins, Derias chose to stay behind and protect the lands of the Empire against any heresy that might have risen up. He made constant pilgrimages to important spots that Sigmar has been during his time as Emperor, venturing into nearby villages as he did so. He always did what he could to ensure the townfolk stayed righteous in their dealings, rarely running into any issue whatsoever. He became rather liked, spending many hours spreading wisdom and hope.

When he was crowned an official Warrior Priest of the Order of the Torch. While he was able to use his blessed hammer in combat, he was much more comfortable in the church. Spreading hope and aid to the needy within the Empire was his passion, leading him to many more pilgrimages to the nearby towns. It was during this time that Derias Redsmith earned his name.

As he ventured into the town of Ulzworth, he was met by three figures in dark hoods. The figures tried to turn him from the path and take another way, but Derias felt wary of the three beings. Upon speaking a scripture from his holy text, the three figures turned and ran away into the village. Night was about to fall and Derias knew what this may entail. Praying to Sigmar, the man went alone into the town.

As night fell upon Ulzworth, the town looked to be empty. There were no signs of life or community. Tavern doors lay closed, no noise of patrons inside. The houses had no lights shining in the windows. It was a scene that made Derias fear for his life. Whispering another prayer, the Priest clenched onto the small hammer trinket that hung from his necklace.

As he made his way to the center of the town, the sights he witnessed would scar him to this day. The villagers of this town were flayed open in a heap with many undead feasting on their blood. The muffled moans of the men, women, and children were too much for the Priest to bear. He gnashed his teeth as he saw the writhing bodies. They were alive. They were being milked. These foul beasts.... Vampires. He had heard of them before, though seeing a vulgar display like this sent horror into his bone.

He felt a righteous anger rise in his bones. He had to save these people. Shouting a battle cry to Sigmar, the Priest raised his hammer and ran into the fray. The Vampires quickly rose to their feet to assault their attacker, but were turned away by the holy nature of the name of Sigmar. Their curse forced them to flee, unable to stand against the name of Sigmar. The Priest made sure to capture one of the Undead, wrapping his hands and feet with his necklace and the rope which held his book. The villagers were already dying. He took no pride in himself as he ended their suffering.

He learned that the Vampire gathering was known as the Sons of Svarnir, a powerful Vampire that was slowly growing in influence. Derias vowed that day to hunt down all of the Svarnir spawn and bring them to a heretic's death. he has been wandering the world ever since, tasked with hunting down all Vampires in his path. Because of his constant success and ability to share the light of Sigmar with others, he was named a Lector in the church. He has recently returned to the Abbey to continue his service there. His days of inquisition against the Undead are over.... for now.

He now works with a gathering of Elves, Dwarves, and Imperial soldiers known as the Oathsworn. Acting as their Keeper of Oaths, he plots the battles waged against the armies of Destruction, preferably the Blood Legion.

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Re: [Role-Play] Character Sheet - Derias Redsmith

Post#2 » Fri May 29, 2015 11:33 am

Congratulations ! I love ! But why ? Let me explain.

In Warhammer, Sigmarits are often represented as blood-thirsty fanatics. And yes, in the battles. But we forget too often the basis of this cult : brave warriors, wises and powerfuls, slow to anger but terrible in their furies.

Indeed, why do farmers like so as the Priest-Warriors ? Certainly not for the bloodthirsty monsters that we imagine ! Rather, the Priest-Warriors are images of benevolence and justice that run the Empire for the glory of Sigmar. These are not fanatics : they are men who are fighting against the darkness for the good of the people, and he will not be forgotten.

In short, I love. Congratulations!


Bravo ! J'aime beaucoup ! Mais pourquoi ? Je m'explique.

Dans Warhammer, les Sigmarites sont souvent représentés comme des fanatiques assoiffés de sang. Et c'est vrai, dans les batailles. Mais on oublie un peu trop souvent la base de ce culte : de braves guerriers sages et puissants, lents à la colère mais terrible dans leur fureur.

En effet, pourquoi les paysans aiment-ils donc tant les Prêtres-Guerriers ? Certainement pas pour les monstres assoiffés de sang que l'on s'imagine ! Au contraire, les Prêtres-Guerriers sont des images de bienveillance et de justice qui parcourent l'Empire pour la gloire de Sigmar. Ce ne sont pas des fanatiques : ce sont des hommes qui se battent contre les ténèbres pour le bien du peuple, et il ne faut pas l'oublier.

Bref, j'aime beaucoup. Bravo !
When I talk green is that I have the hate... Or I'm very motivated... But I'm a gay "luron" ​​!
Frenchtouch03, Choppa A... Adventurer. Avenger, dis waz befor', humie !

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Re: [Role-Play] Character Sheet - Derias Redsmith

Post#3 » Fri May 29, 2015 2:59 pm

gratz man!!! nice job!

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