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Debate about why Desto is how it is

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#11 » Thu May 28, 2020 5:38 pm

gurtuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 5:35 pm my own personal opinion but I hate city logging, it's basically just waiting till everyone else does all the work then showing up for reward.
Agreed. But if I think that content is both boring and doesn't give me any exclusive rewards (can get royal crests from cities alone), then I'm not doing it.

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#12 » Thu May 28, 2020 5:41 pm

Bosli wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 5:38 pm
gurtuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 5:35 pm my own personal opinion but I hate city logging, it's basically just waiting till everyone else does all the work then showing up for reward.
Agreed. But if I think that content is both boring and doesn't give me any exclusive rewards (can get royal crests from cities alone), then I'm not doing it.
with that mentality does that mean after you get full sov are you quitting? If you treat a game like a job you'll never have fun, the point of the game isn't just to get endgame gear you're supposed to enjoy the massive rvr battles and keep sieges, this game has such a unique pvp system
gorbane - choppa

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#13 » Thu May 28, 2020 5:55 pm

gurtuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 5:35 pm my own personal opinion but I hate city logging, it's basically just waiting till everyone else does all the work then showing up for reward. and you can't even use the excuse that well all I need is royals etc etc no point etc etc, a large portion of the people trying to push midzones and forts already have almost full sov, if it was up to me I'd make it so people who don't participate in the past few rvr zones won't be able to que for the city. again this is my opinion alone but yeah (:
So you think making it harder to get into cities is a good idea?

I dont care about the rewards from city it just happens to be the only content I find that compelling right now. Competitive scenarios are sometimes good, but you can queue up for a while and not get those. Cities are new and compelling.

Why should I be forced to play a part of the game I am not enjoying for ~3 hours just to play the part I do enjoy for ~45 minutes?

I enjoy RvR from time to time, but I have been doing the same basic oRvR for a long time now and its not really as good as it once was. That has more to do with the players than any design, but still.

Again I dont really care about royal crests. Just let me play the part of the game I actually enjoy more. You talk about not treating it like a job, but then also say you should have to put in the work to get to the part of the game you enjoy.

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#14 » Thu May 28, 2020 6:10 pm

imagine all the hundreds of people not In competitive guilds who push zones all day, they finally get to the city and they don't have a full 24 man or even a 12 man to join. then about 200 city loggers login who have premade 24 man's they always que with, who did 0 of the work, those new players normally do not get in the city and the people who did nothing normally do, again this is my opinion but city loggers are pretty terrible
gorbane - choppa

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#15 » Thu May 28, 2020 6:20 pm

You all just reached the same realization as other posts.On live progress got locked behind a door in this case City Sieges to get your crests or end gear. Everyone is doing as much or as little as they can to get it and all end up in the same place a body blocked door.
All points are valid the fun should be the fight eternal war is the point but if you put a shiny object out there people get frustrated when they don’t get it when or how they want and it is worse when some had a golden chance at obtaining it faster or easier than others.
I wish there was a way to train people and everyone that is present to be in comms and follow simple directions.
The forts allready have some limits in the form of if you got a reservation so should we build on that with a hard cap or something?
For cities it’s all que so not sure you can do much I mean it’s either form a WB or pug. It was brought up to create weekly city ques maybe draft a proposal on smaller scale reward city ques
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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#16 » Thu May 28, 2020 6:24 pm

the people who only login to do city's then logout don't enjoy the game they just want the best gear then they'll quit, we do have a core community that actually play the game, and the hundreds of people who login JUST for city's really is a problem
gorbane - choppa

Posts: 168

Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#17 » Thu May 28, 2020 6:26 pm

LMAO Destro are truly the most prevalent complainers on the forums and discord you can tell.

A month + goes by of destro dominating and Order takes it and then the forum post comes out.

A week of Order coming back and Destro COMPLAIN HARD LMAOOOOOO. FFS you literally can't make this up.

Literally as of posting this post Destro still have the constant pop advantage in t4 at 52% Destro and 48% Order.
Last edited by jvlosky on Thu May 28, 2020 6:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#18 » Thu May 28, 2020 6:27 pm

gurtuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 6:24 pm the people who only login to do city's then logout don't enjoy the game they just want the best gear then they'll quit, we do have a core community that actually play the game, and the hundreds of people who login JUST for city's really is a problem
Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Some people are truly just fed to play the game through personal gain and 'improvement' even if that 'improvement' is stat wise coming from gear. I don't agree with it, but I understand it. You can't be mad at people for not forcing themselves to play a way they don't want to.

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#19 » Thu May 28, 2020 6:32 pm

how mad would people get if we required people to participate in the zones leading up to a city to enter a city
gorbane - choppa

Posts: 168

Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#20 » Thu May 28, 2020 6:38 pm

gurtuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 6:32 pm how mad would people get if we required people to participate in the zones leading up to a city to enter a city

Some people, myself included, have alerts on discord just so they can drop what they are doing to progress in the game via 'City'. It is an unfortunate circumstance brought about by the way the game works but it is what it is. Considering the unpredictability and crazy nature of when cities happen many players wouldn't even be able to play the game in that state. Could you image trying to grind for 8 hours with your guild during the day to get city only to be stalemated and having to call it quits to IRL stuff and then city happens 4 hours later in off hours,and missing your one 'opportunity or ticket to enter city you earned', that would suck. The reverse would also be true, maybe you have been working your ass off in oRVR the entire week and missed every city and low and behold you are log in and are online for one but you can't enter.

I don't think that would be a good idea at all for the server population health and player retention.

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