Patch Notes 10/06/2024

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Re: Patch Notes 10/06/2024

Post#31 » Sun Jun 16, 2024 10:18 pm

ReturnOfReckoning wrote: Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:40 am

A few modifications have been applied to the Website's Killboard functionality:

- Lifetime Death Count has been hidden from Character Profiles.

- Death Count has been removed from Weekly/Monthly Player Leaderboard.

- Death Count has been removed from Weekly/Monthly Guild Leaderboard.

All other stats, including deaths, will remain visible and available for potential analysis in the individual Scenarios and Skirmishes pages.

Fighting is what RoR is all about, and we'd like everyone to focus on enjoying the game and working together as a Realm. With this change, we're making room for more emphasis on core game mechanics, objectives, career roles, and player interactions, creating - in our view - a healthier and more fitting MMO experience.

It will take time to see difference, but if we can influence player behavior even a tiny bit for the better, we’re all for it.

Bug Fixes
Just make sure that when you influence people's behavior that it's in a positive way. Past attempts, such as crippling rewards for solo players has had negative effects such as reducing the population. Personally, if playing in RvR is just a stomp-fest for the other realm I'm not going to run it regardless of whether or not my K/D ratio is showing. And the fact that KD is different between Enemy, the party tally or the killboard already makes it a non-issue.


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