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Scenario Solo Group Issue & Suggestion

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Posts: 226

Re: Healing & Immortality

Post#31 » Mon Aug 03, 2020 12:50 pm

Well as much as I understand peoples frustrations to a degree, there are few things at play here...

1) you're not a DPS class, you're a tank. You're there to mitigate dmg, buff, cc and debuff.

2) learn to assist, learn to pick targets and learn to not wet noodle slap targets that are guarded, have you debuffed or detaunted or don't have healing debuff. There are 12 classes on each side, synergies and cooperation are key.

Lastly, heals absolutely need to be where they are atm, as the AoE pressure in oRvR and even in cities is just ridiculous. You'd all constantly die in a seconds in big fights if the healing wasn't where it is now.
Raid boss Salv WP Guernios - rr83, full Sov
DPS SnB SM Valianoris - rr81, full Sov

Posts: 18

Re: Healing & Immortality

Post#32 » Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:17 am

Melekith wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:27 am
MrCringe56 wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:43 pm
gurtuk wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:56 pm Destruction feels the same way about warrior priests or rune priests, nothing is wrong with healing.
As an example to my solution would be - while in the queuing process currently it just finds players and then gives you a popup to join..What I suggest is have it only give you a match if the amount of healers is equal to the min or max value or in between (min and max is subject to change). The purpose of this is to stop class saturation while giving a bit of room for some skill ceiling. So like a min of 3 and max of 5 per team so a team could have 2 more healers then the other team if 2 of the healer slots got taken by other classes.

Yes this would increase queue times but i would rather wait and get more average matches then play xx amount of horrible matches due to same class saturation issue in scenarios.
There is a much better solution to the problem you and everybody else has. It does not need any valuable time of devs to balance this problem.
1. Build a decent group of 2 tanks, 2 dps, 2 healers.
2. Join voice com and coordinate your abilities and roles.
3. Queue for scenario and have fun.

I don't understand why people make suggestions for something that is not broken. WAR has always been a team-based game. It means you have to be a group of six to maximize your success in scenarios. If you chose to play alone, or in a smaller group you minimize your odds. Btw this would help players who already made an effort to build a 2/2/2 group, so with 4 premade groups in scenarios, it would be a matter of skill/effort and not of luck.

Why are people so shy and lazy to communicate and coordinate with each other?

Not everyone wants to coordinate a group to play scenarios which is why my suggestion would help mostly solo queuing players since there are probably more solo queues then premades.

I agree with you that if players did decide to go into LFG chat and find a t1, t2, t3 party for scenarios their average of successful matches would be better but not everyone playing will do this its easier and more convenient to just queue solo and have the game make your group for you but we all know the downside of solo queuing currently imbalanced groups due to same class saturation and no filtering.

Currently when you solo queue, your group is at random...meaning you could have xx amount of the same classes most of the time no healers or not enough to have a fair match against a premade group the odds are so far away for solo queuing groups we probably have a 10% win rate or lower when facing against a premade group.

Of course, premade groups aren't going to like my idea here because it would make the matches more balanced aka less winning for premades because if my suggestion was put in place each queuing type would be in a better state and then it would all come down to class skill team communication on who wins the scenario.

Currently, premades are wanting to match against solo queuing group its an easy win for them because they are going against a random group with no coordination or class planning its most of the time always going to be in the premades favor without even taking into account if they are good with the class its an insta loss right out the gate when solo que group goes against a premade.

The sad thing is currently premades are actually less efficient because currently when premades match with a random imbalanced solo queue group most of the time they .surrender at the 11 minute mark which is a waste of time. If my suggestion was put in place you would actually be playing more whole matches and getting more xp, renown and emblems there wouldn't be this downtime of them surrendering and now we got to requeue again and again. We all want fair worth while matches right? in my opinion its boring when your dominating the enemy team in scenarios at there spawn gate waiting there for the score to hit 500 or for the solo que group to surrender.

Suggestion still remains;

When solo queuing only prompt the user to join the scenario when the min and max class amount has been meet. In my original suggestion on page 1 I gave the example and said like at minimum 3 healers and max 5 so there is still a little bit of wiggle room for a skill ceiling these number could be changed by the devs. Right now in the game that gap is so huge this makes for these horrible not a chance to win experiences which result in the solo que group surrendering a lot and the premade group camping the spawn gate.

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Posts: 37

Re: Healing & Immortality

Post#33 » Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:37 am

MrCringe56 wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:17 am
Melekith wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:27 am
MrCringe56 wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:43 pm

As an example to my solution would be - while in the queuing process currently it just finds players and then gives you a popup to join..What I suggest is have it only give you a match if the amount of healers is equal to the min or max value or in between (min and max is subject to change). The purpose of this is to stop class saturation while giving a bit of room for some skill ceiling. So like a min of 3 and max of 5 per team so a team could have 2 more healers then the other team if 2 of the healer slots got taken by other classes.

Yes this would increase queue times but i would rather wait and get more average matches then play xx amount of horrible matches due to same class saturation issue in scenarios.
There is a much better solution to the problem you and everybody else has. It does not need any valuable time of devs to balance this problem.
1. Build a decent group of 2 tanks, 2 dps, 2 healers.
2. Join voice com and coordinate your abilities and roles.
3. Queue for scenario and have fun.

I don't understand why people make suggestions for something that is not broken. WAR has always been a team-based game. It means you have to be a group of six to maximize your success in scenarios. If you chose to play alone, or in a smaller group you minimize your odds. Btw this would help players who already made an effort to build a 2/2/2 group, so with 4 premade groups in scenarios, it would be a matter of skill/effort and not of luck.

Why are people so shy and lazy to communicate and coordinate with each other?

Not everyone wants to coordinate a group to play scenarios which is why my suggestion would help mostly solo queuing players since there are probably more solo queues then premades.

I agree with you that if players did decide to go into LFG chat and find a t1, t2, t3 party for scenarios their average of successful matches would be better but not everyone playing will do this its easier and more convenient to just queue solo and have the game make your group for you but we all know the downside of solo queuing currently imbalanced groups due to same class saturation and no filtering.

Currently when you solo queue, your group is at random...meaning you could have xx amount of the same classes most of the time no healers or not enough to have a fair match against a premade group the odds are so far away for solo queuing groups we probably have a 10% win rate or lower when facing against a premade group.

Of course, premade groups aren't going to like my idea here because it would make the matches more balanced aka less winning for premades because if my suggestion was put in place each queuing type would be in a better state and then it would all come down to class skill team communication on who wins the scenario.

Currently, premades are wanting to match against solo queuing group its an easy win for them because they are going against a random group with no coordination or class planning its most of the time always going to be in the premades favor without even taking into account if they are good with the class its an insta loss right out the gate when solo que group goes against a premade.

The sad thing is currently premades are actually less efficient because currently when premades match with a random imbalanced solo queue group most of the time they .surrender at the 11 minute mark which is a waste of time. If my suggestion was put in place you would actually be playing more whole matches and getting more xp, renown and emblems there wouldn't be this downtime of them surrendering and now we got to requeue again and again. We all want fair worth while matches right? in my opinion its boring when your dominating the enemy team in scenarios at there spawn gate waiting there for the score to hit 500 or for the solo que group to surrender.

Suggestion still remains;

When solo queuing only prompt the user to join the scenario when the min and max class amount has been meet. In my original suggestion on page 1 I gave the example and said like at minimum 3 healers and max 5 so there is still a little bit of wiggle room for a skill ceiling these numbers could be changed by the devs. Right now in the game that gap is so huge this makes for these horrible not a chance to win experiences which result in the solo que group surrendering a lot and the premade group camping the spawn gate.
If you don't want to coordinate in a group it is your problem. The game is a MMORPG. Core element is to play together with other people against other people and beat them. War is never "fair".That is the main aspect in the game. If you choose to play solo, it is your decision. Why change the main aspect of the game, because people want it? There are so many other games out there that you can enjoy. It is always the same in PvP games. People start playing them and crying about it because they are not organized. If you want to win in sc, organize a group. If you want to have success in RvR, organize yourself inside a guild. If you want PvE loot look for other people with the same task. If you want to win cities, get in contact with other people or guilds. Talk to them, form alliances, and so on. These are many aspects of the game. You don't need one skill point to reach them, just a little dedication and effort ;-)

I often play in an organized group for sc. Surrender is ok, it happens not so often. Trust me, it is no fun to have random solo queuers as enemies. But more annoying is the fact, that on your own site there are the same people who join random in a scenario and complain. Often they have not talismans slotted, no pots or liniments, green equipment and implode on the first attack. They don't want to coordinate with other people, refuse to get tips, and write bullshit in the chat. When you are queueing as a 6 man and you have 2 premade against you and on your side a group full of random queuers than often you get beaten up. Why do you expect to reward such behavior? People are too lazy to organize themselves and the devs should fix it? It is like complaining about that chess is a two-player game. Look at e-sport teams. They try to accomplish a goal together. They try to get better as a team.

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Posts: 35

Re: Scenario Solo Group Issue & Suggestion

Post#34 » Tue Aug 04, 2020 3:31 pm

there is no matchmaking in t2/3 scs.

get to t4, so you have basic matchmaking.
other points were covered by others pretty much...

its an mmo, so its your decision to loose in environments like these if you decide to play solo.
Also use the .pug command and queue for it

Posts: 1295

Re: Healing & Immortality

Post#35 » Tue Aug 04, 2020 4:31 pm

MrCringe56 wrote: Tue Aug 04, 2020 12:17 am
Melekith wrote: Mon Aug 03, 2020 6:27 am
MrCringe56 wrote: Sun Aug 02, 2020 4:43 pm

As an example to my solution would be - while in the queuing process currently it just finds players and then gives you a popup to join..What I suggest is have it only give you a match if the amount of healers is equal to the min or max value or in between (min and max is subject to change). The purpose of this is to stop class saturation while giving a bit of room for some skill ceiling. So like a min of 3 and max of 5 per team so a team could have 2 more healers then the other team if 2 of the healer slots got taken by other classes.

Yes this would increase queue times but i would rather wait and get more average matches then play xx amount of horrible matches due to same class saturation issue in scenarios.
There is a much better solution to the problem you and everybody else has. It does not need any valuable time of devs to balance this problem.
1. Build a decent group of 2 tanks, 2 dps, 2 healers.
2. Join voice com and coordinate your abilities and roles.
3. Queue for scenario and have fun.

I don't understand why people make suggestions for something that is not broken. WAR has always been a team-based game. It means you have to be a group of six to maximize your success in scenarios. If you chose to play alone, or in a smaller group you minimize your odds. Btw this would help players who already made an effort to build a 2/2/2 group, so with 4 premade groups in scenarios, it would be a matter of skill/effort and not of luck.

Why are people so shy and lazy to communicate and coordinate with each other?

Not everyone wants to coordinate a group to play scenarios which is why my suggestion would help mostly solo queuing players since there are probably more solo queues then premades.

I agree with you that if players did decide to go into LFG chat and find a t1, t2, t3 party for scenarios their average of successful matches would be better but not everyone playing will do this its easier and more convenient to just queue solo and have the game make your group for you but we all know the downside of solo queuing currently imbalanced groups due to same class saturation and no filtering.

Currently when you solo queue, your group is at random...meaning you could have xx amount of the same classes most of the time no healers or not enough to have a fair match against a premade group the odds are so far away for solo queuing groups we probably have a 10% win rate or lower when facing against a premade group.

Of course, premade groups aren't going to like my idea here because it would make the matches more balanced aka less winning for premades because if my suggestion was put in place each queuing type would be in a better state and then it would all come down to class skill team communication on who wins the scenario.

Currently, premades are wanting to match against solo queuing group its an easy win for them because they are going against a random group with no coordination or class planning its most of the time always going to be in the premades favor without even taking into account if they are good with the class its an insta loss right out the gate when solo que group goes against a premade.

The sad thing is currently premades are actually less efficient because currently when premades match with a random imbalanced solo queue group most of the time they .surrender at the 11 minute mark which is a waste of time. If my suggestion was put in place you would actually be playing more whole matches and getting more xp, renown and emblems there wouldn't be this downtime of them surrendering and now we got to requeue again and again. We all want fair worth while matches right? in my opinion its boring when your dominating the enemy team in scenarios at there spawn gate waiting there for the score to hit 500 or for the solo que group to surrender.

Suggestion still remains;

When solo queuing only prompt the user to join the scenario when the min and max class amount has been meet. In my original suggestion on page 1 I gave the example and said like at minimum 3 healers and max 5 so there is still a little bit of wiggle room for a skill ceiling these number could be changed by the devs. Right now in the game that gap is so huge this makes for these horrible not a chance to win experiences which result in the solo que group surrendering a lot and the premade group camping the spawn gate.
If you queue solo and dont want to face premades queue only for the pug sc => type .pug ingame to know what is the pug sc.

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