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Armies of RoR : Greenskins

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Armies of RoR : Greenskins

Post#1 » Thu May 11, 2017 11:21 am


So named because of the color of their waxy skin, the greenskins are savagery personified. They are ill-tempered, primitive, and live only to fight. In the absence of another foe, greenskins will eventually turn on one another for want of violence. In their culture, might makes right and the weakest members of society are one false step away from being dinner.

The greenskins have no homeland to speak of. They capture other races settlements and then make those places their own, decorating them with tribal graffiti, wood and scrap materials fashioned into crude symbols, and oftentimes, the bones of those they have slain. This leads to a very unique form of architecture that is distinctively ramshackle.

Periodically, a powerful Orc Warboss will unite the greenskin tribes into a single swarming mass called a "Waaagh!", named for the common greenskin battle-cry. In a Waaagh!, the greenskins unite into a stampede of frenzied Orcs, Goblins and Snotlings bent on destroying everything they encounter. Save for pure Chaos itself, there is no force in the Warhammer world as devastating as a Waaagh! set in motion.

At the onset of the new Age, the greenskins have been united by the Black Orc Warlord Grumlok and his diminutive counterpart, the Goblin Shaman Gazbag. Together, they have led their tribe, the Bloody Sun Boyz, to dominance. Now, they wage war upon the Dwarfs, guided by an unseen hand.


Orcs are the largest of the greenskin species. They are bigger, more aggressive, and more muscular than their smaller cousins, the Goblins, Hobgoblins, and tiny Snotlings. Orcs continue to grow throughout their lives and their skin darkens with age. The strongest and most powerful Orcs grow to become Black Orcs, marked by their increased size and darker skin.
Orcs are not bright by any means, but they do possess an animalistic awareness of social structure. They are bullies who impose their will on anyone they think is weaker than they. There is nothing an Orc loves more than to fight. If they lack other opponents, they will fight amongst themselves. Such battles are always bloody affairs, for Orcs are fearsome foes, even when wounded. They feel no pain and fear nothing.

An especially powerful Orc will rise to the top of his tribe by way of ruthless savagery and victory in personal combat. If he is able to defeat the current Warboss, he will assume that position. If he is especially strong-willed, the new Warboss may be able to lead the entire tribe into Waaagh! while still fending off challenges to his leadership from within.

Orcs fight with primitive weapons that are little more than big chunks of scrap metal. They give these weapons such descriptive names as "choppas", "bashas" and "smashas", and they wield them with brutal strength.


Goblins are considerably smaller than Orcs, but they compensate for this disadvantage with a feral cunning that their larger brethren lack. Goblins are constantly bullied and intimidated by the Orcs and this has caused them to evolve into sneaky and insidious creatures whose comical appearance belies their malicious intelligence. In many ways Goblins are the brains behind greenskin tribal society. Goblins frequently are the Shamans of their tribes and are often clever enough to use the leverage associated with this position to manipulate the larger but slower Orcs into doing their bidding.
Goblins are also the most adept of the greenskin races at using technology. Goblins build objects of simple, but effective design. As with all greenskin construction, machines and siege engines cobbled together by Goblins have a very primitive look, but a five-hundred-pound rock hurts just as much when its hurled through the air by a crudely-fashioned greenskin Rock Lobber as an ornate Dwarf Grudge Thrower.

Greenskin Career Options



The Bloody Sun Boyz tribe is one among hundreds of greenskin tribes that populate the Badlands. Led by a huge Black Orc named Grumlok and his most powerful Goblin Shaman, Gazbag, the tribe quickly conquers its rivals and begins to grow in size. The story might have ended there if not for Malekith the Witch King.

As part of his plot to conquer Ulthuan, Malekith must manipulate the Empire into asking the High Elves for aid. To ensure that this happens, the Witch King devises a plot to embroil the Dwarfs in a war with their ancient adversaries, the Orcs and Goblins, ensuring that they cannot come to the Empires defense in its hour of need. Without help from the Dwarfs, the Emperor will have no choice but to turn to the Phoenix King of Ulthuan for help, and when the armies of the High Elves sail for the Old World, their island home will be ripe for invasion.

Malekith dispatches hunters to the Badlands with the task of capturing the most powerful Orc Warboss that they can find and bringing him back to Naggaroth. They return with Grumlok and Gazbag, to whom Malekith gives amulets that increase their powers tenfold. When the Orc and Goblin return to their tribe, they lead a campaign to conquer their neighbors and amass a great horde. Compelled by the power of their amulets, Grumlok and Gazbag march to Karak Eight Peaks and obliterate the Dwarf garrison there, taking over the fortress.

Grumlok has summoned all the tribes of the Old World to join his great Waaagh!, but it is the Bloody Sun Boyz who will command the most respect and fear among their green kin. Grumlok expects his lads to keep the other Orcs and Goblins in line, and when the time comes to break down the great gates of Karaz-a-Karak and rampage through the streets of the Dwarf capital city, it is the Boyz who will lead the charge.

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Last edited by Grunbag on Fri May 12, 2017 6:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Greenskins

Post#2 » Thu May 11, 2017 11:22 am


Armed and armoured to fight in the thick of melee as a warrior and tanker, the Black Orc matches physical hardiness with a down and dirty brawlers fighting style that makes him the heart of any war band. With choppa and shield in hand, he can face down any foe unshaken. However, it is his unique approach to fighting that makes him as deadly with his fists as with either of those tools. Hell knock you down so you cant fight back, and then kick you while youre down. Theres no honor among Greenskins, and theres no such thing as a fair fight – and thats the way he likes it!

The Black Orcs fighting style might best be described as brawling. He attacks with all the tools available – fists, feet, elbows, shoulders, and assorted other spiky bits, including weapons. His various attacks are designed to jar, disorient, or otherwise disable his enemy. Each of these conditions leaves the enemy vulnerable to yet more punishment. This comes in the form of other attacks which deliver additional effects based on the targets condition. The Black Orcs use of these tools revolves around the philosophy that the best defense is indeed a good offense.

Combat for a Black Orc revolves around engaging and defeating enemies one at a time, while weathering the fire of their allies. As a front line fighter, the Black Orc is well equipped to withstand the attacks of his enemies. Though protected by shield and armor, and possessing a hearty constitution, his greatest strength lies in his ability to disable his primary opponent. His use of jarring blows and unexpected attacks allow the Black Orc to exploit the openings they create to reduce the enemys ability to fight back.

When you fight a Black Orc its most important to know your enemy and his abilities. This allows you to counter them and keep him from reaching the potential of his deadly power. He will always have the tools to engage you, so theres little sense in trying to get around him. If youre aware of his abilities – especially the multiple attacks he can chain off of one another – you can maneuver and break his chains, denying him maximum performance. Maneuverability, selective engagement, and an intimate knowledge of your enemys abilities are the keys to defeating the Black Orc.

Black Orc Look

.Fully armored in heavy armor (with lots of spikes)
.Large very heavy shields (also with lots of spikes)
.Choppas and great choppas (with spiky bits stuck on)


Career Masteries

Black Orcs love a good brawl, and are always the first ones to charge into the hectic chaos of combat. Over enough generations, this has ensured that the only surviving Black Orcs are the toughest of the tough and the meanest of the mean, resulting in a group known for their brutality and sturdiness even among other Greenskins.

Black Orcs are master tacticians, and brilliant combat fighters without intellectual peer among the Greenskins, for they can actually formulate and follow a detailed and complex battle plan. Some warriors of other races have been known to occasionally point out that a Black Orcs plans somehow seem to consist of nothing more than progressing from "Hit im!" to "Oi, es still standing, hit im again!", and then back to "Him im!" again...but theyre careful not to sound mocking or dismissive, for in the hands of a Black Orc, such a plan is crushingly effective.

Path Of Da Brawler
A master of this path believes that the best way to win a fight is through choppin the other guy into little pieces quickly. He scoffs at the thought of using a shield, since that just makes it harder to swing a massive Big Choppa around, and he doesnt need anything getting between him and his choppin!

Path Of Da Toughest
A specialist in this path sees the wisdom in using a massive shield and taking care to defend himself against attacks - after all, while choppin is grand fun, living through the fight so that he can do some more choppin later is an appealing prospect as well.

Path Of Da Boss
If theres one thing that an Orc Boss can do better than anyone, its yelling at those who arent as big as him. A specialist in this path has had long practice at yelling, shouting, and encouraging his group to fight onwards and be strong - although its still a point of military debate whether the Orcs allies are actually inspired to press forward and fight, or whether theyre simply trying to get the Orc to stop his deafening bellows and reeking breath.

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Last edited by Grunbag on Fri May 12, 2017 6:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Greenskins

Post#3 » Thu May 11, 2017 11:23 am

Orcs are always itching for a fight, and at the best of times their insatiable bloodlust is barely restrained long enough to form some sort of rudimentary plan of attack. Choppas dont even have that minimal self-restraint. Ornery and savage, their one-track mind is dead seat on getting stuck in and bashin heads! Chopping is what they live for, chopping is what they are best at, and this one-track focus makes them ferocious fighters. As such, a Choppa who lives long enough quickly turns out to be the most elite fighter of the Greenskin horde, wreaking havoc throughout enemy lines purely for the sake of satisfying their own self-indulgent bloodlust.

Choppas are driven purely by their unending and inexplicable thirst for battle, which compels them to throw themselves headlong into battle against any challenges who stand before them... or against anyone vaguely nearby... or against anyone trying to running away...or occasionally against rocks and trees if no one is nearby. Their endless love of battle drives Choppas into a nearly euphoric state, especially when they come across an enemy who presents a real challenge and their battle rage becomes stronger and stronger with each vicious strike. Most Choppas will even heedlessly push themselves off-balance, not caring about how vulnerable they become as long as they get a “Gud fight" out of it.

The Choppa is an offensive juggernaut that rains increasingly punishing blows down upon their enemies as their battle frenzy consumes them more and more. However, while the Choppa is single-minded, theyre also clever in their brutality, and they have found that they can channel their battle rage into massive, exhausting attacks, briefly sacrificing their enraged power in an attempt to fell the enemy with a single powerful blow. For those who choose the life of a Choppa, the limited control of when to embrace their battle frenzy and when to exhaust it will be a constant back-and-forth as their battles rage on.

While Choppas may appear to be completely vulnerable at first glance, do not be fooled, for theyre under the protection of Gork (or maybe Mork), and as such can be very resistant to damage. The surest way to fight against a Choppa is to simply hit them hard and fast, and preferably while theyre engaging a different enemy. Always remember that the Choppas battle frenzy, while granting incredible might to the Orcs, also makes them increasingly more vulnerable as well, so striking at a Choppa whos already in the heat of battle allows you to take advantage of their weakness while still keeping your own safety. Of course, thats cold comfort to the poor fool whos being chopped to bloody bits...

Choppa Look

.Light to Medium armor consisting of Leather, Hides, Bone, Metal plates, or any item conveniently at hand
.Trophy Racks of Skulls, Beards, Ears, etc
.Thick crude and heavy Choppas both in single-hand and two handed varieties


Career Masteries

Path of Da Savage
This path is focused on completely embracing the Choppas self-indulgent bloodlust, growing increasingly powerful as the fight goes on. Those who specialize in this Mastery will be able to deliver an endless string of brutal blows against their enemy, and are especially effective if the victim is distracted since the price for the Choppas fully-consuming rage is that they are more vulnerable to counter-attacks.

Path of Da Hitta
This Mastery is focused on constantly exhausting the Choppas frenzy into powerful blows, brutally punishing their enemy. A specialist in this path is a surprisingly sturdy warrior, since they almost never let their rage build to the point that they become more vulnerable.

Path of Da Wrecka
The Path of Da Wrecka teaches the Choppa to fight several enemies at once - after all, if choppin one person is grand fun, then choppin lots of people can only be better! A Choppa who masters this path has an instinctive grasp of the flow of battle, allowing their frenzy to fill them with power, but also being sure to release powerful exhausting attacks before they become overexerted.

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Last edited by Grunbag on Fri May 12, 2017 6:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Greenskins

Post#4 » Thu May 11, 2017 11:24 am

One-on-one a Squig is no match for the likes of a Hammerer or Ironbreaker, but the problem there isnt the match, its the numbers. The toothy embrace of a pack of Squigs has brought down many a hearty warrior, and a Squig pack is never more effective than in the hands of an expert Herder. Using tools ranging from pipes to goads to bits of giblets, the Squig Herder drives his minions to a killing frenzy while fighting safely behind the lines. The Herders own ranged fire combines with the attacks of his minions to challenge any foe.

Its all about the Squigs – at least as far as the Squig Herder is concerned – and he knows all there is to know about these feisty critters. Commanding a pack of Squigs culled from those types he has learned to train, the Squig Herder can inflict serious damage on his enemies. With experience, he can learn to tame a broad range of breeds, control more powerful Squigs, and acquire more specialized abilities such as taking direct control of his Squig. His minions will even fight on after his death, wandering off only when the battle is done.

As a Squig Herder you lead from the rear, turning your Squigs loose on the enemy and supporting them with commands, arrows and bait while safely out of harms way. The most critical elements of your strategy revolve around your choice of Squigs for your pack, and the abilities you use to support them. Your various breeds offer you tools for different situations, and you must mix and match them to meet your needs. Tactically speaking, your job is to kill the enemy while avoiding his counter-attacks – both you and your Squigs are deadly but fragile beasts.

The Squig Herder is essentially a fire-support career who wishes to hit you without being hit. As such, youll need to deny him that opportunity. Attacking him or his pets early – either one, as the pets will live on after their masters death – is a sound strategy which will quickly reduce his damage dealing power. You must also be alert however, as Squigs can bypass your own line with their fast leaping movements and strike at your back field. You must strike a balance between the defenses you can muster against enemy melee fighters and the nasty beasts gnawing at your heels.

Squig Herder Look

.Lightly armored in leather and equipment harnesses (often made from Squig skins)
.Outfitted with numerous and varied Squig herding tools (made from anything and everything)
.Carries a bow or spear for personal combat (or uses his Squig pipes for calling Squigs)


Career Masteries

Goblins arent exactly known for their fortitude or strength, so the clever Squig Herder uses a pack of squigs to do the hard work for him while he stands safely away and unleashes a rain of deadly arrows. Through a combination of poking, prodding, yelling, and throwing raw meat, a Squig Herder has managed to...well...not exactly "tame" a pack of squigs, but certainly get them to at least run when he stabs them. The Squig Herder has the means to deal with any combat situation through the wide array of squigs at his disposal - and sometimes, they are quite literally at his disposal, as his pets have an unsettling habit of being eaten or exploding.

Path of Big Shootin
A specialist in this path is more than happy to stand far, far back from the fight and let his squig pets distract the enemies while he peppers them with arrows from a safe distance. Those who dismiss Goblins for their small stature quickly learn not to underestimate the Squig Herders powerful bow and keen aim, and many an enemys final dying thought has been that perhaps they shouldve paid more attention to the Goblin than the squig.

Path of Quick Shootin
A clever master of this path uses the Goblins inherent tendancies towards twitching and running in his favor, and has learned to quickly snap off bow shots while moving.around. While he pays for this mobility at the cost of range, as he cant shoot as far without taking the time to stop and brace his bow, the speed and flexibility that he gains ensures that he can always stay out of harms reach.

Path of Stabbin
Some goblins are simply more bloodthirsty than others, and a master of this path prefers to use his bow simply as a means to weaken and hinder his enemy, allowing him to move in and dispatch them quickly with his crude yet brutal spear. Fighting side-by-side with his squig pets, the Squig Herder who selects this path is always gleeful to find himself in the middle of a messy fight.

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Last edited by Grunbag on Fri May 12, 2017 6:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Greenskins

Post#5 » Thu May 11, 2017 11:24 am

Hes got Waaagh!, and hes not afraid to use it! What more can you say about a lad who gets the big Waaagh! going when the boyz roll out? The Shaman channels the primal bloodlust of the Greenskins into effects both beneficial and baleful. He keeps the lads up and running far beyond their normal capabilities and calls down the wrath of the twin deities, Gork and Mork, onto his enemies. The one feeds the other and around he goes, delivering a deadly combination of healing magic and stomping, pummeling power without pause.

Greenskins live for battle, and fighting provides the strange and twisted power that fuels their magic. By participating in battle – calling down the wrath of Gork and Mork, or just being up in the fight with the lads – the Shaman taps into the collective frenzy to gain Waaagh! power. This gathered Waaagh! energy drives the strength of his supporting magic to new heights. With Waaagh! power blazing in his eyes, his spells can heal more wounds or empower his allies to achieve feats of unbelievable destruction.

As a Shaman, youll have to walk a careful line in balancing your offensive and support abilities. You can achieve the greatest rate of healing by focusing on that skill exclusively. You can maximize your rate of damage by focusing purely on those abilities. However, focusing on a single talent will lessen your overall impact on the battle. The strength your support skills gain from an ongoing Waaagh! is significant. Using your offensive magic to contribute directly to the fight will increase the power of your support magic, allowing you to better help your group.

With the Shamans power to support and enhance his allies, he is at his strongest when he fights with a team. With this in mind, youd be advised to take the earliest opportunity to eliminate him – an opportunity his group mates will do their best to deny you. In each fight you must carefully weigh the opposition, and determine the best time to strike at the Shaman. Attack too early and you risk facing deadly reprisals from the Shamans uninjured allies. Attack too late and you may lack the power to overcome the groups Waaagh! enhanced defenses.

Shaman Look

.Lightly armored in tattered goblin robes (with critters and bits stuck on)
.Carries an elaborate shamans staff (with more critters and nastier bits)
.Kitted out with shamanistic trappings (Still more critters and bits)


Career Masteries

Any time the Greenskins declare a WAAAGH! and go to war (which is to say, any time they go anywhere), their endless thirst for battle produces an almost-palpable energy in the air. Over time, clever Goblins learned to harness the power of the WAAAGH!, and Shaman take advantage of this to support their allies in combat.

Channeling the WAAAGH! power, Shaman can produce all types of spectacular green magic, which he can unleash as a testament to the might of the Greenskin dieties, Gork and Mork. Greenskins are a little unclear on exactly which god it is that they worship at any given moment, however, so the Shaman decide to play it safe and offer up power to both. This constant back-and-forth between Mork and Gork allows a Shaman to greatly improve his magic, making their dimutive figures into unexpectedly powerful forces on the battlefield.

Path Of Mork
This path is primarily focused on healing and restoring the Shamans allies. As he casts spells from this path, the Shaman builds up the power of Morks WAAAGH!, which he can then use to fling swift and powerful offensive magic. Because of this, many an enemy who dismissed a Morkish specialist as unthreatening has quickly learned a brutal - and fatal - lesson.

Path Of Gork
A specialist in this path prefers to destroy his enemies first, and tend to his allies later. By blasting his enemies into oblivion, the Shaman builds up the power of Gorks WAAAGH!, which can then be used to hasten and improve his healing magics.

Path Of Da Green
Not wanting to get caught between Gork and Mork, a master of this path simply declares that green is best, and promptly goes about making his allies even greener and better than they were before. Naturally, anyone who isnt green must be put into their place, and a specialist in this path is equally adept at crippling and hindering his enemies as well.

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Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
Skorri - 40 - 65 Engineer


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Re: Armies of RoR : Greenskins

Post#6 » Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:53 am

A nice wiki, thanks, but why the Goblins are the last characters figured in this Greenskin section ?
They must be the first before the Orcs.
Goblins are the Greenskin brain.
monkey 079 (test failure - escaped)

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Re: Armies of RoR : Greenskins

Post#7 » Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:32 pm

flintboth wrote:A nice wiki, thanks, but why the Goblins are the last characters figured in this Greenskin section ?
They must be the first before the Orcs.
Goblins are the Greenskin brain.
I think that's an interesting subject of debate. One could argue the Orcs are to be mentioned first as they are the biggest and strongest among the Greenskins; the most prominent warlords in the Warhammer lore are Orcs. They can hold dominance over a tribe through sheer strength and threat, while a small part of their brain requires tact and strategy in order to be a successful enough Warlord that the boys will continue to listen to. In the Warhammer tabletop, low-ranking Goblins are often used as fodder or skirmish/flanking units, so despite their increased intellect over their Orc brethren, they are treated as expendable.

Also, there are a few intelligent Orcs out there; the longest-living Warbosses are on average more cunning than a regular Orc unit. Being able to lead requires more wit than being able to follow. It's not easy to survive for long as an Orc Warboss if they are not cunning enough to sense treachery or plotting against them, either. Also, keep in mind that an Orc Shaman requires a hefty intellect to not only act on-par with a Goblin Shaman, but even to surpass the Waaagh! magic they both use. There is a distinct difference between the intellect of an Orc and a Goblin; Goblins tend to rely on it more in order to survive and prove their power, although Orcs can make expert use of it as well given the circumstances.

All in all, Orc Warbosses rely heavily on the advice of Shamans, be they Orc or Goblin. The difference it makes lies with how willing a Warboss is to choose brain over brawn.

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Re: Armies of RoR : Greenskins

Post#8 » Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:41 pm

I think that's an interesting subject of debate. One could argue the Orcs are to be mentioned first as they are the biggest and strongest among the Greenskins; the most prominent warlords in the Warhammer lore are Orcs. They can hold dominance over a tribe through sheer strength and threat, while a small part of their brain requires tact and strategy in order to be a successful enough Warlord that the boys will continue to listen to. In the Warhammer tabletop, low-ranking Goblins are often used as fodder or skirmish/flanking units, so despite their increased intellect over their Orc brethren, they are treated as expendable.

Also, there are a few intelligent Orcs out there; the longest-living Warbosses are on average more cunning than a regular Orc unit. Being able to lead requires more wit than being able to follow. It's not easy to survive for long as an Orc Warboss if they are not cunning enough to sense treachery or plotting against them, either. Also, keep in mind that an Orc Shaman requires a hefty intellect to not only act on-par with a Goblin Shaman, but even to surpass the Waaagh! magic they both use. There is a distinct difference between the intellect of an Orc and a Goblin; Goblins tend to rely on it more in order to survive and prove their power, although Orcs can make expert use of it as well given the circumstances.

All in all, Orc Warbosses rely heavily on the advice of Shamans, be they Orc or Goblin. The difference it makes lies with how willing a Warboss is to choose brain over brawn.

I think, the Goblins will choose for the " brawn" for ever than try to take the lead of the Greenskins WaaaGH.
The Goblins are the masters of the under world, I presume more I know, the Goblins are living under the earth more than under the sunz.
This is probably why they flee under the bright steel of the Dwarves and play the War with all their merry pettiness.
This is the most dark race of Warhammer, for me, which seems the most secret and the most buried in the darkness and the knowledges of the depths of the earth.
The Orcs will need for ever their sciences and this is why they like to hit them, hit is proof of love for an Orc.
Look at Badmoon Hole, this is the Goblins place; The rock walls around this fearsome Keep hidden at the bottom of an abyss is covered of many Goblin huts, the mushrooms seems to be grown all around with those piles of nauseous manures, to come to compliment those good decoctions which boil in those big kettles whose fires illuminate this terrible cavern.
We can hear their little macabre laughters resonate all around but we can not see them, Only their fleeting shadows, the echo of their drums rebound for ever in the skulls of the Order armies, for those who have been able to return from this pit.
With all this shrooms, the Goblins are the Greenskin gods ! They are Gork and Mork and Orcs are only Gork.
I m sure the Goblins prefers to live behind the "brawn" protection of the Orcs to be able to flee as soonish possible in their warm mushroom cellars if those horrible Stunties came to walk to the Marshes or to the Badlands.
So, long life to the Orcs Warboss !
Orcs can stay above this wiki finaly I was misstaken, again ! Aouch aouch...
monkey 079 (test failure - escaped)


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