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[Blackguard] Hastened Doom

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[Blackguard] Hastened Doom

Post#1 » Sun May 06, 2018 10:37 am

I have a BG above rr40.

-The issue
Hastened doom is a tactic debuff and should, therefore, stack with abilities. It does not.

-Why it's an issue
Tactics like Wrist Slash on the Shadow Warrior stack with abilities, whereas hastened doom does not. It is quite confusing to know what stacks and how the rules for stacking actually works.
Are the rules based on how a specific class performs with the current balance?

-Why hastened doom stacking would not be a problem
1. The highest wounds debuff Thunderous Blow was nerfed.
2. Access to wounds is very easy. Especially compared to for example initiative.
3. Access to wounds buff on order side, and also wounds liniments now.
4. It would increase the usefulness and value of having a dps BG in groups and WB's.
5. With the recent move of Anger Drives Me it would give dps BG's a boost.
6. It would require teamwork, coordination, and the right group setup to do the debuff stacking. It would not be like a BG would be able to double debuff on it's own.

-Possible issues
People would have to group up to get wounds buff. Use guard to prevent being bursted down. Adjust gear to have more wounds.
Hastened doom can be proc'ed with aoe abilities. However, it has to crit to proc. So if you stack reduced chance to be crit it will not be a problem:)

-Solution proposal

1. Make hastened doom stack with abilities.
2. Make the rules of debuff stacking more transparent and understandable.
3. Follow a universal standard for debuff stacking.

Posts: 2524

Re: [Blackguard] Hastened Doom

Post#2 » Mon May 14, 2018 4:24 pm

theoddone wrote:Hastened doom is a tactic debuff and should, therefore, stack with abilities. It does not.
This is not a hard and fast rule. Tactics stacking with abilities is handled on a case by case basis by the dev team. To paraphrase torque: 'stacking is evidenced by how components act as part of the tactic, which is driven by client logic.' So, per client logic some tactics are "meant" to stack with abilities and some are not, but the ultimate decision to "turn it on" is still determined at the highest level. Just as RoF was "meant" to stack but then it changed: the dev team also takes balance into account when determining how to construct ability interaction.

Some issues with your comparison:

- The strongest destro wounds debuff abilities are on demand (Blast Wave, Thunderous Blow), whereas the strongest order init debuff abilities are procs (conq proc for SW/engy or Nature's Blade proc for SM)
- Wounds would easily be aoe debuffed through Blast Wave/Hastened Doom crits, whereas Wrist Slash is single target, requiring more GCDs to get it on multiple targets, and even then not everyone will be double debuffed. (an argument for RVR)
- Double wounds debuff would make you highly susceptible to morale abilities, whereas init debuff does not.

There is also no guarantee double init debuff persists forever. I recognize this may sound biased since I main a SW, but determination among the balance team is that double wounds debuff would be too strong.
<Salt Factory>

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