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Good classes for pvp

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Good classes for pvp

Post#1 » Sat Mar 21, 2020 5:47 pm

Hello , new player here .

Can you tell me which ranged classes are good for pvp ?

Doesn't matter which side , because I'm still deciding .

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Re: Good classes for pvp

Post#2 » Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:08 pm

The standard answer is "pick which ever one you like", which is a good guide line. Choose by looks, cuz your gonna be looking at them (or really the back of their head) for a while. That all being said, if you want ranged and don't care about magic or physical damage types, the choices on paper are: Order: Engineer (dwarf with turrets and guns pewpew! not very mobile but solid), Shadow Warrior (elf, ranged bow and arrows thwangthwangthwang!, very mobile but class "stance dances" for optimal effectiveness; strong melee option), and Bright Wizard (human fire magic, Big Numbers!). As an option, you could also choose two of the healers, which have dps options, Arcane Mage (elf healer in traditional role), and Rune Priest (dwarf, same. Human healer is the Warrior Priest and their dps option is melee. Destruction have Sorcerer (elf, ice magic), Squig Herder (goblin with pet squig, has melee option like the SW above), Magus (human on floating disc, summons deamons that act as stationary bonuses - like the engineer above), and the healing equivalents.

To answer your question ... pick one. RvR here has so many different parts that each will have good places. Some fights are mobile, some are static, some are vs many, some are vs few. Also, make them all and try them out in T1. Get to at least level 11, and choose from there.

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Re: Good classes for pvp

Post#3 » Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:14 pm

What about melee ? Aren't they inferior to ranged classes in pvp ? I've played plenty of mmorpg and that's the main thing . You always gotta choose a class for pvp or pve , you can't have both ,atleast not optimal . I really have hard time choosing a class because I have no idea how the classes work later on .

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Re: Good classes for pvp

Post#4 » Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:00 pm

Every class is good for pvp provided you don't try to do something your class was not designed to do and you are in a group.

If you have hard time choosing one play all to lvl16 and pick one that suits your playstyle best :)
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Re: Good classes for pvp

Post#5 » Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:50 pm

I'm gonna save you a lot of headache and tell you right now that the above posters are flat out wrong.
For Order, you only have a few choices if you don't want to be useless.
Tank: KoTBS
Melee DPS: Slayer or White Lion
Ranged DPS: Bright Wizard
Healer: Warrior Priest or Rune Priest

Do not waste your time trying to play outside these classes. This is THE META. If you pick something like Shadow Warrior or Witch Hunter, you literally will not be invited to groups unless they can't find anyone else; and the instant they do find a Bright Wizard/Slayer/White Lion, you'll be kicked so that person can join.

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Re: Good classes for pvp

Post#6 » Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:55 pm

As people have said play what you enjoy, there will be eople who tell you play as x or you wont be invited to WB's etc, ive been playing melee SW and havent had problems.
Play what you enjoy the play and asthetic of, if people dont invite to a WB because of your spec or class then you prob wont have fun in that warband anyway. The point of the game is to have fun first and foremost :)

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Re: Good classes for pvp

Post#7 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:48 pm

Mystry wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:50 pm If you pick something like Shadow Warrior or Witch Hunter, you literally will not be invited to groups unless they can't find anyone else; and the instant they do find a Bright Wizard/Slayer/White Lion, you'll be kicked so that person can join.
For any new players, please note, this isn't true. The only time people care much about hardcore group comps is during city sieges. Sure, there are probably a couple groups that are extremely strict on class composition and would kick you in favor of the meta classes. However, most city sieges have anywhere from 15-30 instances, with several of them being made up of full pug groups or half-premade, half-pug groups. So out of 30 city groups, 3 of them might be hardcore strategists, and the rest falling progressively down from there.

The playerbase isn't big enough in this game for everyone to strictly adhere to the meta. There's rarely enough people online for every keep take, fort take, and city siege for every single group to be perfectly balanced. You can play any class in this game and you'll get groups no problem. Besides, if you're getting booted by a group because you're enjoying the game the way you want to and not adhering to their strict meta strategy, then they're probably not the people you want to play with anyway.

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Re: Good classes for pvp

Post#8 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:59 pm

If you want a fun class for solo play that has good sustain try arch mage on dps spec. If you are more of a grp player try bright wizard. If youre jutst here for fun try engi, i always thought they are super fun to play but not a meta pick like bw. If you like a hybrid melee range class try shadow warrior in assault spec.

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Re: Good classes for pvp

Post#9 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:15 pm

Destructions the cooler side, jus saying.

But yeah choosing by appearance is pretty smart, as the true endgame is fashion hammer.

Dont listen to what that nerd said about, "the meta" Good players make under performing classes work just as well as over performing classes.

Most class archetypes get their core mechanic at lvl 10 (tanks get guard, Heealers get rez, Melees get charge, Ranged get the ability to notice melees have charge now.) Not every class gets something defining at 10 but its a good milestone for a class. WE/WH could seem completely stupid and worthless but you get lvl 10 and poof ur invisible guy now.

It's hard to sift through the bias and misfortune of peoples experiences in this game (refer to my first sentence) but deep down if you spend some time in t1 playing some classes to level 10 you'll find one that tickles your fancy and does what you want it to do.

If you truly do want a ranged class and you don't play with other players (most people tend to walk into mmos solo now-a-days) I recommend magus or engi. Long range favors keeping distance (which is easier than kiting) and they get a simple mechanic that's easy to learn and rewarding to master. They are welcomed in all forms of content be it PvE or PvP and are pretty good at both. You can be an AoE maniac, a utility lord, or a single target sniper. A little less mobile than the sorc or BW but still fun in its own regards. Simple stat allocation too (intelligence for magus or balistic skill w/ weaponskill on the side for engineer) I don't think anyone has ever picked up these classes and thought they were boring or shitty as theyre kinda unique in warhammer. All the other ranged classes are just kinda textbook high dammy range classes where these guys have pets/turrets you summon and this gives bonuses to you if you stay in range.

My opinion of course. Also play destruction our capital city doesn't sound like helicopters 24/7!
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Re: Good classes for pvp

Post#10 » Tue Jul 07, 2020 2:36 pm

Mystry wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:50 pm I'm gonna save you a lot of headache and tell you right now that the above posters are flat out wrong.
For Order, you only have a few choices if you don't want to be useless.
Tank: KoTBS
Melee DPS: Slayer or White Lion
Ranged DPS: Bright Wizard
Healer: Warrior Priest or Rune Priest

Do not waste your time trying to play outside these classes. This is THE META. If you pick something like Shadow Warrior or Witch Hunter, you literally will not be invited to groups unless they can't find anyone else; and the instant they do find a Bright Wizard/Slayer/White Lion, you'll be kicked so that person can join.
Swordmaster would like to have a word with you.

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