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Re: Balance

Post#21 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:13 am

Aurandilaz wrote:Destro had 20-40-60 AAO today in DW, Order put on field 4-5 organized guild warbands (CNTK+Rusblob+Zerg+Diogenes+Bitterstones), accompanied by maybe 2-3 pug warbands, and they still didn't manage to take Dragonwake.

So yeah, how you gonna balance around that? Buff Order more, because having best AoE DPS (BW), best tank (knight), best WB healer (WP) and best dmg bomb Moral (BW), yet what else should they need?
I dunno others wb but Zerg was running 12Man we had to take some random in also.Anyway was a fun evening.cheers

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Re: Balance

Post#22 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:19 am

I run DW ~ 2-3 hours, with 20-40 AAO, and get for lock 600 rr. So i understand xrealmers and ppl in zerg. No motivation to be defender.
Triv, Nabari \ Nerv, Virt

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Re: Balance

Post#23 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:29 am

on here 24/7 no idea where these crazy numbers you guys are are apparently seeing are coming from. i guess what everybody in game says is true the numbers dont add up.but as far as destro to order,waaaaay more destro dead for order allways.pretty soon i doubt many order even come on. crashing server with to many on wont be a problem as there wont be any to even do rvr lol. im allready looking elswhere myself.

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Re: Balance

Post#24 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:04 am

did not feel like that yesterday in RvR...we were facing organizing and high number order WBs, most of the time 3 vs 1 up to 4 vs 1.

It must really come down to which hours you play mate

Posts: 234

Re: Balance

Post#25 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:21 am

ATM, the keeps are pointless to take so why bother when 5-10 kills get the same rr.
The only reason u were to go for the keep is to farm the living crap out of the opposite side till it locks. Since eventually u get ya bags anyway 90 % gold bag anyways aka white .
To the Op try and Zerg it less and let the wb vs wb fights to the others. Find small group of players and ur rewards will increase a lot better. And u will have nice fights along the way .

Posts: 21

Re: Balance

Post#26 » Thu Jan 25, 2018 4:00 pm

Diogenes was also running 12 for the most part. peaked at 15 for a bit.

but yeah good fights

morale pump
BW 40/6x | WL 40/5x (?? RIP) | KBS 40/4x| ENG 40/4x | IB 40/4x | Female dwarf fetishist

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Re: Balance

Post#27 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:18 am

In my experience, the Kettle is always black on its bottom edge. I mean no matter what time of day or night, the Kettle is always black. It's like the Devs are using a wood fire. Our side is always shiny, bright, and unused. Kettle is always nice and black. There definitely needs to be a balance pass for Kettles.



Posts: 102

Re: Balance

Post#28 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:42 am

Just to clarify the numbers
Cntk had 3 groups , Bt had 1 group , Diogenes 3 groups, Zerg I know at 1 point we’re down to 2 groups
So 5 organised wb,s is over estimate of numbers ,
big fights atm are a waste of time because of lag ,FPS ,slide show ,morals not firing and such ,I believe when we attempted to take the keep at 21:30 till 22:00 pop was about 160 per side
But unplayable imo with 2 seconds action followed by 3 to 4 second screen freeze .
Des had no remorse , Ocara, plus all the boy bands all following tup most of the night.

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Re: Balance

Post#29 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 11:38 am

Nioan wrote:
so you saying order classes better than destro and even destro got aao, tup managed to wipe those 5 guilds + 2-3 pug warbands at the same time ? i'm not mistaken right, you saying, your 24 man wiped 100+ people aka 8 warbands at the same time ? you guys must be outskilled them, could you share some epic videos from yesterday ? i want to see those combats, especially that ones :

1-massive slide show lag spike at big hill near east keep.
2-massive slide show at east postern when order tries to rush in.
3-massive slide show when destro pushed order from east bridge.

about takin the keep; why should people bother while pugs doing pugging things on the ram (a hint: avocetii style kamikaze). zone will be locked by itself anyways (a hint: maybe waiting for siege after people go to sleep might be good idea too!)
just for you Naoin

Click here to watch on YouTube
delcon wrote:Just to clarify the numbers
Cntk had 3 groups , Bt had 1 group , Diogenes 3 groups, Zerg I know at 1 point we’re down to 2 groups
So 5 organised wb,s is over estimate of numbers ,
big fights atm are a waste of time because of lag ,FPS ,slide show ,morals not firing and such ,I believe when we attempted to take the keep at 21:30 till 22:00 pop was about 160 per side
But unplayable imo with 2 seconds action followed by 3 to 4 second screen freeze .
Des had no remorse , Ocara, plus all the boy bands all following tup most of the night.
We had solid 80-60-40-20 all evening long even after Invasion+Beavers logged off with their main forces. And apart from TUP, didn't see any other organized Destro warband force out in the lake, maybe some 6mans doing their own things. Maybe 3 pug warbands, of which you probably had more on your side.

We tried losing our "pugriders" by going PvE a few times, but they really love following us. Sometimes we did manoeuvres in battles just to shake them off, but eventually they always come back in larger numbers.

But all in all, good fights all evening long. Having AAO feels good for once, even if it means facing against most organized Orderside Eu evening warbands/groups at same time, whether by accident or by coordinated effort. :)

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Posts: 40

Re: Balance

Post#30 » Fri Jan 26, 2018 12:12 pm

ragafury wrote:
kmark101 wrote:It won't change until something is done with morales, it totally unbalances the game in open world. The fact that destro have almost instant m2 while order still sitting at 0 morale due to morale drain spam from destro's most popular class makes the game almost unplayable and absolutely no chance to field an even force to stand their ground.

Game is usually fun until 1 organized destro warband arrives and starts to insta spam m2's, then its instantly gg for the receiving end unless they have superior numbers.
that's too fast m8.

this way it gets locked after 4 pages.

inb4 nerf WL
inb4 buff choppa
inb4 disrupt is fine
inb4 disrupt is too much
inb4 that's a l2p issue
inb4 mirror everything
inb4 6 man is dead
inb4 all zones are zergfests
inb4 nerf the puntie dragon in DW
Reading to topics and comments on this page, we can literally discuss about everyting (all of the "inb4" list) except the morale pumps. They're taboo. All topics about them lockedalmost instantly, comments are removed......
Zzharg Madeye

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