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[SC/BW] Staying at 100 derp

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[SC/BW] Staying at 100 derp

Post#1 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:56 am

A proposal for brainstorming on the issue of the negligable drawbacks for staying at “100 power” and adding a little lore inspired mechanics as a bonus.

“As the sorceress draws more power from the warp and it’s nefarious inhabitants time starts to slow around her and she and her allies become trapped in the temporal eddies of the warpflux.”

I would propose to put an increasing movement speed penalty on the sorceress and her party depending on the amount of dark power she has amassed around her, starting at 40 power to put a 10% movement speed penalty on her and the party. Increasing to a partywide debuff of 20% decreased movement at 70 dark power and a 20% penalty for staying above 91 dark power.
As an offset to this penalty I think it would be only fair to give the sorceress and her party a 5 second 20% movement speed increase after the use of dhar wind to symbolize the release of all this unstable warpstuff.

The same can be applied to bright wizards, but I think it might be more logical for the wizard to have a (lore inspired) mirror of this partywide drawback.

“As the wizard draws deeper and more furiously from the winds Aqhsy the world around him begins to simmer and sizzle… Bystanders can hardly stand the heat and only the controlling presence of a nearby Witch hunter dissuades them of any foolhardy attempts to break ranks. Armor begins to glow a dark red and burns the skin when touched, not many can still stand to be within range of the wizard as he prepares to unleash more fiery death on his adversaries.”

I would propose to put an increasing armor value penalty on the bright wizard and his party depending on the amount of combustion he has accumulated. Starting at 40 combustion with a 5% reduction in party wide armor values. Increasing to a partywide debuff of 10% armor value at 70 combustion and a staggering 15% armor value reduction at 91 or higher combustion.
As an mirrored offset to the sorceress buff given by casting dhar wind. The same can be applied to the bright wizard and his party after casting meltdown to give him and his party a 5 second buff to their armor penetration value for 10%.

In this way I think the mirrors are still obviously in place but the effects are more in line with their respective abilities. It penalizes the sorc’s and bw’s who just stay at “100 power” 24/7 and rewards the party when they actually drop their combustion/dark power.

Obviously the numbers I put in this proposal are there for demonstration purposes only and are subject to discussion.
In 6 man play this can mean a smart bw will load up his troops with extra armor penetration just as they prepare to charge. However if the opposing sorc is paying attention he will immediately react with dropping all his dark magic into dhar wind and giving himself and his allies the speed boost they need to stay out of range from those nasty armor penetrating weapons.
I’m not sure if this would be the ideal solution to an somewhat broken game mechanic but I think it is interesting to try and look at solutions that are not so obvious and try to find a creative “high risk // high reward” mechanic.

I would like to use this thread for feedback on my initial ideas and as a place to discuss other possible solutions to the “ stay ay 100 problem”.

Thank you for reading and I look forward to the discussion.
Iobel - SO // Miae - BG // Sorrowstrike - WE // Happyjumping - WL // Ishaisa - DoK

Posts: 2524

Re: [SC/BW] Staying at 100 derp

Post#2 » Sat May 19, 2018 10:25 am

I appreciate the lore-friendly suggestions you put here, but since we already had a long discussion on this a while ago I'm going to decline. viewtopic.php?f=100&t=23090

Not sure what will come of the braindead sorc/BW mechanic. We may need to wait for client control to get something useful.
<Salt Factory>

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