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Ballance and thoughts

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:52 am
by nexis72
RoR is an amazing game. One of the things making this game amazing is that every class is unic and distinguished from the other classes.

Talking about my self i feel very nice as a WL that i can pounce. I feel like a lion jumping to the enemies. I feel very nice as AM that I can really produce amazing amounts of healing when i use my EoV. Nerfing abilities like these are killing the joy. This feeling that you have a superpower that others don't have. The same is for every other class, order and destruction. The result of nerfing abilities like these, that make one class distinguished, is frustrated players. And when the players are frustrated some small percentage leave the game. And this is a game that is based on population.

My suggestion is like this: Ballancing is needed. But it should be done in a more appropriate way. Find what class is the weak and give some buff. And the buff should be according to the superpower that they have. Lets say WL need to jump around without cooldowns and also in the middle of the air. AM need to do EoV on the move. When every single Destro is hunting him, he needs to use his superpower EoV on the move and not staying as a sitting duck. When some class need buff, give a small buff that gives joy. And rarely i would do nerfing. But when is needed, it should be done in a way that is not making the people unhappy. And this is not killing the abilities that making classes distinguished. Dont kill the superpower. For example I would be totally ok when my WL aoe was weak. Lion is a hunter. Seek and destroy. Slayer is a mass murderer. There aoe is needed. So if lets say WL needs nerff, nerff the aoe. But not the pounce. Classes must have character.

I hope i am not misunderstood. This post is not about my classes. I use them as example because only there I have experience. I have seen a post : "Marauders are the most nurffed class". I don't want also Marauders to be unhappy and leave the game. I want happy people all around. I need enemies as much i need fellow warriors.