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Loot Bags and Contribution

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Loot Bags and Contribution

Post#1 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:22 pm

I apologize if this is posted somewhere else. I know I've seen some things said in other topics, but I can't seem to find them.

My questions are:

1) What dictates Contribution in ORvR?

Has this been mentioned at all? Is it based on kills, damage dealt, RP gained in the zone, AAO modifier (I know this matters, but do you get a negative modifier if the enemy has AAO?), is it based on your warband/party size or the amount of players from your realm in the zone, holding BOs, etc. etc.?

If this hasn't been mentioned and is intentionally being kept secret, that's okay.

2) How does the accumulative loot bag earned system work?

Again, I know I've seen this mentioned by one of the GMs/Staff before, but I can't find that either. It is to my understanding that contribution is accumulative to earning the bags, and then resets upon earning them. Now my question is, does each color loot bag have a different accumulation, or does it reset the entire accumulated contribution upon receiving greater than a White Loot Bag?

So, using arbitrary numbers:

Example 1: You earn 50 points of contribution in one zone, receive a white, in the next zone you earn 35, receive a blue bag, and your contribution towards bags is as follows...

All Loot Bags = Reset to 0 accumulated contribution

Example 2: Same as example 1, only your contribution towards bags is as follows...

Blue = Reset to 0 (Bag you obtained)
Purple = 85
Gold = 85

OR perhaps I'm thinking about this entirely wrong? Anyways, I appreciate any replies that could shed some light on this for me. Once again, apologize if this is clearly highlighted and mentioned somewhere else (especially stickies...), I just can't seem to find it.

Posts: 2524

Re: Loot Bags and Contribution

Post#2 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:27 pm

CeeJay89 wrote:1) What dictates Contribution in ORvR?

If this hasn't been mentioned and is intentionally being kept secret, that's okay.
It is not shared from the team so that people don't abuse the system. Torq has said in the past "Do more, earn more" so basically the more you contribute in the zone, the better chance you have at a bag. People have their theories, but there is no official stance iirc.
CeeJay89 wrote:2) How does the accumulative loot bag earned system work?
It's basically accumulating based on how many times you receive a white bag, and each bag will have accumulating bonuses to your roll based on how many bags you've received since getting that color bag. This is unique for each tier, so a gold bag in T2 won't refresh your accumulator for a gold bag in T4. It is also unique for each color, so receiving a green bag does not refresh your accumulator for gold.
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Re: Loot Bags and Contribution

Post#3 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:30 pm

uhhh fascinating. i bet we get some awsome conspiracy theories...

OCRANA with it!


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Re: Loot Bags and Contribution

Post#4 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:39 pm

dansari wrote:It is not shared from the team so that people don't abuse the system. Torq has said in the past "Do more, earn more" so basically the more you contribute in the zone, the better chance you have at a bag. People have their theories, but there is no official stance iirc.
Perfectly okay with that answer, and understand why they would.
dansari wrote:It's basically accumulating based on how many times you receive a white bag, and each bag will have accumulating bonuses to your roll based on how many bags you've received since getting that color bag. This is unique for each tier, so a gold bag in T2 won't refresh your accumulator for a gold bag in T4. It is also unique for each color, so receiving a green bag does not refresh your accumulator for gold.
This is more so what I was curious about. If this is true, I'm content with that. The tier differences would make sense as to why I see more Whites than colored, regardless of contribution in one zone. Has it been confirmed, or is it just what's been perceived?

Posts: 203

Re: Loot Bags and Contribution

Post#5 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:42 pm

I'm pretty certain - based only on my own experiences - that it is entirely random and has nothing to do with contribution at all.

I received a Gold Bag after playing for 10 minutes once (pretty much just joined while people were getting killed, didn't hit a single enemy). The very next Zone lock, I played for 10 minutes and sat at a BO and received another Gold Bag (I logged out for the night after those 10 minutes and logged in with Gold Bag in the mail).

Back-to-back Gold Bags makes me think there is no accumulation, and since both times I received a Gold Bag (the only times I've ever gotten them) I didn't participate at all makes me think contribution has no factor as well. Every time I've participated for hours I've gotten a White Bag. I got a Purple bag a few days ago after another "Better just sit at a BO for 10 minutes before logging out so I can wake up to a bag in the mail".

Your mileage may vary.

Edit for TL;DR:
Gold Bag: 10 mins of no participation
Gold Bag: Very next Zone after the previous Gold Bag, 10 mins of no participation
Purple Bag: 10 mins of no participation
White Bag (All other bags): 90% were spent performing for hours, 10% were quick 10 mins of no participation to grab a bag before going to sleep/work
Last edited by Axerker on Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Loot Bags and Contribution

Post#6 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:45 pm

sioding wrote:uhhh fascinating. i bet we get some awsome conspiracy theories...

"Do more, earn more"

That never worked for me. In fact it works super well with RDPS, with my SW and BW was easy ... with Slayer I never got a golden bag =)


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Re: Loot Bags and Contribution

Post#7 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:47 pm

Currently trying for a subjugator wespon so I'm curious about this aswell
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Re: Loot Bags and Contribution

Post#8 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:50 pm

can someone pass the popcon pls :)

Posts: 2524

Re: Loot Bags and Contribution

Post#9 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 6:55 pm

CeeJay89 wrote:Has it been confirmed, or is it just what's been perceived?
Confirmed from the dev(s) who coded it.

Personal experience is prone to be off/not provide concrete evidence. Not saying that it's working correctly or not working correctly because you'd have to be a dev to confirm, but loot is also RNG on top of the bonuses factored in, so getting two gold bags for not doing much is still a very real possibility (and does happen), but you remember it because of the gratification received. The eighteen white bags you got before that aren't memorable, so your perception is that it must be X because that's how you remember it, not because that's how it is. It's just human nature.
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Posts: 203

Re: Loot Bags and Contribution

Post#10 » Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:01 pm

Just to add, I don't think the system needs re-worked. Bags are a slow-grind to a system that NEEDS to be slow. Otherwise there is no sense of progression. You would just get your full Conq set in a few days.

Personally, Conq/Dom should be something that is obtained over at least a month or two of active playing (and it currently is, unless you get extremely lucky on bags). The medallion system works well with bags, because they are supplemental to each other. The only gripe I have is that you cannot trade in duplicate Conq pieces that you might get for a reduced amount (50% of Conq medallions). That way you aren't just stocking up on medallions until you have enough to purchase every piece you are missing at once (to avoid duplicates), or worse: purchase them as soon as you can afford them just to roll them in a bag an hour later.

I like the system as it is. The only thing I might prefer would be either trading in duplicates (I have not received a duplicate yet, but it is preventing me from purchasing more pieces due to fear of duplicates), or making White Bags give 5 Conq medals instead. SCs now give 1, even on loss, which takes about 5 minutes. RvR can take up to 3+ hours, just to get 1 medallion in a White Bag. Even 2-3 would be much more appealing. You get some while playing, of course, but you're rolling against 5-23 other players for them, unless solo/duo roaming. Its not too bad, I believe I have 150+ Conq medals from about 25-50 hours of RvR. Full set is 1,650, so at my current rate (without bags), it would take me about 250-500 hours of gameplay to get the full set.

Luckily, I got the Chest and Shoulders in bags, which cuts it down to 940 Medallions (150-300 hours of RvR).

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