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[Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

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[Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#1 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:43 pm

OK. Before jumping like crazy cows, this post has no other objective than to collect ideas if-perhaps-one day we try to make different and more interesting scenarios.

Your suggestion will have to follow some very simple rules :

- We can't modify/create a map > We will have to use existing content, preferably the worst scenario model.
- Our ability to change general mechanics is super limited : We must fit to the general client/server mechanics > Being realistic
- The scenario must have simple, clear and non restrictive rules (as much as possible) > We are not gonna waste months of work for 3% of community > Common sense.
- You can propose some different scenario objectives (deathmatch? Blood bowl? Invasion? ) or condions/modifiers (Inverted score? No res?, No mounts?, Npc add? Duration?), but keep in mind, the more complex it will be, the less it will be doable > Simple = Efficient
- A drawing is better than a thousand words. Do not hesitate to illustrate your proposal with examples and sketches.
-Ideally, being a little lore friendly would be a plus.

Again and to conlcude, keep in mind that, having ideas, is easy. Having solid ideas a bit more difficult. to turn a good idea into reality is generally super complicated.

Now, feel free to jump like crazy cows. :)

Posts: 64

Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#2 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:17 pm

Idea 1: War Game/Military Exercise, playing against people of your own realm. If the other realm doesn't queue up to sc, you can still play sc this way.

Idea 2: An sc where premades cannot join. Pug vs pug. Or maybe one where only premade groups can join? And no objectives, just zerging in both cases. Because some people want that.

Idea 3: An sc loosely based on Blood Bowl - take object, get object into goal zone.

Posts: 64

Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#3 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:22 pm

Idea 4: Escorting a "merchant caravan" or something from point A to point B to point C. The much-beloved escort quest, just as a scenario. It's just a question on who defends and who attacks and why.

Just throwing it out, I dunno.

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#4 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:25 pm

Use the IC Sacellum Arena map you guys have and turn it into a 6v6 Deathmatch SC (sort of like Eternal Citadel).

No objectives.
No flags.
No bombs.
No pacifying of Trolls.

You spawn behind a barrier (so you can't be spawncamped), and you enter the arena for one goal: to fight to the death.

Full wipes. Each kill gives you 20 points. Points accumulate to 500 at the end.

Winners leave with X reward, while Losers also leave with a good amount of rewards (perhaps almost on par with winning a normal SC), so that they are encouraged to keep trying & queuing for that map, instead of resorting to pug farming in the normal SC again.

Lore-ify it as such: 'Six of Order's champions have found themselves stranded in the Sacellum Arena, with no option other than to fight their way out. The Realm of Destruction calls upon Six of its own venerated warriors to dispatch of them.

Blood for the Blood God.'

Last edited by peterthepan3 on Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Posts: 35

Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#5 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:40 pm

Ok here are a few, I'm sure you can figure out which game "inspired" these ;)

Attack/Defend 1

One team attacks, other defends. Attackers have to complete simple objectives, like taking a bomb from the spawn to a wall, which then explodes, allowing them to progress. Else it might be a linear BO system, where you have to capture each BO after another in sequence.
Kills give no score. When the attackers complete the final objective, they win (score goes to 500 and match ends). If the time runs out, the defenders win (score goes to 500 and match ends).

Attack/Defend 2

"Helms Deep"
This is set on a keep or similar castle location. The defenders spawn in the castle and have to hold out until time runs out. There is some appropriate pre-placed stuff here, like cannons, plus siege towers or other contraptions that allow attackers to climb to the walls. Ram could be automatic like in forts or normal.
Defenders get no points for killing. Instead, they automatically win if the time runs out (score set to 500). Attackers get points for killing. They have to exhaust the "reinforcements" of the defenders to win (get 500 points before time runs out).


Set on a more or less open field. There are two BO's on the map, each near one team's starting point. There are also two PowerCores, one for each team, located even nearer the team's starting point. The PowerCore is an immobile and passive monster. If both BO's are controlled by a team, the enemy's PowerCore becomes vulnerable to attack.
A team's score is proportional to the amount of health the enemy's PowerCore has left, so when it dies, the other team automatically wins. If the time runs out, the team who has damaged the other PowerCore more wins.
The BO's can be sequential (must capture preceding one first to capture the second) or freely captureable at any time.

Pics for all 3:

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Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#6 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:45 pm

i would suggest to use Stonetroll crossing and thunder valley as map, cuz both suck and no one would miss them

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Posts: 140

Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#7 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:59 pm

eisenhans wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 1:22 pm Idea 4: Escorting a "merchant caravan" or something from point A to point B to point C. The much-beloved escort quest, just as a scenario. It's just a question on who defends and who attacks and why.

Just throwing it out, I dunno.
this sounds like such a cool idea, I had never thought about a pvp escort quest but i feel as though it could fit in very well, honestly two seperate scenario instances would be cool and somewhat convenient although more effort.

You could even have one scenario be something like "Ekrund supply line", for Order. And something like "Shadowlands supply run", for Destruction. (Just an example) The goal would be for players to know what position they're playing upon reading the name of the Scenario. Or a premade/trio/duo could que for just one if they prefer it, leaving some flexibility for a scene that would require some objective play.

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Posts: 281

Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#8 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 2:28 pm

Yaliskah wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:43 pm
We are not gonna waste months of work for 3% of community.

I’m already feeling the hype.

Posts: 54

Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#9 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:25 pm

toffikx wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 2:28 pm
Yaliskah wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:43 pm
We are not gonna waste months of work for 3% of community.

I’m already feeling the hype.
yes this part confuse me 2... does this mean we don ' t discuss potential for new premade and/or competition scenarios? just more boring flag map? :? :?

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Posts: 294

Re: [Brainstorming] Draw me a Sc.

Post#10 » Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:25 pm

I would really like to see a Bloodbowl type scenario. Cap point at either end of the map, ball set in the middle. Sc timer set to 15 minutes. Winning team is the first to score 10 "goals" or the team with the highest number of goals when the time runs out, not kill count. Kill count would only go towards renown & XP rewarded to a player at the end of a match.

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