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Pros and Cons of two currencies

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Re: Pros and Cons of two currencies

Post#21 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:33 am

Hargrim wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:07 am Yes, the SC rewards are good for the amount of effort they take to finish.
Rr45 prerequisite, 1500 emblems for a wep that is worse than purple random PvE dŕops, then a Rr61 prerequisite, and another 1500 emblems, for a 2hander that is not as good as Subjugator/Sentinel/Bloodlord weapons which are not as lengthy to get, have better procs (speed/defense/5% damage). In my view it is not worth the grind when i have so many better alternatives that are easier to get.
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Re: Pros and Cons of two currencies

Post#22 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:00 pm

th3gatekeeper wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:33 am
Hargrim wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2019 10:07 am Yes, the SC rewards are good for the amount of effort they take to finish.
Rr45 prerequisite, 1500 emblems for a wep that is worse than purple random PvE dŕops, then a Rr61 prerequisite, and another 1500 emblems, for a 2hander that is not as good as Subjugator/Sentinel/Bloodlord weapons which are not as lengthy to get, have better procs (speed/defense/5% damage). In my view it is not worth the grind when i have so many better alternatives that are easier to get.
Some classes don't have the luxury of Subj.

DPS AM/Shaman only have a healing Subj weapon, gutslime is a healing weapon, and their rr45 weapon is also pretty bad compared to the 61 one (the 39 one being arguably a better alternative to the 45).

So, it's either 1500 dom + 1500 Opp 61 weapon, or 39 officer emblem. lol.

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Re: Pros and Cons of two currencies

Post#23 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:18 pm

Need to get the weekly warfronts in from live so you can get weekly decay item rewards for doing a little bit of pve and a little bit of scs. That used to break up the grind.

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Re: Pros and Cons of two currencies

Post#24 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:45 pm

RvR is only worth the time rp-wise over SC, when you have aao bonus and can get preferably solo kills or roam in a small group with high aao. Just a small part of the playerbase can even do this, while mostly the rest plays in unorganized warbands with bad setups and gets single or double digit rewards for kills. Compared with those warband players, sc offer better rewards, especially when you run groups to turn the odds in your favour.
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Re: Pros and Cons of two currencies

Post#25 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:55 pm

Natherul wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:21 am people will then take the path of least resistance and skip content.
can I know why you care about if people skip some content or not?
isn't it, their decision which content they want to play and which content they want to skip?
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Re: Pros and Cons of two currencies

Post#26 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:58 pm

Isn’t it players decision if they want instant R40RR80 full bis characters the moment they enter the game or not?

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Re: Pros and Cons of two currencies

Post#27 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:07 pm

The grind to finish SC sets win or lose wouldn't be so bad if the rate the scs pop was much higher. My experience is based around NA play time though so that could be part of the problem but I do remember a time on this server where SCs popped almost as soon as you hit that que button.

Currently i find the wait to be between 5mins up to 15 or 20 mins sometimes. If you are going for oppressor the higher priced pieces can take 40+ wins to get just one piece. So if say average wait time is 10 mins per match plus 10mins to play said match. That means that it takes 13hours of straight wins to get one piece of oppressor during NA time and that is being generous with wait time. I am not saying we should be getting the gear for free but it is a lot slower to get SC gear vs just about anything else we can get in the game right now.

I would say maybe increase medal drops for kills in SCs promoting more fighting even if players are losing the SC objectives. Right now if it is a steam roll players just give up making the Sc grind even worse.

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Re: Pros and Cons of two currencies

Post#28 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:16 pm

I do agree with mostly previos speaking. The overall result of SC is sadly not worth trying to main as they best way to lvl RR and to gear out your toon. For me, there are following reasons not to focus on SC in RoR as i do on live in AoR:
1. absolutely poor SCpops
2. way more grind for comparable (better) gear
3. mostly, in my experience, its top or flop... what leads to about 50% waste of time

All this leads further to point 1. don't get me wrong. i would love to play more with insta SCpops for 10minls of good or bad luck. but won't waste my time with actual state of SC.
additionally playing SC won't lead me to better fort contribution that i need for invader.

maybe just try to make SCs more attraktive could be an solution. will hope you don't do this while downgrading other stuff ingame to promote SC gear-stuff

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Re: Pros and Cons of two currencies

Post#29 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:26 pm

Yes, adding more emblem drops from dead players will for sure add incentive to the objective oriented gameplay.

Oh, wait...

Posts: 350

Re: Pros and Cons of two currencies

Post#30 » Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:41 pm

Hargrim wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:26 pm Yes, adding more emblem drops from dead players will for sure add incentive to the objective oriented gameplay.

Oh, wait...
Then think about lowering the amount of Opp tokens needed (again), or expanding options for gear acquisition for the specs that don't have well plotted out gear progression paths.

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