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Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#411 » Mon Aug 06, 2018 5:01 am

Eathisword wrote: Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:11 am Meh... I didn’t want to join the festival, but whatever...

One thing that has bugged me since day one is the ‘we balance and change everything based on -skilled- group play/ 6 man’. Everyone else, shut up basically.

I understand perfectly and agree as to why changes must originate from this perspective. But if after that origination it is never filtered through the soloers and puggers, it often ends up killing what’s fun for a big chunk of the playerbase.

Patent example: guardian WL. I helped test it. Said it was broken. Was ignored (shut up soloist! They suck in 6man). Well now the smallsmall scale is dead. There is basically no destro soloer left.

I wholeheartedly agree with this, just like when considering changes you must think how this will affect in warband scale also (and solo playing).

With the WL topic in particular I never really understood that tbh. When I played WL I thought to be one of the coolest classes and a very strong one too back in the day, of course this has been 2 years before & I don't know which changes were done since then. But I honestly oppose the whole "they suck in 6 man" argument, because it usually originates from the fact that when your pet is killed you halve the WL's damage by a lot, but to me its also the same reason why you always focus slayer.. to force into dropping rage to reduce his damage.. & to better fix this would be to simply increase pet's durability or something like this..

If people think WL suck by some other reason then its probably simply because they're considering the cheesiest of the cheesiest, which means you'd either run double slayer & marauder/choppa always - but that has nothing to do with WL being weak as a class in comparison at all.

I know its not really a quite on point example since we're not fighting a highly skilled group but this was from back my time and I had no issues fighting other premades with the WL at all, even with with a gimped group (in the sense of composition) and with no coms either.
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Posts: 260

Re: Reintroductions and reflections.

Post#412 » Sun Aug 12, 2018 3:55 am

Eathisword wrote: Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:11 am Meh... I didn’t want to join the festival, but whatever...

One thing that has bugged me since day one is the ‘we balance and change everything based on -skilled- group play/ 6 man’. Everyone else, shut up basically.

I understand perfectly and agree as to why changes must originate from this perspective. But if after that origination it is never filtered through the soloers and puggers, it often ends up killing what’s fun for a big chunk of the playerbase.

Patent example: guardian WL. I helped test it. Said it was broken. Was ignored (shut up soloist! They suck in 6man). Well now the smallsmall scale is dead. There is basically no destro soloer left.

Another example was the dot defense change ( now reverted) that made some classes stupidly OP in solo/pug situations (IB for example). It was easy to know it would make life miserable for a ton of player, but we had no say... we don’t do 6 man.

The 1000 free heal on conqueror for solo/pug tanks. Again, massively OP. It had no effect on ‘how the game is meant to be played’. But it helped kill a particular scene.

Tldr : ignoring how a lot of people want to play, slowly killing their scene, just makes the game more and more dead. Like a food chain.
No more soloer means no more duo. Leads to leads to less pick-up 6 man. Leads to no 6 man at all.

1-2 years ago you had everything in the lakes: soloer, duo, 6 mans, pug WB, guild groups/wb. It was alive, like a breathing thing. Every zone had opportunities for everyone.

Spend an hour in a zone now. No more soloer, no more duo, barely any 6 man. All you got is 2 blobs sitting on a BO for defense ticks.

Volgo, over and out.
So I have stopped playing a while ago and only looked over it a couple times.

As one of the people who previously run around in solo or smaller groups I couldn't agree with this more. Your patent example definitly killed it for me and some friends. Nothing is less funny then getting squished by a pet in seconds that is impossible to stun and running with superspeed to you because the other guy clicked 1 skill (LF).
I understand that balancing 1v1 is impossible but the severe difference between some classes should still not happen. In other games (for me gw2) I often have to pick fights with a class/specs were I'm at a clear disadvantage and most of the times you might fight a loosing battle but atleast you battle and in more then enough cases you can still win due to enemy misplays.

Here on some classes (mostly classes relying on kiting which I like to play) I just felt helpless against a class that has to press 2 buttons to kill me (no misplays possible). At some point for me I just had to say there is no reason to even try and then later why even play at all.

Furthermore I always found this so called organized play (6v6) so boring and apperently by the number of people still doing it (according to forum) I'm not alone in that thought. For me it was either you have the right comb and mash your heads for minutes without anything happening or you running a fun comb and get squished hard with 0 chance to do anything. I never understond for example why this extremly strong 2/2/2 comb isn't weakend to allow semi optimal combs to compete. I mean weakening the optimal comb would possibly reduce the pug/premade gap. A benefit both sides seem to want.

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