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Shaman Hybrid question

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Posts: 24

Shaman Hybrid question

Post#1 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:47 am

Started a shaman as second toon

Now my question is
Are they viable for hybrid like damage and healing at lvl 40??
Because I find only healing a bit boring.. Is there any kind of dps healing build at 40/40??
Gaxx SH

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Re: Shaman Hybrid question

Post#2 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:08 am

Callipso wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:47 am Hello,
Started a shaman as second toon

Now my question is
Are they viable for hybrid like damage and healing at lvl 40??
Because I find only healing a bit boring.. Is there any kind of dps healing build at 40/40??
Probably not with the current meccanic, but you should try get in contact with better am than i am.
Last edited by Tesq on Wed Jun 13, 2018 2:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Shaman Hybrid question

Post#3 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:57 am

Callipso wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:47 am Hello,
Started a shaman as second toon

Now my question is
Are they viable for hybrid like damage and healing at lvl 40??
Because I find only healing a bit boring.. Is there any kind of dps healing build at 40/40??
Hybrid play style does not work, which means alternating damage and heal spells. Don't mix intel and willpower.
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Posts: 24

Re: Shaman Hybrid question

Post#4 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:02 am

So it works when I go full DPS?
Gaxx SH

Posts: 447

Re: Shaman Hybrid question

Post#5 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 12:48 pm

Callipso wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 9:47 am Hello,
Started a shaman as second toon

Now my question is
Are they viable for hybrid like damage and healing at lvl 40??
Because I find only healing a bit boring.. Is there any kind of dps healing build at 40/40??
You may try something like this: ... ,5288,5291
4 pieces of dominator + 2 mercenary + 3 BL. You will have 3 slots left for jewelery - genesis or gunbad (disrupt strikethrough).
Stack int to 900. Willpower should be around 500. As much toughness as you can (+DSU constantly up). It works for solo or duo purposes. Don't try to look for group with this setting.
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Re: Shaman Hybrid question

Post#6 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 12:49 pm

The only "hybrid" part that actually works for AM/Shammy is Energy of Vaul and Fury of Da Green, as they are bugged ATM. Both heal through avoided spells, making the healing kind of okay if you are lucky. They also count as 6 instances of a ST spell, meaning that if the main target disrupts, the spell can still hit the other 5 people. They also hit through keep doors if the door is targeted for this reason. Should be noted that they only heal for 100% of damage done, not 150% as tooltip lists. Will bugtracker it when I have time, but for now the spells have some function at least.

As for the actual mechanic, ignore it, it's only good for the start of the engagement if you can be bothered to cast 5 heals to do a bit more damage/be able to kite with the ST lifetaps. The issue is that to do this properly you have to ignore yor dots completely.
Rip Phalanx

Posts: 572

Re: Shaman Hybrid question

Post#7 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:04 pm

Disrupt changes hurt casters bad. Dot changes hurt dot classes bad. Shaman is both. Most classes have some options to deal with disrupt at least, usually a combination of 160 int tactic, a disrupt strikethru tactic, or some undefendable attacks. Shaman is literally the only caster class in the game with access to NONE of these so IMO shaman is easily the class most screwed by the current disrupt system.

If you don't get as close to int softcap as you can, you are gonna get disrupted a lot. This really limits your build options since you will only achieve softcap with close to BiS gear dedicated to it which leaves you with very little survivability or wisdom, not the position you want to be in on a hybrid class. Shaman base DPS is also pretty low so you pretty much need to run divine fury which hurts your heals even more. So either your wisdom is gonna be crazy low with a -25% nerf applied to all your healing which makes for some crap heals, or you can try to mix your stats and end up getting half your casts disrupted while doing pretty bad numbers on damage and heals.

I have tried real hard to make it work and actually found a fewreal weird builds that I have decent success with, but it's ALWAYS only in 1v1 or 1v2 situations vs certain classes. Tanks and healers will disrupt everything while trying to hybrid, WL will murder you during their CC opener, and honestly the only way I feel I bring anything really useful to a group while trying to hybrid is by running morale pump tactics and insta rez, neither of which require you to be in a gimp build to run. ATM it's just not that good in a group setting.

You can always try the lifesteal route, at least that spec wants you to max int for heals and dps, but ever since the range nerf to Fury of Da Green it's just too dangerous to play well, staying within 80 ft of enemy grps while in a squishy build is not fun, and having to blow half of your GCDs on crappy hots to power your mechanic so you can actually cast your lifesteals on the move which is basically required to stay alive is not a very fun or rewarding playstyle. The few times I have tried this I did **** damage and didn't even come close to the healing of the real healers.

Broken mechanic also doesn't help.
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Posts: 24

Re: Shaman Hybrid question

Post#8 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:23 pm

hmm oke then.. I think Shaman is not my thing then. Might try another class then
Gaxx SH

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Re: Shaman Hybrid question

Post#9 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:54 pm

Ask Daknallfrosch for specs and such, he was one of the best dps shammies in the game. Haven't seen him in a while though so not sure if he is still playing the game.

Grts Nasty
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Re: Shaman Hybrid question

Post#10 » Wed Jun 13, 2018 2:32 pm

wiscel wrote: Wed Jun 13, 2018 1:54 pm Ask Daknallfrosch for specs and such, he was one of the best dps shammies in the game. Haven't seen him in a while though so not sure if he is still playing the game.

Grts Nasty

Pretty sure Daknall' moved on, grinding in another game and praying that at some point, in some game Rare Fortune transcends and drops for him.

Die he ever get his hands on the pieces he wanted?

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