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Re: RoR Career Builder

Post#61 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:07 pm

While your tool is superior in many ways i have been thinking what makes me use the waronlinebuilder one more often than yours and i think its mostly ease of use, as in you can do everything with minimal clicks, with this i mean that if you can, you should make the following changes:

A) Making rank 40 the default.
B) When you click in any skill or tactic in a tree, automatically spend points into that tree if there is any and its available.
C) (And this would just be the cherry on top since the other tool doesnt even have it) scale skills accordingly to the point spent in that tree.
D) Add the posibility to introduce a number that would relate to STR/int/BS that would also make the tooltips change according to the value.

Obviously C and D are just pipe dreams but what brings me back to waronlinebuilder is how in a couple clicks i can make a spec easily without having to put my rank in 40, click x times in the + simbol to put the correct amount and then choose the skill, for every tree.

Anyway, great tool, keep it up.

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Re: RoR Career Builder

Post#62 » Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:31 pm

bloodi wrote:C) (And this would just be the cherry on top since the other tool doesnt even have it) scale skills accordingly to the point spent in that tree.
D) Add the posibility to introduce a number that would relate to STR/int/BS that would also make the tooltips change according to the value.

Obviously C and D are just pipe dreams but what brings me back to waronlinebuilder is how in a couple clicks i can make a spec easily without having to put my rank in 40, click x times in the + simbol to put the correct amount and then choose the skill, for every tree.

Anyway, great tool, keep it up.
C and D will/could be possible in the near-ish future. The "ish" being code for "when I both have the free time and wouldn't rather be doing something else with it" followed by "...and then when Turino can rewrite most of his code."

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Re: RoR Career Builder

Post#63 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:18 pm

bloodi wrote:While your tool is superior in many ways i have been thinking what makes me use the waronlinebuilder one more often than yours and i think its mostly ease of use, as in you can do everything with minimal clicks, with this i mean that if you can, you should make the following changes:

A) Making rank 40 the default.
B) When you click in any skill or tactic in a tree, automatically spend points into that tree if there is any and its available.
C) (And this would just be the cherry on top since the other tool doesnt even have it) scale skills accordingly to the point spent in that tree.
D) Add the posibility to introduce a number that would relate to STR/int/BS that would also make the tooltips change according to the value.

Obviously C and D are just pipe dreams but what brings me back to waronlinebuilder is how in a couple clicks i can make a spec easily without having to put my rank in 40, click x times in the + simbol to put the correct amount and then choose the skill, for every tree.

Anyway, great tool, keep it up.
That's really great feedback, thanks a lot. I'm definitely going to give A & B some thought.

As for C & D, as Genisaurus says will require some crossover with the game devs. But I'm hopeful we'll be able to deliver something at some point around this. Watch this space.

Posts: 2249

Re: RoR Career Builder

Post#64 » Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:24 pm

Agree with bloodi on A and B 100%. The old builder is just faster and more efficient... makes it far easier to geek out on shifting a build around or come up with something newish. As for C and D... it would help. I just tend to do that math in my head though... not sure if the effort would be worth the return. But since someone else will be doing it...
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Re: RoR Career Builder

Post#65 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:48 am

Azarael wrote:The scaling for an ability varies, and it's probably more effort than it's worth to implement Strength scaling etc. Base values are exportable from the client, though RoR uses an approximation atm (linear interpolation between level 1 and level 40 base value.)
Does anyone know how to export these values form the client? I have calculated the base values and the scaling for my classes and would like to check them with the real values. Reason I'm asking is that I get slight variations in the results (probably due to rounding).

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Re: RoR Career Builder

Post#66 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:52 am

What browsers does the new one work best on?
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Re: RoR Career Builder

Post#67 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:58 am

Dont know if someone wrote it before, but it seems you have a slight mistake in the path of loathing. Anger drives me should be at 7 Points not on 11.

PS: If you know it already and about to change it, just ignore my post.

Thanks for the builder.
Andyrion Ulthenair
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Re: RoR Career Builder

Post#68 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:05 am

Is it just me, or is it always down?

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Re: RoR Career Builder

Post#69 » Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:10 pm

I prefer waronline buidler for 1 thing still click and ista level in the mastery, press +++++ every time feel so slow :D
Also maybe put default rank 40 rr 70 but still allow ppl to scale down if they want

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Posts: 43

Re: RoR Career Builder

Post#70 » Fri Dec 02, 2016 1:14 pm

Combi wrote:Is it just me, or is it always down?
Hopefully not. What sort of errors are you getting? Feel free to DM any issues and I will investigate

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