Despicable behavior

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Re: Despicable behavior

Post#51 » Fri May 31, 2019 5:10 pm

I think what was frustrating for OP and others was that folks spent a lot of time and energy fighting in a zone, and then 1/2 to 1/3 of your army just decides to throw in the towel for no real reason. Especially if they "carry zones" its demoralizing on an already demoralized faction...

If the goal is to just get invader medals, then by that logic, why should dest put up a fight in any zone? Let order steamroll to the fort with 0 opposition so we can just do fort defense more often.
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Re: Despicable behavior

Post#52 » Fri May 31, 2019 5:11 pm

I wish you all guys show your in game names after posts liek this :D |Some more target on my list. FMJ is like the only guild atm [except when TUP unleash their full power] that make rvr competetive and organised.|

I hate ya FMJ :P|

In same time respect to ya FMJ to stand against us order when no one else does and picking your fights wisely.

With current fort system both sides quite often do some nasty stuff just to get to fort :P

/end drama now
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Re: Despicable behavior

Post#53 » Fri May 31, 2019 5:21 pm

Drys wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 5:10 pm I think what was frustrating for OP and others was that folks spent a lot of time and energy fighting in a zone, and then 1/2 to 1/3 of your army just decides to throw in the towel for no real reason. Especially if they "carry zones" its demoralizing on an already demoralized faction...

If the goal is to just get invader medals, then by that logic, why should dest put up a fight in any zone? Let order steamroll to the fort with 0 opposition so we can just do fort defense more often.
Being frustrated and dissapointed on your allies is main part of this game ;)

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Re: Despicable behavior

Post#54 » Fri May 31, 2019 5:28 pm

>b..but every guild does this
>gear doesn't smell
>it forces me to afk anyway
>a..and my selfinterest only matters
ME-ME-LOOTNOW generation and other apologists are the best, epic thread
Last edited by Scrilian on Fri May 31, 2019 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Despicable behavior

Post#55 » Fri May 31, 2019 5:28 pm

To all you FMJ fanbois, here's some info:

Throwing a zone just for a fort is a **** idea, no matter which way you look at it. Here's an idea for you then, let's all just fight separate empty zones, and both realms can pve their way to fort. Or better yet, lets all just play on 1 realm. Shall I set up a poll so we can vote which realm we will all be moving to?

Oh, you want to make the argument that FMJ did it for better gear? So yesterday after the mass of players logged off, FMJ did come back to Black Crag and threw the zone like they planned. Then they went to fort and lost. So they threw the zone, and lost. Lol. So much for preventing order from gearing, eh? :roll: :roll:
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Re: Despicable behavior

Post#56 » Fri May 31, 2019 5:29 pm

So you had the option to have an organized Destro guild warband help you defend fortress, and in the process earn Invader medals, possibly even bags (very rare option for Destro considering usual Order bag zerg steamroll blob) - and you fools decided you'd rather funnel a keep, for which reward is maybe finishing another set of genesis, random t4 trash jewels, more unlimited conq medals or 14th subju weapon from purple bag... wow.
I'd say you shot yourself in the foot, but it's more like you just decided to amputate your own head instead.

FMJ are one of the few good reliable Destro warbands out there. some random pug guild calling them out is pretty absurd as it is.

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Re: Despicable behavior

Post#57 » Fri May 31, 2019 5:30 pm

not a single mention of Zaxxed in a Despicable Behavior thread? Pssht... fake news.

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Re: Despicable behavior

Post#58 » Fri May 31, 2019 5:34 pm

Aurandilaz wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 5:29 pm So you had the option to have an organized Destro guild warband help you defend fortress, and in the process earn Invader medals, possibly even bags (very rare option for Destro considering usual Order bag zerg steamroll blob) - and you fools decided you'd rather funnel a keep, for which reward is maybe finishing another set of genesis, random t4 trash jewels, more unlimited conq medals or 14th subju weapon from purple bag... wow.
I'd say you shot yourself in the foot, but it's more like you just decided to amputate your own head instead.

FMJ are one of the few good reliable Destro warbands out there. some random pug guild calling them out is pretty absurd as it is.
Not everyone can get into fort or can use invader, so there are people who might want that useless gear. One solution could be to make the T2 pairings open only to lvls 16-39. Then the T3/T4 pairings can all be 40s that can get into fort.
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Re: Despicable behavior

Post#59 » Fri May 31, 2019 5:35 pm

DanielWinner wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 3:38 pm
Abe wrote: Fri May 31, 2019 3:30 pm Sooooooooooo if a high level order character allows me (destro) to kill him over and over again to raise my realm rank level that would be the "smart" thing to do and clearly according to many posters. No you say, but it is ok to lay down on more global scale. It is the same thing folks
There are different things. You tried to interpreted it as like destro should have gone there and died feeding order something so fort would happen (actually that's what destro did -- in some way -- wasted time feeding order renown and stuff so they also could get a winnable fort later). But in fact it was the same as like basic tactic of not engaging 1v5 and die 10 times in a row trying to get some objective but postpone a fight and win it with much higher chances. I know, it's a hard concept and we have players that do first thing on a constant basis.

just curious, about feeding.
what if u have to die 100 more times to break bottom funnel and win fort, is it feeding enemy?
one time you won fort but enemy got 200 more kills.
another time you almost killed lord but failed due to timer. K/D was same 200 more on enemy.
which one is the feeding?
same question can be asked to keep battle.

in consequentialism, ( yea i searched dictionary ) right wrong is easy and clear.
but without knowing result, you just do your best.
sometimes result can be reversed. more often in game than RL.
it's one of reasons ppl kept fighting, i think.
maybe brain knew that farming fort was better but heart didn't allow it.
it may look like realm pride but can't blame playing with heart.

'not fighting' is hard concept in pvp i agree.
look at the ppl chasing red into WC ignoring objectives...
maybe i should forgive them for their heart.
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Re: Despicable behavior

Post#60 » Fri May 31, 2019 5:46 pm

You lose all intensive if you stop to play > to trade.

Many here log in this game to have an epic battle.

You can't have "rock", "epic"... if you think for gear first, your mind is biased and the battles will be biased OR the battle does not take place... what a deception, why we play this game ?
Your realm mates in a war game need trust and brotherhood.

Trading a zone, losing a battle to win gear or something is not a normal habit in a game or in real life and I don't speak about realm pride or roleplaying; Is just about others players playing with you, they can not have any trust in you in the future.

How in future if on the chat WB, /2, /t4 you speak or give informations players will believe in you when you will say "push", they will think its a trap that guy need gear for his other toon or something like that... that all.
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