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Patch Notes 08/12/2017

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Patch Notes 08/12/2017

Post#1 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:20 pm

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Hotfix 09.12.2017
- Players will now correctly respawn at healers respawn location in Gunbad
- Instanced bosses now work. Happy hunting!


- Found and removed more code that increased morale gain when close to more players
- Some backend work for GMs


- Procs wont happen off siege anymore
- Bugmans best will no longer heal from the dorf, but from the object
- Added option to make abilities non interruptable


Ability - Thunderous Blow - Now sits at 13 points in the Savagery Tree, wounds debuff value reduced.
Ability - Draining Swipe - Now sits at 5 points in the Savagery Tree, cooldown reduced to 10s (from 20), debuff reduced to 5s (from 10) so it maintains a 50% uptime but will fit better into an attack chain.
Tactic - Hulking Brute - Additionally adds Initiative as well as toughness for a maximum of 320 stat points as per the other 3 point tree tactics Scything Talons and Corrupted Edge.


- Implementet potential fix for the 'healer tanking lord' issue.

Hargrim and Grunbag presents:

- Gunbad is released today as a preview - it will be available til end of 11 DEC 2017. It's full release is planned at end of December / start of January.
- Dungeon filled with monsters, each one of them more powerful than anything you can find outside and equiped with special abilities.
- 9 new enhanced Hard Public Quests, each with unique boss with unique, never before seen on RoR, mechanic and 8 hours reset time.
- 1 side boss in right wing with unique drop - Brood Mother
- 4 new Instanced bosses with unique and hard mechanics with 24 hour lockout timer.
- Multiple hints scattered through the dungeon sheding light on the mechanic, strength and weakness of each of the Public Quest and Instance bosses.
- New influence rewards in Gunbad.
- New gold set - Redeye with boots and hands dropping from Gold Public Quest chests and the rest dropping as random loot from instanced bosses.
- It is a total rework of dungeon from Live, with new mechanics, abilities and rewards scaled to T4 level, it also will be developed for a bit during Q1 of 2018.
- Whole instance was extensively tested by some of the best, but not only, players on the server. Each Public Quest and Instanced boss can be killed in gear below current BiS - that is, Officers Emblem weapons, Annihilator set, Mercenary set and Beatlord set or mix of them. Recommended level: 40/40+

Creators and other people who helped to bring this to live:
- Nalgol - code backbone for instancing of areas
- Hargrim - all scripting and codding to make the bosses possible, encounter design
- Grunbag - fixing whole instance, all public quests, spawning NPCs, creating each of the abilities you will see thrown at you, encounter design
- Torquemadra - help with creation of abilities and quality control of them
- Ryan - help with overall quality control, setting up database stuff inside and todays event
- Lheana/Anaehll - help with Public Quest quality control
- Saupreusse - DB work and maps
- Wargrimnir - updating drop from dungeon to T4 level
- Norkalli - most active tester, helped to design todays event and very helpful guy all around
- Yalishka - creating perfect spot for Gunbad

- Norkalli
- Wargnidalulz
- Peter
- Crenshaw
- Grur
- Theoddone
- Cimator
- StormX2
- Teefz
- Miszczu567 / Sruula
- anadim
- saudarkar
- shaggy
- tionblack
- daniilpb
- Ryan
- Vezert
- Sellena
- Morkaandgorka
- S1ck149
- Magusar
- Grafs
- Hecc
- halhammer
- Sullenmunkh
- Lonesw
- Voldepoule
- kubzorski
- Twinkyy
- Dyster
- Alesaurus
- Husar
- Rebuke
- walshe93
- Paura
- Pavoss
- mirko92
- gke96
- warhammer1995
- Crotgru
- elsocko
- kruck
- Gorshield
- Gomberoni
- Blakokami
- Deafcom
- Arowaine
- Vaseryl
- jptefou
- Cegee
- Boorack
- Kaorich
- Hao
- skylynx
- Falith
- gfacre
- edavoc
- mcgotrek
- ninj4
- osred
- saup
- timmitz
- shandar
- MorboNinja
- plutobhg
- Standard
- Corazon
- dansari
- Adelmar
- Telperien
- Cate
- Darknight
- Lakrus
- Leongrin
- Reonor
- Byx
- antalor
- jbz
- Sybella
- Ozolink
- Danord
- landgoat
[Public Quests]

- Corrected the level of all NPCs within the following High Elf PQs so that it is now within the range of the level of the PQ
- Verified and corrected the description of the stages and name of the objectives of the following High Elf PQs - when it was possible - so that it fits with official and ToK

- Order PQ 'Mirelen': NPCs 'Scale Lancer', instead of 'Uthorin Destroyer', will now accompany the last boss
- Order PQ 'Broken Dunes': NPCs 'Shadow Wight' will no longer spawn during second and third stages; It is now 'Shadow Spirit' that will spawn during second stage; Added an objective to the last stage to kill NPCs 'Shadow Darksoul'; You will now have to destroy the GOs 'Font of Shyish' for second stage
- Order PQ 'Cold Hearted Predators': Significantly increased the kills required for first stage; Last boss 'Beastlord Kahn' is now a Hero
- Order PQ 'Laurilion Caves': Modified the first stage; Reworked the second stage
- Order PQ 'Broken Spirits': Modified the first stage; Significantly increased the number of click on GO required for second stage
- Order PQ 'Forgotten Future': Modified the first stage; Last boss 'Nagarythe Guardian' is now a Hero
- Order PQ 'Lair of the Dead': NPCs 'Deadwoven Marauder' will now count for first stage
- Order PQ 'The Dragon Gate': Changed the NPCs that accompany the last boss
- Order PQ 'Starbrook Falls': NPCs 'Risen Liferender' will now count for first stage; NPCs 'Blightbinder Acolyte' are no longer Champions
- Order PQ 'Allies of War': Reworked the first stage; Second stage is now active and functional
- Order PQ 'Gates of Elthrai': Last boss 'Loathsome Construct' has now the appearance of a Bone Giant (and count as it when killed)
- Order PQ 'Rotten Embrace': Reworked the second stage; Last boss 'Hulking Rotbole' is now a Champion
- Order PQ 'Deathwind Pass': Added one objective to the first stage; NPC 'Moritha the Scathing' will no longer be naked
- Order PQ 'Well of Whispers': Modified the second stage; NPC 'Korentrek' is no longer a Champion; NPC 'Warghon the Despised' is now a Champion
- Order PQ 'Stormriver's End': You will now have to destroy the GO 'Eye of Shyish' for second stage; NPCs 'Fleshcrafted Defiler' are now Champions; NPC 'Derisolde Abendroth' is now a woman; NPC 'Radamanchus' has now the appearance of a Bone Giant (and count as it when killed); Added one objective to the last stage
- Reworked the following Order PQs:
  • > Stone of Imrathir
    > Elisia
    > Preemptive Strike
    > Ellyrion Stables
    > The Well Springs
    > Shady Tower
    > Slash and Burn
    > Ritual of Corruption
    > The Shrieking Meadow
    > Corruption

[7224] Last boss should no longer be killed by the ally NPCs
[7221] All NPCs should now be assigned to the PQ
[7219] NPCs 'Deadwoven Champion' will no longer be Champions
[10959] Talking to the correct 'Lord Xyshrenth' will now complete the quest, and he will give the next quest. Also removed the incorrect quest marker for the other 'Lord Xyshrenth'
[7228] Both Frenziers and Witches will now count for first stage, and reduced the kills required for first stage. Moreover, friendly NPCs will no longer attack enemy NPCs.

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Re: Patch Notes 08/12/2017

Post#2 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:24 pm

Awesome! Enjoy guys.

Gunbad is entirely doable, so no complaints!

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Re: Patch Notes 08/12/2017

Post#3 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:42 pm

Riphael - Black Guard.
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Re: Patch Notes 08/12/2017

Post#4 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:46 pm

Special shoutout to Norkalli for taking the initiative on getting testers and spending many hours helping people out and building groups. Even though I love to troll and kill him he was paramount in helping the team get this running.

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Re: Patch Notes 08/12/2017

Post#5 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:54 pm

Thanks everyone for this seem a super epic can't wait to try it out. Also glad I'll have some time to get 40 and some gear before the full release as well!

Phoenix Throne - Bad Moon Officer - Black Guard / Chosen

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Re: Patch Notes 08/12/2017

Post#6 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:41 pm

Big shout out to all the devs and testers whom worked so hard to bring forth gunbad

i look forward to more dungeons and other pve content in the future

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Re: Patch Notes 08/12/2017

Post#7 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:32 pm

To think I'd live to see the Gunbad opens, great job :D
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Re: Patch Notes 08/12/2017

Post#8 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:19 pm

Thanks a lot for the pve content, finally first dungeon ! Keep it going guys, you are best !!
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Re: Patch Notes 08/12/2017

Post#9 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:29 pm

What are values for reduced wounds debuff in Thunderous Blow? Still says 152 on my tooltip (i know they cant be altered). I remember seeing 93 as the new base amount at 13 points in Savagery? Cannot recall.
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Re: Patch Notes 08/12/2017

Post#10 » Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:34 pm

A nerf to draining swipes interesting :P

Also are there any plans to buff brutality so that there is actual conflict between which tree should be the main instead of one being just clearly superior?
Khorlar, Thorvold, Sjohgar, Anareth, Toldavf, Hartwin, Gotrin and others -_-


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