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Roleplay Events and Non-PvP Roleplay

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Roleplay Events and Non-PvP Roleplay

Post#1 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:54 pm

Being as this is a PvP game designed from the ground up to support non-stop player versus player gameplay with very little downtime for PvE or other activities, when I played WAR back in 2008 I noticed that the "roleplay guilds" and RP communities actually did very little RP. This is not their fault, per se, there simply wasn't enough time to lounge around and shoot the breeze when at almost any moment there could be another fortress that needs defending or a weakness in the enemy lines to exploit, etc. However, it was deeply disappointing and it actually was one contributing factor that led to me not playing anymore after a while.

There was also the stigma that if you roleplayed, you were generally ruthlessly mocked and ridiculed by the hardcore PvP guilds and shunned from participation or targeted specifically by the enemy faction. This also helped to dissuade a lot of roleplay from happening.

Nonetheless, Return of Reckoning is a slightly different game with a slightly different crowd from the one I remember in 2008, and people seem friendlier here and the atmosphere generally more relaxed. So, as a result, I was wondering, how many RP guilds in RoR do non-PvP-related RP events? Do you ever simply take a break from doing the content to RP, or hold RP events? Interact in-character within the cities, or at specific places on the game map? Would the RP community here be open-minded toward non-PvP-related RP events? Say, dwarfen merchants arriving in Ulthuan for the first time in centuries to exchange goods with the elves? Oooor, a convention of Bright Wizards at the College in Altdorf to discuss the philosophy of Aqshy? Or would this be considered an unwanted distraction from RvR?

I know most people here have jobs and a family life and are strapped for time so they would most likely prefer to spend their game time participating in the content. That probably puts a damper on the potential for this kind of thing. But what attracts me to Warhammer first and foremost is the setting, and it's kind of tragic not to be able to explore it outside of PvP fights. Fellow RPers, share your thoughts.

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Re: Roleplay Events and Non-PvP Roleplay

Post#2 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:17 am

"The Guild Leaders Handbook" even mentiones Return of Reckoning as a nice place for Roleplayer. But it is a PvP game. Meaning sooner or later ou need to do PvP in your guild.

As for your Question. The High Elves and Dark Elves in Eternal Hosts and in the Khar-Khadar Regiment do and did pure roleplay Events in the past. And we also did a small Tavern or promotion ceremony here on the server in the Bitterstone Thunderers.

But you are right, the next keep is under siege, the next Fort is looming. People want to go and do some stuff. Thats why we usually roleplay while in pvp and while fighting and killing people.

Shittalk and name calling you will get for free here as a roleplayer. That hasn't changed.

Posts: 23

Re: Roleplay Events and Non-PvP Roleplay

Post#3 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 7:59 am

The game is about a massive globe-wide ultimate conflict between the forces of Order and Destruction. The whole world falls apart. I'd say that RvR is the ultimate RP here. You could even argue that the MMO speak we use for communicating in WBs/parties is simply a Battle Tongue developed for communication between different armies in a faction.

But yes, some dedicated RP events would be nice, too. I bet that a few dwarven or elven WBs entering the Imperial Palace in Altdorf and met by high rank imperial officers would be a sight to behold. I'd argue you'd get a lot of attention, too. Just imagine 24 IBs in low/mid tier gear marching file and rank and led by officers/generals in end game gear, next to a regiment of engineers and a bunch of slayers, each unit accompanied by several runepriests.

Posts: 12

Re: Roleplay Events and Non-PvP Roleplay

Post#4 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:17 am

I agree combine rp+pvp is the most fun, you get most out of the game imo. We Freebootaz (ork med rp-guild) roleplay alot while we pvp itz da best :D

i would love to see some rp events that involves both factions... For example duels, greenskin wb vs dwarfs wb or dark elves vs empire etc... :) let me know if this sounds good im open to help out ^^
- Gharag Grimskull, 'Un Krazy Choppa. Da Freebootaz WAAAGH!!

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Re: Roleplay Events and Non-PvP Roleplay

Post#5 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 8:28 am

The Dogs of War regularly do PvP, but also host roleplaying events every two weeks, with character sheets, music and images. Check out this topic to see a small summary of event we hosted a few months ago.

We're actively looking for more roleplayers and we're open to characters from all races - if you'd like to know more, hop in our guest Discord channel here: (link will expire after one day so contact me via a private message when it does).

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