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T2 and the obvious imbalance present

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Posts: 36

T2 and the obvious imbalance present

Post#1 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:33 am

I recent picked this game up again after several months off. I played live pretty extensively and I can say I that T2 is in RoR is the worst MMO experience ive ever had. T1 at the later stages was kind of an issue because the holy trinity breaks down and healers and tank become raid bosses, but in T2....just wow. I played 26 scenarios today and I noticed a pretty concerning trend, I won 2 times out of 26 as destro. This hints at a serious class balance issue that im surprised nobody is talking about here. If this was still live the current state of the game would, at least in T2, would require an immediate hotpatch to fix the blatant bias that is apparent in this tier. I can only assume most people either stay in T1 or are max lvl and so dont deal with this issue because it seems to fly under the radar. I leveled up into T2 in a day and ive spent an entire day pvping and gained only 3 levels since hitting T2, chain Qing for scenarios. My average Scenario is getting spawncamped or losing by a factor of at least 2-1. Granted premades are a thing but come on, 26 rounds in 1 day and I find a premade 24 times out of 26? I dont think so.

I think the underlying issue here is that healers and certain melee dps on ORDER are significantly overtuned. Ive personally experienced 1 Witch hunter wipe 2 people at a node with 80% hp left over, and Bright Wizard roll up on 3 defenders and nuke all of them to death before we could get to him. Theres something not right going on in T2 and id like to see if anyone else has noticed what seems to be a game breaking balance issue at this tier.

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Re: T2 and the obvious imbalance present

Post#2 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:53 am

This is nothing new, what you experienced is probably that the opposing team had a small premade group queueing up.

Its a small server, small community, when you are queueing one after another you have a very high chance of facing the same people/premades over and over again, with the same results usually. Just a few days ago i was finishing leveling up my BW alt and it was an absolute devastation for destro for about 2 hours + a few rounds on another toon as well.

Even just a 3man of 1 dps 1 tank 1 healer can completely turn the tides in low lvl scenarios. And you don't even need to be a high level, its more about coordinaton and focus on the same targets - which works even better against unorganized team.

The answer is - group up with some people, hop into discord and coordinate.
Check forums/reddit for advice on maximizing your power/stats at low level to utilize Bolster to its full potential and you can become the same deciding force that turns SCs aroung rather quickly. The bar is pretty low for mid-tier because of large amounts of new players.
Orkni 85+ (in-game Grock is not me...)

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Re: T2 and the obvious imbalance present

Post#3 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:33 am

I think there was another thread about an Order player loosing 10/10 SCs and saying that this imbalance vs destro will lead to an order decline.

Maybe you should two should queue at the same time.
As suggessted this should lead to a rupture in the the space-time continuum.

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Posts: 36

Re: T2 and the obvious imbalance present

Post#4 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:56 am

The opposing team had premade 24 times out of 26? If thats even a possibility then why are teams allowed to Q. Other MMos have gotten rid of premades. Considering Order is looking at upwards of 85% winrate in scenarios id say this is a systemic problem.

Posts: 222

Re: T2 and the obvious imbalance present

Post#5 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:05 am

:lol: Didn't really take long did it... As has been said a million times, either ask in /5 and form a group or queue pug SC only. Type .pug to see what the pug SC is or read the chat as you log in.

Posts: 7227

Re: T2 and the obvious imbalance present

Post#6 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:43 am

Beskern wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:33 am I recent picked this game up again after several months off. I played live pretty extensively and I can say I that T2 is in RoR is the worst MMO experience ive ever had. T1 at the later stages was kind of an issue because the holy trinity breaks down and healers and tank become raid bosses, but in T2....just wow. I played 26 scenarios today and I noticed a pretty concerning trend, I won 2 times out of 26 as destro. This hints at a serious class balance issue that im surprised nobody is talking about here. If this was still live the current state of the game would, at least in T2, would require an immediate hotpatch to fix the blatant bias that is apparent in this tier. I can only assume most people either stay in T1 or are max lvl and so dont deal with this issue because it seems to fly under the radar. I leveled up into T2 in a day and ive spent an entire day pvping and gained only 3 levels since hitting T2, chain Qing for scenarios. My average Scenario is getting spawncamped or losing by a factor of at least 2-1. Granted premades are a thing but come on, 26 rounds in 1 day and I find a premade 24 times out of 26? I dont think so.

I think the underlying issue here is that healers and certain melee dps on ORDER are significantly overtuned. Ive personally experienced 1 Witch hunter wipe 2 people at a node with 80% hp left over, and Bright Wizard roll up on 3 defenders and nuke all of them to death before we could get to him. Theres something not right going on in T2 and id like to see if anyone else has noticed what seems to be a game breaking balance issue at this tier.
I find it insulting, that you come here and make such a thread, when you were told, that your char is the issue and not some realm bias.
You leveled your char mostly with pve to T2, your rr is significantly lower than your rank and your gear is pretty much trash even compared to a T1 player.
Apparently you don't want to listen and instead post a mindless rant.
Your live experience lacks any foundation, because otherwise you would know how to rank and gear up properly, your rr wouldn't be left behind but instead ahead of your rank. You wouldn't use "leveling" gear, because this is at best good for pve, not pvp. You can't fight pvp with items 11 ranks lower than your rank and no talismans at all. How shall the bolster boost your stats, when you have basically none? Those are basics since the game was released over a decade ago.
In every sc you have ppl at the top and bottom of the scoreboard.
While the scoreboard itself means nothing to judge a specific performance, it shows very well, that some ppl overall perform significantly better than others.
Ask yourself why this happens. Ask yourself why some lvl 3 healer with like 3 skills leads the scoreboard in front of rank 10+ healers.
Why some die 10 times and some once or not at all.
You are the issue, because you come unprepared to T2 pvp with your outdated items and lack of experience, because what ranks you had on live don't matter here, renown ranks are only a question of how long you play.
Dying is no option.

Posts: 337

Re: T2 and the obvious imbalance present

Post#7 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:47 am

Today its order melee op, tomorrow its destro.
All change depending who starts the daily post
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Posts: 36

Re: T2 and the obvious imbalance present

Post#8 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 6:12 pm

Sulorie wrote: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:43 am I find it insulting, that you come here and make such a thread, when you were told, that your char is the issue and not some realm bias.
You leveled your char mostly with pve to T2, your rr is significantly lower than your rank and your gear is pretty much trash even compared to a T1 player.
Apparently you don't want to listen and instead post a mindless rant.
Your live experience lacks any foundation, because otherwise you would know how to rank and gear up properly, your rr wouldn't be left behind but instead ahead of your rank. You wouldn't use "leveling" gear, because this is at best good for pve, not pvp. You can't fight pvp with items 11 ranks lower than your rank and no talismans at all. How shall the bolster boost your stats, when you have basically none? Those are basics since the game was released over a decade ago.
In every sc you have ppl at the top and bottom of the scoreboard.
While the scoreboard itself means nothing to judge a specific performance, it shows very well, that some ppl overall perform significantly better than others.
Ask yourself why this happens. Ask yourself why some lvl 3 healer with like 3 skills leads the scoreboard in front of rank 10+ healers.
Why some die 10 times and some once or not at all.
You are the issue, because you come unprepared to T2 pvp with your outdated items and lack of experience, because what ranks you had on live don't matter here, renown ranks are only a question of how long you play.
The point of the post was that the faction has a whole seemed to be performing a certain way throughout the day and I was seeing if this was just my experience or if other people noticed a lopsided winrate. The advice on updating gear was a good one and solved by a quick trip to the vendor, however none of this is about my personal performance in RvR or scens as I was able to be in the middle of the board both before and after updating my items. Your very singular focus on me being a trash player and thats why my entire experience must be bad is whats insulting and as somebody who likes this game and likes warhammer youre the exact kind of person new players shouldnt run into because you'll chase them off. A couple item level bumps on 1 guy in a scenario isnt whay an entire faction wound up going 4-35 by the end of my day playing in T2. But im sure your answer would be that we were all undergeared and not min maxed with talismans and potions and thats why we lost.

But I can see this is an unpopular opinion so ill just stop and go back to leveling up.

Posts: 102

Re: T2 and the obvious imbalance present

Post#9 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:59 pm

@Sulorie: is there a guide out there that goes over how bolster works? I thought it only worked on the stats on gear and didn't count talismans yet you make it sound like they're a big deal. How specifically does my lvl 16 item scale up? How will my lvl 27 item?
Is there also a guide on how to gear up from 1-39 that's pinned on the forums? Because that might also be a reason why topics like this pop up so often
Because some of the stuff you bring up is just down to poor player skill, but other stuff is game systems that might not be clear. Also you bring up gear/talismans as if they are just free for decent ones.

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Re: T2 and the obvious imbalance present

Post#10 » Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:35 pm

Honestly the biggest issues are people not reading chat and balancing parties. Not gear, not level. People just don't want to coordinate or play objectives, then QQ when they lose 90% of scenarios. I was doing T2/T3 scenarios today. Rolled order in a few and got rolled in a couple others but only because people were playing dumb...
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