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[Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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[Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Post#1 » Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:30 pm

Rolling a Bright Wizard and was wondering if there was a cc build or if we get any cc tools.

I see the ability that roots everyone within 30 feet. It's ok, but it has a 30 sec cooldown and 50% chance of releasing the target upon damage. In SC's everyone's attacking so usually when I apply this root, my target is freed rather quickly.

Do BW's get any other roots or slows?

It's probably not the best in warbands when all you want is damage. In SC's however, I'd like a little more survivability if possible. Really want to know the escape tools a BW has.

Edit: I found this seems pretty good ... QQ030/edit

Stop drop and roll for knock down, but no AOE slows for BW? I would love an AOE slow on this class if possible.

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Re: [Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Post#2 » Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:43 pm

You have a ST slow on midtree channel (Withering heat), ST KD, aoe knockback on right tree ( backdraft), and aoe root.

BW is a class that relies on others to support generally. Tanks should be providing CC for you while you single target nuke (if that's your build).
Evilspinnre - Nightmare/Daydream - Xrealmers Anonymous
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Re: [Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Post#3 » Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:49 pm

FFNation wrote: Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:30 pm Stop drop and roll for knock down, but no AOE slows for BW? I would love an AOE slow on this class if possible.
You can have an AoE slow with 7p Sov Def. But like Evil said, this is a class which need support from his party (with AoE snare coming from his tanks).

Another good combo to survive is M2 Focused Mind + Flee + AP pot.

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Re: [Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Post#4 » Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:34 pm

Thank you both

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Re: [Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Post#5 » Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:19 am


BW ist literally one of the most stacked CC classes ingame and has literally the same and MORE CC as a tank or any other class including their mirror:

- AOE root
- ST stun (what no sorc ever will understand)
- AOE knockback
- ST snare
- AOE silence
- ST disarm
- ST knockback (Moral1)
- ST stagger (Moral3)
- and why not: a second AOE knockback (Moral4)

How can you say BW has no CC?
BW just has no durability to survive the huge CC-Imunity-windows of enemies after your teammates spamming their useless lol CC everywhere. Thats all... :D

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Re: [Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Post#6 » Sun Feb 05, 2023 7:25 am

hahaha..... how about long punt and aoe stagger and stealth too?

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Re: [Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Post#7 » Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:51 pm

Wiede wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:19 am LOL

BW ist literally one of the most stacked CC classes ingame and has literally the same and MORE CC as a tank or any other class including their mirror:

- AOE root
- ST stun (what no sorc ever will understand)
- AOE knockback
- ST snare
- AOE silence
- ST disarm
- ST knockback (Moral1)
- ST stagger (Moral3)
- and why not: a second AOE knockback (Moral4)

How can you say BW has no CC?
BW just has no durability to survive the huge CC-Imunity-windows of enemies after your teammates spamming their useless lol CC everywhere. Thats all... :D
I'd like to clarify the situation and add a few more information on the "CC stack" .

- Engineer, Magus, Sorc and BW all have AOE root (alongside with some tanks)
- ST stun -> not sure what you mean with this. If you are refering to M3 Scintillating Energy- all offensive caster classes have it (BW, Sorc, Magus)
- ST snare is also something that is not unique for BW (Sorc, Magus and Engineer have it too - Arctic Blast has however a casttime and both Magus and Engi have it only as a pseudo melee ability with very small range)
- AOE Silence (Both Sorc and BW have it - it is a heavy double edged sword though - you give practically free CC immunity to everyone in the AOE range of it and its very delicately to be used to really efficiently outplay a healer for instance. I have never seen a good usage of this ability but a very few elite players who knew how to use it exactly in the right moment)
- ST disarm is only something Sorc has. BW doesn't have any disarm.
- ST knockback (also shared by all offensive caster classes)
- AOE Knockback M4 (shared by all offensive caster classes - also again pretty useless in terms of free immunities and very small knock back range)

Somewhat unique to BW:
- Backdraft (AOE Knockback with Dot appliance) (as a compensation for a tactic that sorc has has which knocks back on all AoE abilities)
- AP drain on the "counterpart" ability that disarms on sorc
- casttime debuff 50% on pyroclastic surge
- Self cleansing ability

BW in smallscale:
As a BW your main role remains, similar to Sorc, in the good execution of a damage rotation without any usage of your own CC (as you don't have the time to CC anyway while your rotation needs be very somewhat strict in order to timestamp). The dps rotation here is always enabled by punts of your tanks on the tanks of the enemy team that guard your target or on the target itself to punt it out of guard range. Keep in mind that especially in smallscale applying CC's as a caster means that you actually take away the possibility of other classes to cc the enemy in order to aid you. For instance rooting disables the possibility to punt targets. Sillencing targets gives them immunity against Knockdown and Stagger. The only bonus that BW has here on paper is the RangeKD which is hard to use offensively with the change of GCD. M3 Stagger sometimes can be used well against a healer too - to prevent him from healing while rotating another target. In a range assist comp alongside with a SW you could however sometimes apply the KD instead of the SW. However KD will remain very niche as it also removes your resistance debuff ability alongside with the KD. Also even in urgent moments you'd still need 2 GCD's to apply the KD to use it defensively so it needs a certain foresight.

BW in zerg:
Here again you excell actually in the usage of AOE Damage rather then having any CC role. Similar to smallscale your role is to apply your aoe dots, spam your aoe instants to do max damage in a short time rather then use any CC that could disable other classes such as tanks to use them. Especially here backdraft (AoE KD) can be used only very situationally - if you already have targets that have CC immunity you can apply another AoE Dot here but aside of that you actually almost want people to stack on a certain point rather then cause them to be spread by the AoE knockback.

Most range classes like BW have a palette of CC abilities which all are only very very situationally useful and in most cases give only free immunities (which noone wants to be clear here). With squigs and maras on the counterside a BW is an easy target to prey on. Even with the defensive KD and self cleanse - your first thing to worry here is, especially in small scale, your positioning...

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Re: [Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Post#8 » Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:30 pm

Yup I think it boils down to positioning.

I have to stay in the back more.

It's a bit hard in SC's where half the time the tanks don't guard or punt, heals are sporadic, and dps are targeting 5 different targets. It's everyone for themselves. I'll get focused and if your team isn't peeling for you, I need to do it myself.

That's why I was searching for a little more self survivability when I face these situations.

I guess it's just another example of how premades are so much better than pugs. Communication is key in a game like this. I wonder if they could add some sort of primary focus marker when someone on the team can mark an enemy player so the whole group knows who's being focused.

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Re: [Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Post#9 » Sun Feb 05, 2023 6:14 pm

Aluviya wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 12:51 pm
Wiede wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:19 am
- ST stun -> not sure what you mean with this. If you are refering to M3 Scintillating Energy- all offensive caster classes have it (BW, Sorc, Magus)
- ST snare is also something that is not unique for BW (Sorc, Magus and Engineer have it too - Arctic Blast has however a casttime and both Magus and Engi have it only as a pseudo melee ability with very small range)
Ummm bright Wizard has ST KD that consumes ignite - it's insta cast on the move from 100 ft range (Stop, Drop, and Roll).
Mid tree channel Withering Heat applies a 40% snare while channel is active, or if you cast for one tick it applies for 3s anyway.
Evilspinnre - Nightmare/Daydream - Xrealmers Anonymous
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Re: [Bright Wizard] CC Tools?

Post#10 » Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:10 pm

FFNation wrote: Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:30 pm Yup I think it boils down to positioning.

I have to stay in the back more.

It's a bit hard in SC's where half the time the tanks don't guard or punt, heals are sporadic, and dps are targeting 5 different targets. It's everyone for themselves. I'll get focused and if your team isn't peeling for you, I need to do it myself.

That's why I was searching for a little more self survivability when I face these situations.

I guess it's just another example of how premades are so much better than pugs. Communication is key in a game like this. I wonder if they could add some sort of primary focus marker when someone on the team can mark an enemy player so the whole group knows who's being focused.
There are nearly none standalone classes in this game. And especially classes such as BW and Sorc require a lot of team effort to make it work well. Best BW's and Sorcs have on this server also very good supporters alongside with them.

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