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Ironbreaker stat check

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Ironbreaker stat check

Post#1 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 12:45 am

Hey fellow Dawi.

Hoping for some advice on my Ironbreaker. I currently have full WI, all Beastlord except the pocket and 2 merc. About to start the dominator grind.

I'm using 2h spec and the Splitearth axe.

Stats without buffs
Str: 445
Toughness: 455
WS: 505
Init: 252
Wounds: 732
Armour: 4150
Spirit: 714
Corp: 668
Ele: 795
Parry: 47.2

Talis: 3x18 ws, 1x 22ws, 2x18 init, 1x18 str

I'm quite happy so far as a 40/45 IB starting out but I wonder if I have too much ws? Should I be using different talismans?
Alea iacta est

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Re: Ironbreaker stat check

Post#2 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 1:16 am

Fallenkezef wrote: Sun Aug 26, 2018 12:45 am Hey fellow Dawi.

Hoping for some advice on my Ironbreaker. I currently have full WI, all Beastlord except the pocket and 2 merc. About to start the dominator grind.

I'm using 2h spec and the Splitearth axe.

Stats without buffs
Str: 445
Toughness: 455
WS: 505
Init: 252
Wounds: 732
Armour: 4150
Spirit: 714
Corp: 668
Ele: 795
Parry: 47.2

Talis: 3x18 ws, 1x 22ws, 2x18 init, 1x18 str

I'm quite happy so far as a 40/45 IB starting out but I wonder if I have too much ws? Should I be using different talismans?
In regards to talismans:
Weaponskill is entirely useless, you won't be able to stack it to a meaning level ~ what you can stack gets eaten up by various WS debuffs (albeit not as often), besides that: in terms of armorpenetration you have access to two armor debuffs (stock + M1), in terms of avoidance the gain from weaponskill (since the new-old formulas are back) is neglible (unless you go up against - literally - nothing but cloth squishies).
Initiative is a good bet regardless of what spec you are going to run, midgets have a low - if not the lowest - initiative base with 123ish(?), every bit of initiative you can get is well worth it over almost any other stat you could stack with talismans, besides wounds. Sidenote: before you invest into ctbc you'll really want to invest in initiative, without it ctbc is just a gear/rr sink with little returns.
Wounds is the way to go if all you do all day long is playing in a organized warband; ORvR large scale 24/7, as you will want to buffer for morale dumps, whereby initiative can be neglected (not entirely discarded) due to various buffs (ini buffs, multiple HtL, yadayada), reliable healers and lack of assisttrains ~ wounds can also help with the latter in small scale, but initiative is a safer bet as you are up against more sustained pressure rather than morale-powered nukes.
Strength is, for the most part, useless ~ barely any of your skills properly scale with strength, strikethrough isn't as much of an issue now anymore either (%avoidance will not care about your miniscule strikethrough gained against and by stats), you are better off just learning to strafe. (Note: Strength is being used primarily to prop up AAs on IB, and its ... quite meh, imo. You are better off investing into sustain and get the 'dps' you lose back by properly supporting [!= being easily pressured and/or killed] your guardee.)
Resistance talismans can work out well, but it's more of a niche setup should you ever enjoy the luxury of multiple BiS sets ~ you can build setups for all kinds of encounter and swap to them as the situation demands it, having a propped up resis stack setup for SC encounters against magic dps heavy compositions/matchmaking shenanigans is quite fancy.
Toughness is a stat you won't have to invest much into, the necessary bits you can get through gear/tatic/buffs, every bit past ~700 is luxury ~ a heavy toughness stack might help you if you run Rare Fortune, but I am not certain whether that whole thing is worth it (still lacking 1 piece for the +block before I slap on my RF gear to properly test stuff, the absorb proc is fancy but... dropping conq wounds proc/wounds/ctbc boni for it might be a terrible idea outside of very-large scale encounters against pugs [low damage, low pressure, giant sample size = semi-reliable bubble procs to cut down on the fluff/crits]).

Keep in mind that you have a multitude of buffs that grant you stats, you in fact cover most stats that are relevant for you and can adjust pots/gear accordingly ~ so you aren't needlessly floating stats. Then again, until you are comfortable with your buff rotations etc, you might want to float stats via gear/talismans to cut the buffs out of your rotation and put them back in, step-by-step learning how to adapt your rotations to w/e is happening.

Unless you find yourself zerged and 24/7 shattered by multiple sources, completly out of position, in a pug scenario, solo in the lakes or actively (and properly) assisted on (in which case you'll likely die either way), your active mitigation, positioning and healers should be sustain you just fine by the end of the day ~ that's when you end up getting bored and start to tinker with specs.

Btw, Subjugator 2h >> Earthsplit, the avoidance buff sadly doesn't stack with friendly HtL or your own parrybuff ~ Subjugator gets you a movement speed proc (mobility = pure gold) and a tangible increase in pewpew.

E: Added missing emphasis and a word above. Moar corrections in grammar/syntax.
Last edited by Darosh on Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:57 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Ironbreaker stat check

Post#3 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:40 am

To offer a different perspective... What you have is fine, just dump all your WS talis (darosh point was correct... it is pretty pointless for IB) and put 2 in strength, 2 in toughness or any combination of strength toughness that you like, really.

Strength is not pointless; playing 2h with no strength IS pointless. (Also, since you are running 2H I am assuming you don't play WB).

I'd personally use toughness pot (then resist or armor) over strength, since the toughness buff costs grudges... and the strength one doesn'T. Also, you need it for using Punishing knock anyway.
Farfadet, RR72 shaman
Volgograd, RR80 IB
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Re: Ironbreaker stat check

Post#4 » Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:36 am

Depends what playstyle you want, 6 man small-scale or warband but guessing 2H you going small scale. My thoughts below on small scale.

If you try 3 piece Dominator, 2 piece ruin, 4 piece Beastlord (cloak, jewel, book, and 1 piece armour) then winds impervious set jewels. Subj 2H weapon.

This should get you with a mix of talis, str and armour pot:
550 str, 450 WPS, 250 init, 500 toughness, 800 wounds.
Also 4700 armour (75% cap + mara armour debuff)
38% resists, just under cap
45% parry, 25/30 dodge and disrupt

Once in group this should mean you cap all defenses, while having good damage output without having to spend GCD's maintaining any buffs which often don't stack with potions or group buffs. Freeing you up to do loads of CC work and buffs where needed, which you should as a tank in small-scale and will make the most difference for a coordinated group with CC and timed debuff/buff, while also assisting great burst damage when chance.

I boost WPS so high because set bonuses allow it and it boosts parry very well, does help a bit Vs armour but str will be better as already said.

Tactics I use are rugged, rising anger (career resource really boosts your output), greayaxe mastery, and avalanche, as already said mobility and position is king above all else.

My thoughts, for solo watch Volgo's videos.

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Re: Ironbreaker stat check

Post#5 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:21 pm

Better players than myself have already put in their word on this but, in my limited 2h experience you want to be running around with 600+ str while buffed. Its difficult to pull off decent wounds and 500+ str and 500+ tough but that's really where you want your balance to be. Also see about getting the BL pocket item, its super helpful when you start combining with genesis and other armor sets as obviously it gives you a free +1 for the set bonuses.
Brynnoth Goldenbeard (40/80) (IB) -- Rundin Fireheart (40/50) (RP) -- Ungrinn (40/40) (Engi)-- Bramm Bloodaxe (40/83) (Slayer) and a few Empire characters here or there, maybe even an elf.

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Re: Ironbreaker stat check

Post#6 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:23 pm

....should link this Thread to all the 2h IBs on the Dwarf Premade Warband.
If the IB God says 2H is for small scale, then it has to be right. :)

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Re: Ironbreaker stat check

Post#7 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:31 pm

Glorian wrote: Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:23 pm ....should link this Thread to all the 2h IBs on the Dwarf Premade Warband.
If the IB God says 2H is for small scale, then it has to be right. :)
Yeah, It's why I left Bitterstone.

Love you guys, love what you do but I won't respec to SnB for rvr.
Alea iacta est

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Re: Ironbreaker stat check

Post#8 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:40 pm

Eathisword wrote: Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:40 am ...
Strength is not pointless; playing 2h with no strength IS pointless. (Also, since you are running 2H I am assuming you don't play WB).
Well listen to Volgograd. ;)
I love the 2H IB. And he is gold in SCs if teaming up with an SnB IB. Kregan and another Lad from the Oathkeepers were a devastating double team in the SCs.

For the Dwarf Warband there is a maximum of 1 or 2 Double Hand IBs for the whole warband.
A full specced Path of Vengeance IB with Axe Slam, Powered Etchings, Cave in is a nice addition.

But usually we have quite an overflow of DPS careers. And need every full guard SnB IB we can get hold off.

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Re: Ironbreaker stat check

Post#9 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:42 pm

what is your chance to be crit?

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Re: Ironbreaker stat check

Post#10 » Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:45 pm

Glorian wrote: Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:40 pm
Eathisword wrote: Sun Aug 26, 2018 3:40 am ...
Strength is not pointless; playing 2h with no strength IS pointless. (Also, since you are running 2H I am assuming you don't play WB).
Well listen to Volgograd. ;)
I love the 2H IB. And he is gold in SCs if teaming up with an SnB IB. Kregan and another Lad from the Oathkeepers were a devastating double team in the SCs.

For the Dwarf Warband there is a maximum of 1 or 2 Double Hand IBs for the whole warband.
A full specced Path of Vengeance IB with Axe Slam, Powered Etchings, Cave in is a nice addition.

But usually we have quite an overflow of DPS careers. And need every full guard SnB IB we can get hold off.
Which is why I left, not holding a guild place you can fill with an SnB. No point in an sc guy like me being in an rvr guild :P
Alea iacta est

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