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Armies of RoR : Dwarfs

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Armies of RoR : Dwarfs

Post#1 » Wed May 10, 2017 12:06 pm


The Dwarfs are an ancient and industrious race that is long past its prime. Their once-great empire of Karak Ankor now lies in ruins and many of the Dwarfs mighty mountain holds have been abandoned or conquered by Orcs and Goblins, with whom the Dwarfs have warred for centuries. It is not uncommon to hear a Dwarf wistfully recall the great glories of the past, observing bitterly that nothing the Dwarfs do in this day and age can compare to the majesty of what once was.
An enormously proud people, the Dwarfs are quick to react to any slight, real or imagined, and remember any such infraction for years, even passing on the responsibility of vengeance to their heirs through their Books of Grudges. It is perhaps because of their obstinate pride that the Dwarfs refuse to openly admit that their culture is slowly creeping towards its nadir. Inwardly, however, they know that they are a doomed race. This gives them a uniquely dour outlook upon the world and perhaps explains their great fondness for drowning their sorrows in tankard after tankard of ale.
In fact, the only thing that the Dwarfs love more than a good mug of ale is gold. A Dwarf in the throes of goldlust is a thing to behold. The races legendary drive and stamina is brought into sharp relief when they are presented with the opportunity to acquire gold. As miners and experts on ore and metals, the Dwarfs are without peer. Items of Dwarf craftsmanship and engineering are the most valuable in all the world, revered even by the Elves.
The fates of the Dwarfs and men of the Empire are inextricably intertwined. Ever since the day Sigmar united the tribes of men in the defense of the Dwarfs at the Battle of Black Fire Pass, the stout warrior-folk have honored their oath to come to the aid of men in times of need. With the fate of the Empire now hanging in the balance, it seems that this old debt may soon come to call.

Dwarfs Career Options



The Oathbearers


News of the fall of Karak Eight Peaks dealt a grievous blow to the pride of the Dwarfs. Thorgrim Grudgebearer, High King of the Dwarfs, faced not only a large enemy army preparing to march on his capital, but also a crisis of morale. Being a wise Dwarf, he knew that in order to withstand the coming attack, his subjects would need the proper motivation.
The High King went before all the gathered Dwarfs of Karaz-a-Karak and made a grand proclamation. The finest Runesmiths and Forgemasters in all the Worlds Edge Mountains would be gathered together to craft weapons of power rivaling those made by the ancestor smiths of old. The High King named these weapons Doomstrikers, for they would be the doom of the greenskins.
To ensure the quality of these mighty weapons, only the finest ores, gold and gems would be used in their making. To gather these precious resources, the Dwarfs would have to travel to some of the most dangerous places in the Old World. Only Dwarfs of exceptional skill and courage were fit for such a task, and so the High King decreed the founding of a new regiment, which he called the Oathbearers.
Such was the importance of their task, any Dwarf wishing to join the Oathbearers would be required to swear an oath to the High King himself. When the ranks of the new regiment were filled, the High King ordered his Oathbearers to venture out into the Old World and gather whatever materials the Forgemasters required.
As a reward for their bravery and dedication, the High King promised that when the Doomstrikers were finished, it would be the Oathbearers who carried them into battle at the head of the Dwarf army.

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Last edited by Grunbag on Fri May 12, 2017 6:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Dwarfs

Post#2 » Wed May 10, 2017 3:47 pm


The Ironbreaker is the quintessential dwarf – gruff, quarrelsome and taciturn. He is also your best friend on the field of battle, as any blow struck against his allies is a Grudge that is guaranteed to be repaid in kind. Equipped with his famed gromril armor, and practicing his elite weapon craft, he is a steadfast defender. This dwarf is proof against even the most powerful attacks, standing by his allies and ensuring their safety amidst the swirling chaos of battle. It is said that there are few warriors in the world who can boast they are as tough as an Ironbreaker, and none that can prove it.

Nobody holds a grudge like a Dwarf, and no dwarf is dwarfier than the Ironbreaker. Every blow struck against him or his allies serves to fuel his ardor. This in turn influences his every action – the greater the grudge born against a particular foe, the greater the effect of the Ironbreakers attacks. The means by which the Ironbreaker exacts justice vary according to his choice of attacks, but one thing is constant: The only escape from his vengeance is death!

As an Ironbreaker, your goal is to get between your friends and your foes and use your defensive abilities to absorb and deflect attacks. If you cant immediately claim a foes attention, your grudge bonuses begin to make you a problem foes cant ignore as you grow more and more potent in your defense of your allies. Obviously, Ironbreakers truly shine in groups but even solo they are quite capable as long as they can get close enough to wear down foes with their axe or hammer.

Fighting an Ironbreaker calls for some tough choices: do you try to wear away the anvil or do you attack his friends and hope that the anvil doesnt fall on your head? The best approach is probably to remove the Ironbreaker through magic and ranged attacks, aiming to eliminate him before he can bring his power to bear. Barring that, a concentrated melee attack on the Ironbreaker may be your only hope to avoid creating an indestructible melee monster that knows your name and holds a grudge for a very long time.

Ironbreaker Look

.Fully armored in heavy Gromril armor (shiny and ornate)
.Uses large heavy duty shields (elaborate and well crafted)
.Wields an axe or a hammer (also in the fancy dwarfen style)

Image Image Image

Career Masteries

When most people describe someone as "stubborn", theyre probably talking about a Dwarf - but when a Dwarf describes someone as "stubborn as a bloody mountain", theyre probably talking about an Ironbreaker. Clad in their legendary gromril armor, they are the vanguard of any Dwarf army, leading and protecting their kin and allies on the field of battle.

No one can hold a grudge like a Dwarf, and the Ironbreakers are considered to be especially persistant even among the Dwarfs. Any time someone dares to attack the Ironbreaker, he makes a note of the insult and adds another Grudge to his list - and if an enemy should be so foolish as to attack an Ironbreakers sworn and bonded Oath Friend, the Grudge earned will be paid back with fury several times over.

Path of Stone
As stubborn and unyielding as the mountains themselves, Ironbreakers who master this path are specialists in defense and will expend every last ounce of energy protecting their sworn oath friends. Since an Ironbreaker builds up Grudges quickly when under direct attack, this mastery takes advantage of that by consuming his Grudges to fuel potent defensive abilities.

Path of Vengeance
Some Ironbreakers hold their grudges close to their heart, slowly nurturing them until they are filled with the fury of Grimnir himself. With a single-minded focus, a specialist in this path becomes more and more dangerous with every Grudge he holds, pushing himself to fight more brutally as he strives to avenge the insults that have been dealt.

Path of Brotherhood
A specialist in this path understands the balance between camaraderie and retribution, and is a natural leader on the battleground. Alternately holding and discharging his Grudges, the master of Brotherhood serves as a shining example of the greatest of Dwarf traits, inspiring his allies to push onwards to greater heights. Equally adept at breaking the enemy line or standing his ground and holding back waves of foes, the master of this path has the ability to bolster his Oath Friend as well as himself.

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Last edited by Grunbag on Fri May 12, 2017 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Dwarfs

Post#3 » Wed May 10, 2017 3:48 pm


An explosion is the ultimate form of mechanical advantage, so its no big surprise that the skills of the Dwarf Engineer extend well along these lines. From guns to grenades, he is a deadly ranged combatant who will pelt you with lead from afar and blast you to bits as you close in. He excels when fighting multiple opponents, as many of his explosive attacks are capable of devastating enemies who pack too closely together. The Engineer offers an outstanding blend of flexible firepower which makes him a truly deadly and clever combatant.

The only thing more deadly than a simple bomb is a complicated one, or at least thats the way an Engineer sees things. Using nothing more than the odds and ends they have at hand, Engineers can create a broad variety of useful objects with various purposes and functions. Some of them are even safe enough to give to others. From grenades of various types to mechanical weapon upgrades, the engineer and his allies can use these devices to significantly enhance or supplement their own combat power.

As an Engineer, the heart of your job is to rain destruction on the heads of your enemies. Like other ranged combatants, you prefer to avoid the frontline. However, unlike most other ranged classes, you reach the peak of your power at a relatively short range. You must maneuver wisely, positioning yourself so that you can strike at your target without exposing yourself to their attacks. You are a capable melee fighter, and you can strike at extended range, but your best attacks – grenades, blunderbusses, artillery bombardment, and more – require a closer position.

Perhaps the best way to deal with an Engineer is to fight him from afar. If you can effectively out damage him at long range he will be at a serious disadvantage. If you must get in close, be prepared to kill him quickly. Unlike most other ranged attackers, the Engineer loses little in terms of effectiveness in close quarters. He is certainly more vulnerable than a career designed to engage in melee, but this vulnerability does not make him easy meat.

Engineer Look

.Encased in light weight armor (loaded for bear with tools and widgets)
.Armed to the teeth with guns and grenades (and assorted other gadgets)
.Wields spanners and engineering hammers in melee


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Last edited by Grunbag on Fri May 12, 2017 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Dwarfs

Post#4 » Wed May 10, 2017 3:48 pm


Dwarfs dont go in for magic. Like so many things embraced by humans and their allies, its just much too new-fangled and unreliable, at least from the Dwarfen point of view. Now runes on the other hand, thats a whole different story. Runes have an old power. Their carving is a ritual so refined that the results are as expected as rocks rolling down hill. The keepers of this art are the Runepriests, adepts and sages who spend their lives learning the language of runes. With their craft they can create effects of stunning power, accosting their foes with the power of the earth itself. They can also harden their allies against the most damaging of attacks, and heal their wounds.

In a world where magic is commonplace, it may seem that the Runepriests powers are unremarkable. However, his runes offer something unique and powerful - the ability to bind a rune to an object or creature to await a trigger which will unleash its power. A rune-marked blade burns as it strikes, a rune-marked breastplate hardens against a killing blow, and rune-marked flesh awaits only a word of command before releasing its healing energies. By marking his allies prior to battle, the Runepriest is free to join the fight where and when he is needed, be it shaping further runes of power, or entering the thick of the fight with rune staff in hand. It is important to note that runes retain their power even after the Runepriest expires.

Preparation is critical to your success as a Runepriest, as is developing a keen sense of timing and coordination. You can use your runes to protect your friends and enhance their powers (even placing some of the runes effects under the subjects control), but their strength wanes quickly upon use and you must be ready to reinforce them as needed. Advance preparation makes it easier for you to split your attention between supporting your friends, and assaulting your foes. This division of duty is absolutely necessary in battle. Focusing purely on offense will leave your group mates without support after a short time. Conversely, playing purely a support role will rob your group of a rune-enhanced warrior of significant power.

A Runepriest can be a difficult foe to defeat. The powerful runes he can lay on himself and his equipment can make him a mighty warrior who is exceptionally difficult to slay. However, his abilities are primarily defensive or supporting in nature. In a group environment, it is wiser to leave the Runepriest for later and go after the heavy damage dealers or tanks first. They pose a more direct threat and, if ignored, are likely to tear you apart before you are able to work through the Runepriests defenses and healing powers.

Runepriest Look

.Well armored in medium, rune-inscribed armor
.Wields an ornately carved rune staff
.Marks all his equipment with runes of power and protection


Career Masteries

Dwarf runes bind and hold magic, solidifying and stabilizing the power through the knowledge and craftsmanship practiced by Rune Priests through the centuries. A skilled Rune Priest can tap into this rune-etched power to call forth all manner of spectacular effects, from restoring life to his allies to calling down wrath and doom upon his foes. Dwarf runes are repositories of raw power, harnessed to a specific purpose by generations of skilled and focused runecarvers. A Rune Priest is adept at not only invoking these runic powers, but also at engraving runes on his allies equipment, granting them abilities far beyond their normal grasp. A true master Rune Priest can even call forth the power of mighty Master Runes, carving them into the very earth itself as an anchor for their tremendous energies.

Path of Grungni
A master of this path focuses on powerful and direct effects, learning to both restore his allies and smite his enemies with equal skill. The path of Grungni is for those who prefer to focus on a single target at a time, be they friend or foe, and unleash powerful effects upon them.

Path of Valaya
An arguably more subtle mastery, the path of Valaya is focused on effects which continue to linger after theyve been invoked. A master of this path prefers to stick to tested, tried, and true slow-and-steady abilities, whether hes building up his allies strength until they become unstoppable, or whether hes grinding his enemies down with inevitable and unescapable doom.

Path of Grimnir
This path is concerned with runes which affect large, sweeping areas as they unleash their innate power. A specialist in this path is an expert at changing the ebb and tide of combat by either bolstering his allies entire front line, or by sending vast swaths of crushing power across the enemy masses.
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Dwarfs

Post#5 » Wed May 10, 2017 3:48 pm


While many of the other races view promises and commitments with a pragmatic eye, Dwarfs hold their honor in the highest regard, and uphold their oaths in a way that can only be described as nigh-obsessive. If something somehow prevents a Dwarf from fulfilling his oath, then he becomes shamed more deeply than any other race could even conceive of. Any Dwarf dishonored so thoroughly has only one choice: to stand before Grungi and take the Slayers oath, swearing to atone for his sin through an honorable death in combat. He forsakes his traditional armor, shaves his beard, ritually tattoos himself, and then sets off to rid himself of the shame and regret that haunt him. Slayers are just as stubborn as any other Dwarf, and dying quietly is simply not in their nature. The Slayers therefore become ruthless and terrifying fighters, throwing themselves into battle with no regard for their own well-being as they desperately search for a foe that is strong enough to end their painful quest.

Every moment of a Slayers life is filled with the rage of their dishonor and loss. As they battle an enemy, they become more enraged with every passing moment, furious and saddened that this foe is not strong enough to bring them deaths atonement. This rage fills them with deadly fury, making them more and more dangerous as it builds up. Eventually, their rage will begin to push their body past its limits, putting their own health and safely into dire straits.

A Slayer focuses on brutal offensive attacks. As their rage builds up, they become more and more powerful, but they will eventually start to become more vulnerable as well, as fatigue takes its toll. While Slayers are able to briefly dampen their rage by using powerful and exhausting attacks, they can never be truly calmed, and their rage will quickly begin to build once again. Playing as a Slayer will ultimately come down to your choices between allowing your rage to consume you entirely and keeping you in a massive frenzy, or constantly exhausting your rage while also forgoing the furious might that it would otherwise give you, or striking a careful balance between the two. No matter the style, all Slayers are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Even though Slayers wear almost no armor, Dwarf fortitude and the Slayers utterly-focused nature significantly make up for it. The best tactic for defeating a Slayer is to do so quickly, and far out of the reach of their weapons. Always remember that a prolonged engagement against a Slayer is a dire gamble for you, for if you manage to survive their initial assault, the Slayer will only grow stronger as their rage builds up – but the weakness that the rage eventually inflicts may possibly work in your favor...if you can survive that long.

Slayer Look

.Mostly naked, covered in tattoos, heavy rings and bracers, shaved beard and mohawk
.Armor consists of ornate torques, bracers, girdles and thick heavy boots
.Adorned with conquest trophies of troll hide, giants teeth, deamon skulls
.Wield finely crafted dwarf hammers or axes, or their signature weapon: the Dwarf Greataxe


Career Masteries

Path of Trollslayer
The Path of Trollslayer focuses on fully embracing the rage of the dishonored Slayer. This rage turns them into an offensive powerhouse at the expense of straining their own bodies beyond all reasonable limits. While this leaves the Slayer quickly overextended and vulnerable with their defensive capabilities highly diminished, a specialist in this Mastery will quickly overwhelm any foe who stands before them. Slayers of this path tend to focus on a single distracted enemy.

Path of Giantslayer
The Path of Giantslayer drives the Slayer to punish their enemies with constant, powerful hits as the shamed Dwarf continuously channels their rage into exhausting attacks. This consistent burning-away of their rage results in them lacking some of the sheer brutal power that their anger would otherwise grant them, but it also prevents them from becoming overextended and vulnerable. A master of this path prefers to finish off their enemies with decisive and well-placed attacks, and is more capable of shrugging off a foes feeble strikes.

Path of Skavenslayer
The Path of Skavenslayer focuses on using cunning to fight several opponents at once. A distinctive balance between the Slayers two extremes of combat styles, a master Skavenslayer is adept at striking a balance between embracing their rage and anger, yet still having the presence of mind to unleash an exhaustive attack before they become too vulnerable. This more tactical-based training makes a specialist in this path adept at following the complex flow of battle, and allows them to easily deal with multiple enemies.

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Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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