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SL/CH middle tree tactics (2/2)

For proposals that have been rejected.
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SL/CH middle tree tactics (2/2)

Post#1 » Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:27 am

Hey balance forum

In this post I want to discuss the tactic Violent impacts/ Wear em down. It gives you a 50% chance to regain 25% of your rage on exhaustive blows.

The issue with this tactic is that it's RNG meaning you cannot rely on it and that is a big problem. If you wish to hit a target with several of your exhaustive attack debuffs you will potentially wait a long time in green dealing low amounts of damage unless this tactic proccs, which you never know. That is just not good enough for a tactic slot imo.

I propose to change the tactic to make exhaustive attacks used in red(75%+) put you in yellow(25%) and exhaustive attacks used in yellow put you in green (0%). This will make the tactic reliable and open up a lot more tactical use of exhaustive combos to more efficiently use this tree, being the tree with the best debuffs for both slayer and choppa (especially after you read part 1 of my proposal).

These are my proposals for the middle trees looking forward to hearing ur thoughts if any of these make it into discussion.

Posts: 2524

Re: SL/CH middle tree tactics (2/2)

Post#2 » Thu May 31, 2018 3:27 pm

Combined with proposal: viewtopic.php?f=95&t=26167
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