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Rune of Binding / Aethyric Shock

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Posts: 11

Rune of Binding / Aethyric Shock

Post#1 » Sun Jan 06, 2019 6:09 pm

1. Problem

Rune of Binding / Aethyric Shock applies a stagger for 6 seconds on 100 feet range. Because of the range and duration Rune of Binding / Aethyric Shock is over performing in rvr and because of this ability rune priest/zealot is a must have in 6vs6.
With 100 feet range the caster has no „risk“ and with 6 seconds of stagger duration - a high reward.

Short RVR analysis
With 100 feet range it is pure luck if you are able to disrupt this ability. Often you have the problem that you are already in range before you even have an overview of the situation (sometimes because of the server lag enemy appears from a thin air) and before you are able to decide if you want to fight. After the stagger is applied it is nearly not possible to kite because victim is standing long enough for an easy follow up cc. So 100 feet stagger doesn’t force the fight but instead it decides the result of fight in most cases.

Short 6vs6 analysis
In 6vs6 situation you are able to take another healer or dd out of the game for 6 seconds without that you have to risk and be on a front line (you can circle around it). Another point is that you are not able to avoid los on every map and it is a single spell that force you to hide all time. So only the existance of rp/zealot is force enemy healers to hide constantly.
You also have the problem that RP / Zealot is able to afford to move constantly during fight without losing much heal outcome. But enemy healers just because of his presence need to constanly avoid los which leeds to reduction of their heal outcome.

2. Solution

Lower the range. I would suggest 50 or 65 feet.

50 feet
On 50 feet RP / Zealot is still able to use the stagger as a defense against meele. Against caster Zealot has still 100 feet aoe silence and RP 100 feet single silence + Detaunt.

65 feet
On 65 feet RP / Zealot could still use the stagger against max. fetch/pull range. With that runepriest would be still the only order healer class that have the possibility to prevent pulls by his own (destro healrs can stagger, knockdown, snare white lion's pet to avoid fetch).

3. Result

Even with 50 / 65 feet range you can use this ability defensive in every situation that you could use it before. To use it offensive you will need a bit more effort and have some risk. You can still force a fight in rvr with dismount target with other 100+ feet abilities/dots. People who get attacked have still the possibilty to kite and change to better positions.

4. Follow Up

After changing the range we can watch how this skill envoled. The next step could be to reduce the duration. The question here is - if a healer class needs one of the longest stagger (beside moral 3 stagger of sorc/bw) on range in a time where we removed RR CC Immunity abilities with 20 second cooldown.


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