[DoK] Healing spec guide.

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Posts: 259

[DoK] Healing spec guide.

Post#1 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:44 pm

With the influx of new players and possibly returning ones i decided to make an easy to access guide to my main class and would hope that other veteran/advanced players do the same, for theirs. Anyhow this guide is specifically for the Dark Rites otherwise known as chalice specialisation, which is a staple of any serious WB to have at least once, in the group, as the on paper most powerful aoe healer.

In game i'm Sheverta rr80 DoK dedicated to the art of healing and organised roleplay as part of Kar Khadath Regiment. I face Bombling/Zunig Warbands, in city sieges on fairly regular basis, with The Nobodies's warbands.

While leveling:
Get the best you can, for your current level, from the medallion vendors(currency you gain in open rvr) and weapons from the emblem(currency of scenarios) ones. Don't forget to buy supplementary pieces from renown vendors. The stats you are looking for are Healing Crit>Healing Power>Wounds>Will>etc defensive stats. Str is for other specs and int is entirely useless.

Skip Vanquisher tier it takes too long to grind and by the time you would get it you will be well on your way to full invader, which is better. Use Conqueror(Trade down Vanq tokens since you do not need them) or get into ch22 groups for onslaught set, as a max level stepping stone set before Invader/Sov.

Endgame gear:

Head: Invader
Shoulders: Invader
Chest: Invader
Back: Sovereign
Boots: Invader
Belt: Invader
Hands: Invader

Jewel1: Genesis Remnant of the Curative(you get tokens from bags in orvr)
Jewel2: Invader
Jewel3: Genesis Fragment of the Curative(You get tokens from bags in orvr)
Jewel4: Sovereign

Before you get that Winds Impervious set is very good and easy to get. https://wiki.returnofreckoning.com/inde ... Impervious

Weapons: Xiphos/chalice of the Subjugator will do nicely once you get them from bags. Apostle's Xyphos/Chalice of Tyranny/Anathema are technically better, however you need to grind 1500 Conqueror Emblems and 1500 Oppressor Emblems to get both. For referrence you get 6 or less out of a scenario depending on how well your team does.

Always use wounds. Point for point the best defensive stat you can get, because it offers health and you generally need at least 8k to have a chance to survive a morale bomb(People stacking their area of effect damaging morale abilities to create a huge burst of damage, but more on that later). (1200-2000ish unmitigatable damage per Damage Dealer.)

Lasting Potion of Discipline(Willpower) or it's blue counterpart
Lasting Stanchion Ungent(Armor) or it's blue counterpart
The best healing pot you can get(saves lives and uptime on your heals)

Here i will go into detail instead of the usual link, because some things need explaining.

Put all the points you can into the Dark Rites tree.

Khaine's Bounty tactic - amazing boost to your survivability. Take as soon as you can.

Soul Shielding - An amazing groupwide shield, with a reasonable CD. Take as soon as you can.

Restored Motivation - AP pump for your party. Not great this will generally be the last point you ever put into the dark
rites path. It's use is nishe even in high end endgame.

Khaine's Vigor - Incredible Instant cast hot for your whole party and counts as single target on each of them for the purposes of interactions Take as soon as you can.

Efficient patching- Literally half the reason people take you into a wb Take as soon as you can.

Khaine's Refreshment- unlimited targets rubbish numbers Literally only useful when leeching off other WBs and another menber of
the take last club.

Thousand and One Dark Blessings - Massive boost to defensive stats basically on par with tank m4s Take as soon as you can.

After this point, when all the Dark Rites tree points are full you will want to put the rest into Sacrifice and take Pillage Essence. It Drains enemy AP and gives you SE.

This depends a bit and a lot of people have their own build. Here is what i use:

Spiritual Refinement(Healing Crit) up to the max
Vigor(Wounds) up to the max
Reflexes the last remaining point of rr80.

For healing numbers under high pressure

Terrifying Aura - AoE detaunt... a must have for them pesky DDs focusing you
Discipline - Extra willpower. Not the best scaling stat, but you're on a crunch and need all you can get
Fueled Actions - Extra Soul Essence, when being focused/hit by stray aoe
Efficient Patching - Makes your cleanse affect the whole party a must have.

General use
Terrifying Aura - same as above
Efficient Patching - same as above
Khaine's Bounty - Helps you survive longer
Restored Motivation- No use for you, but your ap hungry team will thank you.(can swap for Fuelled Actions if your team has a chosen/shaman running their own)

Morale 1 - Doesn't really matter too much Divine Favor works well enough to save an out of group target, in emergency. Drain Life has pretty solid single target damage/heal, but it's very situational and you don't really use either in a wb.
Morale 2 - Always use Rampaging Syphon it can top up your whole group from the brink of death and does a respectable 600 damage, for helping out with bombing
Morale 3 - I generally use Universal Confusion It does 1200 damage, if your group is calling for bomb, you have m3 and your party is full.
Morale 4 - Thousand and one dark Blessings basically gives a defense boost on par with tank m4, but does so through defensive stats.

Morale Bombing is, when leader calls for everyone to use their area of effect morales on the same spot at the same time hopefully bursting or severely harming the enemy warband/blob(tightly sticking together group) Only real way to survive it is to have enough hp, which is why i reccommend so much wounds.


Healing Rotation
When combat begins use Soul Shielding and Khaine's Vigor, when those are on cooldown use Khaine's Embrace. Whenever you see debuffs on your allies use Patch Wounds. Single Target heals are rarely worth the gcd/SE, unless you really need someone in another party alive.

Restoring soul essence
The Blood Offering - Long channel, which is easy to spot and interrupt. As such it's only really used when no enemies are near you.
Essence Lash - Bread and Butter SE restoration spell, which generally works on mid range. You pretty much always use this to restore your SE. It scales, with the number of enemies hit.
Pillage Essence - Use on a mdps who pressures you or enemy runies near you. It Drains AP and proportionally gives you SE.

Positioning in fights
First off listen to your warband lead. Don't use this guide to justify not listening to them.

Generally you will want to be, in the mid-back range(close enough to use EL, far enough to avoid splash around tanks), whilst keeping reasonable distance from the other Healers to prevent you both from getting killed by enemy stacking aoe, if you are under pressure do your best to survive via detaunt, pots, hots and such, whilst kiting them toward your damage dealers/tanks. Important thing to remember is that Essence Lash and Pillage essence nullify detaunt so use them before the detaunt, if you have to. The detaunt is 100% uptime, if you use it on cooldown, which is 15s)

I hope that this guide proves, at least a little useful/insightful to new or returning players. And offers them, if nothing else a point to start and develop for themselves. If you are an experienced DoK player and think that you have an alternate or better build and insights I've overlooked or don't know myself please put it in the comments.
Last edited by sighy on Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [DoK] Healing spec guide.

Post#2 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:47 pm

the main stats for surviving is crit reduction and init... And wound talis are probly the worst choice...
Elizerain Thex

Posts: 259

Re: [DoK] Healing spec guide.

Post#3 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:17 pm

Drekan wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:47 pm the main stats for surviving is crit reduction and init... And wound talis are probly the worst choice...
Those can't help you against a morale bomb and crit reduction/init only rly works for tanks, who can stack a lot of it. Same goes for toughness.

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Posts: 62

Re: [DoK] Healing spec guide.

Post#4 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:25 pm

True against moral bomb
Elizerain Thex

Posts: 1

Re: [DoK] Healing spec guide.

Post#5 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:46 pm

This is just what I wanted to find, thank you very much Sighy!

Posts: 1430

Re: [DoK] Healing spec guide.

Post#6 » Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:25 pm

sighy wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:17 pm
Drekan wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 3:47 pm the main stats for surviving is crit reduction and init... And wound talis are probly the worst choice...
Those can't help you against a morale bomb and crit reduction/init only rly works for tanks, who can stack a lot of it. Same goes for toughness.
As a dok with -10% to be crit from items alone (2 vanq/3 healer genesis/gunbad diamond), crit reduction/init works very fine for nontanks.
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Posts: 7

Re: [DoK] Healing spec guide.

Post#7 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:54 am

Is the cripple covenant worth switching to from time to time or should I always have the armor one up?

Also how are you getting Pillage Essence and also all of the dark rites tree (without khaine's refreshment) Am I supposed to drop restored motivation for Pillage Essence?

Posts: 259

Re: [DoK] Healing spec guide.

Post#8 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:39 am

Lyesea wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:54 am Is the cripple covenant worth switching to from time to time or should I always have the armor one up?
Thank you, for reminding me i will edit it in.

To answer your question.
Covenant of Tenacity is great when your party does not have armor potions, because the effect is equal to a green one, in the endgame, however very few players use those whilst leveling so it can be really useful then.

Covenant of Celerity is only really used by this build, when you are the second healing DoK depending on agreement, with the other one. (Some people prefer this and put their secondary mastery points into Torture instead of Sacrifice)

Covenant of Vitality is your bread and butter, which you want to and are expected to run pretty much always, in max level warbands/parties and general endgame. It's also the reason i say you shoul put the overflow mastery points into Sacrifice tree.
Also how are you getting Pillage Essence and also all of the dark rites tree (without khaine's refreshment) Am I supposed to drop restored motivation for Pillage Essence?
You get more mastery points as your renown rank increases. rr80 is the breakpoint when you stop getting any kind of points, but start to unlock special dyes.
Last edited by sighy on Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 7

Re: [DoK] Healing spec guide.

Post#9 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:42 am

sighy wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 4:39 am
Lyesea wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 3:54 am Is the cripple covenant worth switching to from time to time or should I always have the armor one up?
Thank you, for reminding me i will edit it in.

To answer your question.
Covenant of Tenacity is great when your party does not have armor potions, because the effect is equal to a green one, in the endgame, however very few players use those whilst leveling so it can be really useful then.

Covenant of Celerity is only really used by this build, when you are the second healing DoK depending on agreement, with the other one. (Some people prefer this and put their secondary mastery points into Torture instead of Sacrifice)

Covenant of Vitality is your bread and butter, which you want to and are expected to run pretty much always, in max level warbands/parties and general endgame. It's also the reason i say you shoul put the overflow mastery points into Sacrifice tree.

That makes sense thanks

Posts: 337

Re: [DoK] Healing spec guide.

Post#10 » Wed Mar 11, 2020 5:59 am

Just jave to say this looks fine. But covenant of celerity is the only one you should use.
Only reason to use another is if 2 doks in party or you are doing pve.
After playing order as guild alot recently, i miss being 20% faster as destro 😭
That slow is just to good.
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