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Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Post#1 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:17 pm

Hi all!

Was hoping to spark some friendly discussion about Giantslayer speccing, particularly tactics.

I am right now using Brute Force, Wild Gambit, Flanking, Violent Impacts. I like the build, but I want to try running Power Through in lieu of Violent Impacts to be see if I'll have higher sustained damage.

Somone told me that they favor Breaking Point (15% Crit Chance) over Flanking for 2h spec. It seems to be that a flat 15% damage increase from sides/back is superior to 15% crit, but I might be missing something?

I could try to make a build that skips Brute Force and uses Breaking Point, Wild Gambit, Flanking and Power Through and sacrifice Weapon Skill to keep STR at 1050.

It should also be said that I don't currently have Subjugator 1h weapons. When I do have them both I will probably just go Skaven.

Thoughts on GS builds or Slayer builds in general?

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Re: Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Post#2 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:51 pm

I mained Giantslayer for over 6 years and quit with the recent changes from Azarael as i no longer enjoy the tree. I can still try to give some input.
Power Through used to work perfectly in tandem with the old Spellbreaker as it made for a very AP-efficient spec and had great synergy with Push for more.
With the the new Spellbreaker it is hard to still justify the tactic and i'd rather use Violent Impacts now. The new iteration of VI is a brilliant design.
Breaking Point is a bad tactic and i would remove it if i reworked Giantslayer. I'd rather slot Flanking or Stoutness of Stone depending on the situation. Push for more lost in value.
Unless you really really dig the 2h-aesthetics i would go dualwielding Skaven + Troll.
Grimmsch Grimnirsson (Solo 2H Slayer, 40/86)
40+: 2H-CHOPPA, AM, RP, WP, SM, IB, KotBS, WL, WH, BW, ENG, SW
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Re: Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Post#3 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:51 pm

On 2h choppa I love the crit tactic but they got a crit dmg tactic too opposed to slayer.
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Re: Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Post#4 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:11 pm

It's a weak class' even weaker spec...

If you still want to torture yourself and play this class/spec, then try to get Fierce Might as it will yield some nice spike damage. Rampage, heal debuff, Spellbreaker all mandatory, but also the only thing you can get and build yourself, there is no variation.

As for tactics: Brute Force, Wild Gambit, Fierce Might and +1 optional.
Forget Power Through as it does more harm (much more harm) than good since the changes.
Gryyw - Ironbreaker

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Re: Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Post#5 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:13 pm

Slayer is not weak.
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Re: Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Post#6 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:14 pm

Bowldancer wrote: Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:51 pm I mained Giantslayer for over 6 years and quit with the recent changes from Azarael as i no longer enjoy the tree. I can still try to give some input.
Power Through used to work perfectly in tandem with the old Spellbreaker as it made for a very AP-efficient spec and had great synergy with Push for more.
With the the new Spellbreaker it is hard to still justify the tactic and i'd rather use Violent Impacts now. The new iteration of VI is a brilliant design.
Breaking Point is a bad tactic and i would remove it if i reworked Giantslayer. I'd rather slot Flanking or Stoutness of Stone depending on the situation. Push for more lost in value.
Unless you really really dig the 2h-aesthetics i would go dualwielding Skaven + Troll.
Thanks for taking the time to reply! So afaik my current spec is what you recommend then. Except Stoutness of Stone / Flanking is situational. I actually didnt see that Spellbreaker had no cooldown before the recent patch. I would have liked to try the previous version with Push For More.

I will definitely go Skaven+Troll when I get one of the Subjugator one handers, and use the epic weapon in the offhand. I assume for Skaven build one uses Brute Force, Wild Gambit, Stoutness of Stone, Flanking ?

Posts: 10

Re: Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Post#7 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:15 pm

kmark101 wrote: Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:11 pm It's a weak class' even weaker spec...

If you still want to torture yourself and play this class/spec, then try to get Fierce Might as it will yield some nice spike damage. Rampage, heal debuff, Spellbreaker all mandatory, but also the only thing you can get and build yourself, there is no variation.

As for tactics: Brute Force, Wild Gambit, Fierce Might and +1 optional.
Forget Power Through as it does more harm (much more harm) than good since the changes.
Interesting. I hadnt considered Fierce Might at all. Is it run in Skaven spec too?

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Re: Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Post#8 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:28 pm

Fiercy Might is a mere fun tactic.
I had some very memorable fights with it where i won 1 vs 3 due to lucky crit streaks which i would have lost otherwise but it is not a consistent tactic and you are better off with more reliable tactics. It's good for a breath of fresh air now and than tho.
Grimmsch Grimnirsson (Solo 2H Slayer, 40/86)
40+: 2H-CHOPPA, AM, RP, WP, SM, IB, KotBS, WL, WH, BW, ENG, SW
Alts in T4: SHA, SH, BO, BG, CHO, MAR, WE

Posts: 630

Re: Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Post#9 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:24 am

Why the nerf on ID it went from great to ****, on single target it does the same damage like Onslaught the aoe dot.

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Re: Slayer Giantslayer Spec?

Post#10 » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:07 am

geezereur wrote: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:24 am Why the nerf on ID it went from great to ****, on single target it does the same damage like Onslaught the aoe dot.
What are Choppa saying, who have no ID in the first place?
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