Recent Observations

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Recent Observations

Post#1 » Tue May 12, 2015 2:54 pm

READ: From what I have been personally experiencing.

I would have to agree that the Order / Destro ratio swings throughout the day, however the scenario balance, regardless of the time of day, is grossly imbalanced in favor of order for the last 2 weeks. Additionally, I have experienced that people are becoming more and more greedy and disrespectful to others. It seems as if people have forgotten what stage of the game we are in, and what our purpose is. Your hoarding of items and outrageous prices leaves me to believe that applications should have been submitted for alpha testers. While I am thrilled that WAR is alive again, and am very grateful for the work that has been done thus far, I can only hope that a gear and gold wipe will come quick and swiftly. I will honestly admit that I don't have much experience playing on free servers such as this, but I don't think it really matters weather it's free or not. It doesn't give people carte blanche to act like spoiled kids who live in mommy and daddy's basement for free. Maybe i am getting too old for this ****....but if I could be granted one super natural power on this earth, it would be to have the ability to reach through a computer screen or phone line and choke the living **** out of asshats. Stay thirsty my friends...

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Re: Recent Observations

Post#2 » Tue May 12, 2015 7:35 pm

is grossly imbalanced in favor of order for the last 2 weeks.
Personally i keep seing absolutely opposite state of business.
[RU]GreenFire. //Grimward/Albiona/Edwin/many others

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Re: Recent Observations

Post#3 » Tue May 12, 2015 7:58 pm

While i do agree that the sc player pop per faction does vary a lot it dosnt seem like its ALWAYS skewed towards ordo

as far as gear goes though, yes its EXTREAMLY painful now every one is holding on to items espically shoulders and belts, destros ah is almost bone dry of gale and bloody gear fr quite a few classes, the last shoulders i saw for choppa were in the ah for 70g or something its very painful trying to compete in scs with lack luster gear that just dosnt cut it vs the more twinked out ordo players combine that too with ordos annoying habit of playing only range and healers and just blowing their unbreakable aoe root and walking away casually all the while your armor is being debuffed for 297 or something so your taking damage like crazy, this is a bad time to be an mdps class

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Re: Recent Observations

Post#4 » Tue May 12, 2015 8:12 pm

As I am reading this, Destro 57% Order 43%
Soulcheg wrote:Want mirrored classes - play chess.
Genisaurus wrote:You are not entitled to Best-in-Slot gear just because you log on.

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Re: Recent Observations

Post#5 » Tue May 12, 2015 8:15 pm

Order are (for me) usually the side that wins scenarios by a percent of 5% more than Destro.

But that's just my opinion.
Sephanol - Chosen || Saora - Magus

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Re: Recent Observations

Post#6 » Tue May 12, 2015 8:38 pm

I've won more battles on Order than lost for sure. But usually it's dictated by how many healers each side has. Still, Destro is not afraid to smash my beard into the floor when given the opportunity.

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Re: Recent Observations

Post#7 » Tue May 12, 2015 8:46 pm

SC balance changes with the wind. Gear hording on the other hand, I don't quite understand why people do this.

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Re: Recent Observations

Post#8 » Tue May 12, 2015 8:49 pm

Sometimes the realm that has fewer players logged in has more in scenario, because the other side is doing more lairs, RVR lakes, etc. If one side is badly outnumbered, I try to change sides to help the underdog. But still it's an imperfect process - sorry you are experiencing disrespectful players. I think most are very supportive of this Alpha, but sometimes the bad apples come across the "loudest." Only advice is: don't let it get to you...

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Re: Recent Observations

Post#9 » Tue May 12, 2015 10:14 pm

I suggest rolling a healer-type if your experiencing scenario inbalances. My two top toons are Zealot and Shaman. Maybe I'm just amenable to healing, but you'll get plenty of help if you just spam /advice mentioning that you're heals. You have to get 5-6 scenarios going sometimes to lure people out, but it's not like an lol game that takes 35 minutes. Then when a few more heals show up you can re-log the toon you're interested in.

As far as gear goes I'll admit I was super naive about things like crafting vis a vis salvaging. I have a lot of savanged/gale-runner gear that I'm putting on the auction house now for cheap. Most of this is not shoulders and helms, those things I got on the AH right away, doesn't make sense to save gear with real stats for salvaging. This might not amount to much as it will all be gone soon, but I personally don't overcharge for gear. I've farmed a good share and I believe my prices have been fair, excepting the 22 gold I charged for bloody pauldrons I think all the gear I sold was under 10 gold.

There is spam and more spam for trades, but I never respond to such. The auction house is the place to buy and sell.
Fley - Zealot Domoarigobbo - Shaman
Squid - Squig Squit - B.O.
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Re: Recent Observations

Post#10 » Tue May 12, 2015 10:55 pm

wait for the gear/gold wipe and t2 update, competing in the game is nearly impossible for new players right now unless you want to grinds hours a day for weeks

you simply won't be able to get hold of the gear you need to compete and for some reason, some players and groups just hoarded so much high level t1 gear that they now dominate all pvp

wait for wipe, game is basically impossible to get into right now if you're not a fan of losing

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