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1500 gold for the info [CHOPPA unique APPEARANCE]

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Posts: 403

1500 gold for the info [CHOPPA unique APPEARANCE]

Post#1 » Thu May 07, 2020 7:46 am

Hello guyz!

IAM looking for some unique APPEARANCE for Choppa.

I pay 500g for minimal style shoulders something like this:Image

I pay another 500g for this helm:

I pay 500g for the chest too:

Here is the link for the items if I did a mistake:

I also pay every other unique APPEARANCE depends how much I like it from 10gold to 500g.

You can write here or send me private message.

Thank you.

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Posts: 420

Re: 1500 gold for the info [CHOPPA unique APPEARANCE]

Post#2 » Thu May 07, 2020 7:51 am

I think that's the Sun Boyz appereance but unfortunately we can't get those, the only players that can use those sets are Game Master, we can't. Maybe one day we will be able to wear those awesome appereances.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

Posts: 403

Re: 1500 gold for the info [CHOPPA unique APPEARANCE]

Post#3 » Thu May 07, 2020 8:05 am

If a GM can confirm that sad info mate I pay you 100g and IAM hoping we will can get it in the future.

My offer still exists so share me unique APPEARANCE for Choppa. And I pay depends how much I like it from 10gold to 500g.

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Re: 1500 gold for the info [CHOPPA unique APPEARANCE]

Post#4 » Thu May 07, 2020 11:13 am

This appearance is a npc appearance not available to any player
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


Posts: 403

Re: 1500 gold for the info [CHOPPA unique APPEARANCE]

Post#5 » Thu May 07, 2020 11:45 am

@Grunbag Thank you very much I searched them in lot of inf reward and drops so now I can rest a bit. Sad news IAM hoping we get it in the future.

And @Adapter I pay ofcourse like I said thank you your quick answer, writte me pm I will wait you at IC if you online


My offer still exists so share me unique APPEARANCE for Choppa. And I pay depends how much I like it from 10gold to 500g.

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