At loss chosing a class after reading the forum and playing in T1

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Posts: 8

At loss chosing a class after reading the forum and playing in T1

Post#1 » Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:23 am

Hello there.
Just jumped the nostalgia train and installed the game.

I'm pretty set playing Order since I played Destro on live but open to suggestion anyway.

As said in title I read the forum already and the posts about newer players and whatnot but I stand not finding anything that appeals more than "X is better than Y because numbers". I feel like I have zero impact w/e I'm doing and playing.

Untill now I tried RP, Kotbs and BW.
So I'm still into T1 and I know it's a shitfest but it's frustrating.
When I go with the RP and get no peel.
When I play the Knight I get no help and I watch my guarded WH dive beyond the Destro respawn.
When I try some BW, I'm matched with no healers in team.

So in the end is that a suck it up situation where I should pve to get outta T1 quickly ?

Posts: 394

Re: At loss chosing a class after reading the forum and playing in T1

Post#2 » Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:43 am

get used to it, just endure t1 and after that find a decent pvp guild ; nonetheless, try leaving t1 with a relatively high renown rank (your lvl or more), so less pve more scs or rvr/box hauling.

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Re: At loss chosing a class after reading the forum and playing in T1

Post#3 » Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:06 pm

Its pretty much the Order pug experience. Most of the time tanks charge in without using guard. Healers run away when they see destro tanks are within 50 feet. And most are ignoring chat / teamwork just run with the mob. That means if ranged dps start to backpedal everyone run away and tanks die at the fronline. At least these are my experiences in T1 and SCs. In T4 I found the situation better: in my orvr fights the win:loss ratio is around 50:50. Also you can stumble upon a pug where everyone pays attention and you win but its mostly random. You can win or lose both sides. If you want to make an impact in your team stick with a tank: Order has much fewer dedicated tanks.

A counter-example: Yesterday I was playing Destro and in T1 was a good mixture of Order tanks, healers and dps and they were more coordinated than usual. We won maybe 2 scs and lost 6. So it depends whom are online that time when you play.

Posts: 47

Re: At loss chosing a class after reading the forum and playing in T1

Post#4 » Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:38 pm

I recommend Kotbs. The game play is straightforward but as a tank in SCs you have better control of the objectives and some control of enemy placement with a tactic punt. Don’t guard the diving WH if you have another option or swap guard as needed and don’t feel pressure to follow a deep dive or over extension. People need to die to learn.

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