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Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

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Posts: 4

Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

Post#1 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 7:30 am

For several days in a row, most of my scenario fights were insanely dull PvP experience of where both sides go to the central/middle point and pretty much stay there for the entire duration of the battle. Neither side is able to push and break through despite DPS classes working their bu**s off and having total damage dealt at the end in the hundreds of thousands simply because healers can keep their entire teams nigh immortal.
So the match, instead of fighting, gets decided by one or two players who manage to disengage and stealth cap the other objective(s) and then rejoin the fight in the middle, with neither side willing to abandon the fight out of fear of the middle objective being the deciding factor.

This needs to be looked at, because this is absolutely not a fun experience. Spending almost entire fight with a maxed out dark magic and trying to setup large damage bursts only then see enemy healers undo everything with one or two button presses is incredibly demoralizing and makes me ask "What's the point??". And I did not even mention the potential effect this can have on new player retention, when they start queuing up into scenarios, seeing one major furball in which they will feel absolutely useless and then proceed to uninstall for a different game.

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Re: Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

Post#2 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 7:57 am

Are you assisting another DPS ?
Did the target you are trying to burst have heal debuff or a guard ?
Are you trying to kill someone alone after you have been detaunted ?
Looks like you are playing a Sorcerer, are you ST or AoE ? If you are ST, are you doing the good spells rotation ?

In T2/T3, every healer/DPS/tanks die pretty fast with a good assist.

Posts: 4

Re: Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

Post#3 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:10 am

Single target Path of Calamity sorcerer, Chillwind > Word of Pain > Doombolt > Gllomburst to land all the damage at once with Obsessive Focus cast before if the target is a priority.
Also doing callouts of important target ("focusing <name> - healer" for example).
Still does not help.

Posts: 7432

Re: Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

Post#4 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:13 am

If you are not lacking DPS classes, assist better.
Calling out targets in chat is good but does the assist actually happen?
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Posts: 100

Re: Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

Post#5 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:24 am

You can call out whatever you like, pugs don't generally assist on eachother. You have to do it yourself instead. Get swiftassist and assist the best dps you have in that SC. Someone who isn't focusing tanks and doesn't stay on the same target for more than 10-20s.

Alternatively just join/form a premade and farm.
For real easymode get a tank with superpunt, a rsh and punt your focus target away from guard towards you. Every 10s a kill.

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Re: Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

Post#6 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 10:07 am

Sarno wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:10 am Single target Path of Calamity sorcerer, Chillwind > Word of Pain > Doombolt > Gllomburst to land all the damage at once with Obsessive Focus cast before if the target is a priority.
Also doing callouts of important target ("focusing <name> - healer" for example).
Still does not help.
In pug scenarios dont expect others to assist you even you demand it. Be smarter and pick most dmg/kill dealer on your side, and assist them.
I personally use Scenarioinfo addon


R-click marked area to choose stats to be shown, L-click marked area to sort up or down.

Setup your shown stats (in case shown above its 2nd row most kills, 3rd row most damage done), learn to sort it and use it :)

Posts: 1674

Re: Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

Post#7 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:06 pm

Sarno wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:10 am Single target Path of Calamity sorcerer, Chillwind > Word of Pain > Doombolt > Gllomburst to land all the damage at once with Obsessive Focus cast before if the target is a priority.
Also doing callouts of important target ("focusing <name> - healer" for example).
Still does not help.
Full sorc Calamity burst btw is Vision of Torment > Chillwind > Word of Pain > Arctic Blast > Gloomburst > Impending Doom > Hand of Ruin, to really have everything land is the same time (VoT first in case it gets cleansed, to cover more important stuff). If you don't have points for Impending Doom yet, can replace it with Infernal Wave, assuming the target is in range.

Still, sorc/bw timestamped burst is very predictable (and Chillwind/Ignite have a very distinct sound/icon when applied), and takes a long time to actually set up- I can't think of a single time on any toon where I was actually successfully timestamped by a bw, in my entire AoR/RoR history. Try to soft them up with aoe, +assist other dps. Also, Doombolt > Gloomburst > Impending Doom > Hand of Ruin does less dmg but doesn't offers any warning, so try to use this one on targets which ain't at 100%.
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Re: Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

Post#8 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:21 pm

most people still playing the game have had a very long time to git gud. expect tight guard switching and detaunting as soon as people have access to them

Posts: 7432

Re: Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

Post#9 » Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:33 pm

It's not like t4 sorc rotations will help t1 players. :)
Dying is no option.

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Posts: 286

Re: Overperformance of healers in lower tiers is insane

Post#10 » Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:19 pm

95% of players on pug sc braindead, spaming aoe for numbers, not asisting, focusing tanks, not pressure backline healers and do another zero iq stuff. Sadly but this is reality now. If u want to do any impact then coop with smart skilled players that know how to max teir output. Best way atleast 3 man tank/heal/dps with synergised classes. If you play solo sork, i must warn you this class nead good teamates to shine.
Noximilien - AM, Severi - SM, Ravandin - SW, Celebor - WL, Ernwald - WH, Demandred - BG.

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