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[Slayer] 2h Rota Help

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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[Slayer] 2h Rota Help

Post#1 » Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:18 pm

I have been running this build for SC: For the life of me,i can not figure out a good roto for the build. I have a good understanding of aoe slayer but not 2h at all.

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Re: [Slayer] 2h Rota Help

Post#2 » Sat Jul 01, 2023 12:24 pm

Vri wrote: Fri Jun 30, 2023 9:18 pm I have been running this build for SC: For the life of me,i can not figure out a good roto for the build. I have a good understanding of aoe slayer but not 2h at all.
To even attempt 2h slayer you will have to slot no rage drop tactic, which automatically weakens you as you gonna miss out on another important tactic.
But if you are motivated enough to continue with that:
1. Axe Throw or Onslaught to open up and give your enemies something weak to cleanse, you recast Onslaught for that very reason frequently, can be followed up by Slow Down, Relentless Strike, Spine Crusher, Pulverizing Strike, those are your fillers, you want to make sure your primary target is snared if they might be trying get away too.
2. Rampage when you hit yellow as it doesnt drop your rage and gets best uptime that way
3. Now you have couple globals of yellow but this applies to red stage too, main burst rotation:
- preparation phase: Onslaught -> Deep Wound -> Relentless Strike (can squize some fillers if you are timing it with your team dps, point is 3s dot need to come in last global before next step)
- actual burst: Devastate -> Spellbreaker -> Deathblow (3 hit combo that does the real work)

With no rage drop you also get access to fairly good tools like crit debuff or kd, so use them wisely.
As for general result, dont expect anything special, even if done to absolute best you will be softer, no pouncy and lower bursting lion at the best of times. Even on max squize your rotation is spread for 3 globals and dmg out of it aint anything great.
You can check my yt channel (apoc playlist, different server but same spec) for actual combat application of that rotations if interested.

Posts: 485

Re: [Slayer] 2h Rota Help

Post#3 » Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:32 pm

my best succes with 2h slayer was:

160 str+, wild gambit, breaking point and power through.

Just go for spellbreaker and devestate rest ist too bad and can be ignored.

Rotation goes like this: Pulverising Strikes until yellow, rampage, spellbreaker, devestate and deathblow and spamm your single target exhausting blow.

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Re: [Slayer] 2h Rota Help

Post#4 » Sat Jul 01, 2023 4:13 pm

Don't run 2h.

Just play DW
Brynnoth Goldenbeard (40/80) (IB) -- Rundin Fireheart (40/50) (RP) -- Ungrinn (40/40) (Engi)-- Bramm Bloodaxe (40/83) (Slayer) and a few Empire characters here or there, maybe even an elf.

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Re: [Slayer] 2h Rota Help

Post#5 » Sun Jul 02, 2023 9:02 am

2H was good before RoR but in RoR Spellbreaker bin nerfed and so has AA, a buff to Cleft in Twain but its still a weak DoT. Its a risky build to go 2H and imo its only better at focusing down healers then DW and thats it.

Gravord did a build/specc vid years ago I think, check that I guess. Recent year I only seen Tommohawk run 2H rest go DW and its a reason for that.
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