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What is the state of PvE?

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Posts: 2

What is the state of PvE?

Post#1 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:42 am

So, in the original WAR i loved PvE. I mean I liked the pvp too but i lived for just the world, pve,pqs, exploration, and dungeons. Last time i tried RoR like forever ago, PQ's beyond easy were impossible and level 20 heros ate level 40s for breakfast. Is it still like this or is it closer to original?

Posts: 445

Re: What is the state of PvE?

Post#2 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:57 am

The vast majority of PQs are functional now, and there are quite a few instanced dungeons like the Sewers, Gunbad, I understand there's some kind of tunnel system in Altdorf but I've never been there. So yes, PvE exists now. It gives pretty good gear for certain classes, too.

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Re: What is the state of PvE?

Post#3 » Mon Mar 30, 2020 5:01 am

It's pretty fine now. Some Quests/Dungeons are /get buggy from time to time, but they get fixed pretty quick. Also many questareas got a rework or optimization in their "questflow" aka less useless travel time between them.
Epic Quests got reworked and are fun Imho.
PQs work in 99% of cases and got finetuned in difficulty last year i think.
From time to time new exploration stuff and achievements get added. You can get enough trophies, bestial tokens, titles, fashion gear, whatever to spend some time chilling.

I like the actual PvE.

Posts: 2

Re: What is the state of PvE?

Post#4 » Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:31 am

I was referring more to the fact that anything higher than a normal npc seemed to have their stats/hp/dmg jacked up 100x higher than they were in vanila making it almost impossible to enjoy PvE content without an army behind you. Like in vanila you could go into sewers or gunbad and wreck shop at level 40. or doing Hard PQs no sweat. In RoR when i stopped playing, a level 20 hero would make short work of a level 40.

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