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CC channeling strange behavior

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2024 4:46 pm
by Apocaliptico
Guys, I would like to report something that has been happening not only to me, but to my friends as well.

Recently, after the last patch, classes with some types of CC channeling have strange behavior when activating this type of CC.

For example:

Wind of Insanity, even when we use taunt or kd, remains active for a while until it is cancelled.

Git To Da Choppa, when there is more than one choppa using this skill the target ends up receiving the pull more than once, it has already happened that the same choppa pulls more than once in a row.

We also identified in some cases where the immunity buff does not activate and the target receives 2 KD in a row.

I don't have visual evidence as I don't usually record videos while playing, but it's not anything in particular, I'm just reporting what we saw happen. If you are interested in investigating I would be grateful.
