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What Tank career is best for me?

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What Tank career is best for me?

Post#1 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:48 am

Hi All

New player, just discovering this gem of a server and looking to get back into the chaotic and fun RvR of Warhammer once again.

I played Witch and Shaman in retail and want to try out something diffrent this time around, so i decided i wanted to make a Tank character here.

Can you please help me decide which one on the Destro side is the right for me. A description of each of the race tanks and their Pros and Cons would be a great help.
Also personal experience and what you think is fun about the class would be greatly appriciated.


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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#2 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 11:50 am

Cant go wrong with a knight/chosen both are really solid
Kkomrade 80 Zealot Akilinuz 80 Chosen Zaiyer 80 Marauder
Kkomrades 80 Black Guard Sauer 80 Squig herder Nosler 80 Witch Elf Soniq 70 Shaman

Posts: 184

Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#3 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:16 pm

It really depends on what you're wanting from your tank class. Group Utility? Personal Survival? High Damage? There are a lot of subtle things each tank lacks or brings to a party to consider. So much could be discussed that it could turn into a very long post if one were to talk about all 6 tanks. I know because all I play is tanks. All six of them. While I don't consider myself an expert on tanks and tanking, I do feel I have some insights on the tank classes to varying degrees. I do know more about certain tanks than others as I do have preferences to certain tanks.

Talking Destro only tanks I'll give you some of my opinions on them.

Black Orc - This is in my opinion the highest damage tank Destro has. Even with a sword and board, you can bring respectable dps that Order can afford to ignore for too long. It has some group utility with stat steal from Da Biggest, and defensive group buffs from Da Greenest. You can even get a respectable block rating with a tactic you don't even have to spec for. Some of the downsides this tank has is you sacrifice a lot of durability if you start using a two hander. Black Orcs lack a solid dependable tactic or ability to increase their parry which makes it painful to guard a friendly as you will take a fair amount of dmg being unable to avoid it. Also, the loss of a shield makes you prime targets for ranged DPS as your dodge/disrupt can't be improved by Hold the Line.

Chosen - A sword and board Chosen is the epitome of survival and group utility. First off, you get to bring 3 auras to every battle that not only benefit your party, but also affect your enemies as well. Chosen isn't a high damage tank, but instead is great at just taking damage. A two hander Chosen sacrifices some of this survival but picks up the ability to put a damage pressure on a small group of enemies. This build can seem a bit selfish as it doesn't bring any extra group utility beyond what they normally bring, it just ends up bringing a different utility and sacrifices some of their durability.

Blackguard - This tank is the toughest tank for Destro and with a few tactic choices proves this without having to sacrifice gear or renown to be so damn tanky. A Blackguard can easily turn 600 toughness into 900 and has a spamable bubble that you can share with a friendly person you designate with your Dark Protector. Much like any tank, the loss of a shield is notable, however, Blackguards can in fact bring at least something useful to a party by picking up a two hander in the form of a bonus +10% crit chance not only for his party, but for anyone attacking the targets he puts this debuff on.
Last edited by Esperflame on Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Karnak (Ironbreaker), Hadebrandt (KotBS), Quigon (Swordmaster), Rakthraka (Black Orc), Thulza (Chosen), Braerithryn (Blackguard)

"Yeah, I play all the tanks. I've got beef!" - Me

Posts: 4

Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#4 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:22 pm

Esperflame wrote:It really depends on what you're wanting from your tank class. Group Utility? Personal Survival? High Damage? There are a lot of subtle things each tank lacks or brings to a party to consider. So much could be discussed that it could turn into a very long post if one were to talk about all 6 tanks. I know because all I play is tanks. All six of them. While I don't consider myself an expert on tanks and tanking, I do feel I have some insights on the tank classes to varying degrees. I do know more about certain tanks than others as I do have preferences to certain tanks.
Thanks for your reply.
Ideally i want a tank that has everything and is fun to play. I know that's not really realistic and wouldn't be balanced, i would like to know more about the Destro tanks in general.
If you could give me a Pro/con list and your personal experience which each, that might help me decide. A link to any thread that contrains similar information or a Career run down would also be greatly appriciated.


Posts: 4

Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#5 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:24 pm

Akilinus wrote:Cant go wrong with a knight/chosen both are really solid
Knight is Order, so that's not gonna happen (Evil4Lyfe), but what about the Black ork and the Black Guard. Are they not usefull or just very specialiced? If so, why and how?


Posts: 181

Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#6 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:25 pm

First you have to ask if you want to play a support role, where you help groups as a team player, OR, you primarily play solo or duo and dont always have a dps/healer to back you up.

-Chosen is the clear favourite here. You give auras (ap drain, resists, toughness probably the most common setup), act as the primary guard switcher, have super punt, fast morale 4, reliable knockdown.
-BO probably the next best... You have fast morale pump that can be used defensively with m4 or offensively with m3. A lot of different abilities...but if you go left and right trees you get stat steal, aoe snare, damage multipliers, morale drain, WS buff, CD increaser, silence. BO has a lot of interesting abilities.
-BG if you go 2her has that 10% crit aoe, wounds debuff, a knock down. OR in another build has an AOE snare (worse than BO). If you spec into them BG has some good anti healer tools with -50% OUTGOING healdebuff and up to -20% crit (which affects heal crit) but alot of the time in t4 when you get to a decent level of play you rarely get to healers without overextending. BG also has an absorb shield that can be cast on an ally, as well as other single target buffs that often overlap with other class buffs. Overall BG has the weakest set of support tools.

Solo/Duo: When you're solo or duo you sort of need damage output or else you're useless.
-BG has self heal and a lot of selfish abilities that if built for solo play is the most self-sufficient. You can build one that is tough to kill and hits decently hard better so than the other tanks.
- both BO and Chosen can be built for damage output I guess and they CAN work. BO probably more than chosen. Bring heal pots.

So Support:
Chosen, BO, BG

Solo play/DPS/DUO:
BG, BO, Chosen

Of course these are just my opinions, and pending changes from devs these roles may change. I'm mostly a support tank player so I dont understand solo play as much, and other people commenting here might help you more.

Posts: 184

Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#7 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:57 pm

Gitgud wrote:
Esperflame wrote:It really depends on what you're wanting from your tank class. Group Utility? Personal Survival? High Damage? There are a lot of subtle things each tank lacks or brings to a party to consider. So much could be discussed that it could turn into a very long post if one were to talk about all 6 tanks. I know because all I play is tanks. All six of them. While I don't consider myself an expert on tanks and tanking, I do feel I have some insights on the tank classes to varying degrees. I do know more about certain tanks than others as I do have preferences to certain tanks.
Thanks for your reply.
Ideally i want a tank that has everything and is fun to play. I know that's not really realistic and wouldn't be balanced, i would like to know more about the Destro tanks in general.
If you could give me a Pro/con list and your personal experience which each, that might help me decide. A link to any thread that contrains similar information or a Career run down would also be greatly appriciated.

I edited my post to include some thoughts on the different Destro tanks.
Karnak (Ironbreaker), Hadebrandt (KotBS), Quigon (Swordmaster), Rakthraka (Black Orc), Thulza (Chosen), Braerithryn (Blackguard)

"Yeah, I play all the tanks. I've got beef!" - Me

Posts: 4

Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#8 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 1:05 pm

Esperflame wrote:
I edited my post to include some thoughts on the different Destro tanks.
Thank you appriciate it :)

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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#9 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:08 pm

Well Im no pro but I can give my own opition from my gaming experience.
First of all. Nothing will make a class any better than your own playstyle. You can play ''the best class'' and be the worst player on the battlefield if you play retard. Never go retard, which I do sometimes on or not on purpose.

Chosen. Easy, reliable and resourceful. Well the most popular wb tank and most ppl will be your friend if you are a descent social person and do what a tank is supposed to do. Imo a boring class to play. Feels like a huge tinman stomping around and ''just doing it''.

Blackguard. My absolute favorite and the first class I started to play as when I started my warhammer aor days. Using most of the skills and being extremely powerful with the new changes in ror I say they made the class better than it was. Sadly the blackguard don't have buffs as the chosen, but if you can manage your gameplay you can keep them buffed with willpower and such.
Blackguard is a way more ''active'' class, which I like. I feel agile and much ''smoother'' than the chosen.

Blackorc. I have sadly not played much tank Bo so I wont give an opinion in the class. Looks fun though. ;D

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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#10 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:24 pm

mm let's talk about how much competence need the bo/SM to be played? auras = stat steal etc,,,,,the rest is = on both , bot have 1 pair aoe CC-> STAG/AOe punt. Both have moral tactic (ch/BO), BO get pesky aoe snare, magic dmg reduction whcih stack with aura and 1 offensive good tactic and no point to be played 2h (same as chosen)

4/6 tanks in game are not very complex to play i could also add the IB

BO/SM may be more fun due the aoe punt taught......

I would play BO s+b since there are few and BG is lackluster. There are bilions of BG on destru side (lot fo these explode either with bad build or lack of chosen to buff their magic resistences + lot of chosen and there are so few s+b Black ork instead...
If any tell you BG is on par or better than other tank do not belive him he do not know what he's talking about.
Save yourself pain and roll chosen/bo since BG have no sense in RVR and the sc build is really stric if you wanna do soemthing good.

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