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[Witch Elf] Quality of life improvements

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Posts: 259

[Witch Elf] Quality of life improvements

Post#1 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:34 pm

This is a collection of a few ideas, which could help Witch Elf players, without impacting the total power budget much.

-Move Increased Pain to base. This tactic is basically always required, which stiffles build diversity. It's not a big issue in the rr70 ballpark, where you have enough mastery points to work around that "tax", however moving it to base would enable the Carnage/Suffering combination, without crippling the damage. (Skills which could take it's place could be a reverted version of Frenzied Mayhem (3% crit hit chance per point of Blood Lust) or Baneful Touch(increased AP drain, as appropriate))

-Swap Armor shred from the Outlaw dagger and Weapon Skill buff from Pierce Armor. Tools are basically the same, however they are redistributed in a way, which doesn't make one weapon mandatory and allows the player more choices, without a large net gain overall, because the tools are already there, only this would allow more flexibility/weapon choices. (Numerically i think that if player invests the 10 points into carnage to get the PA the shred should be roughly the 800 offered by the dagger.)

Currently a problem Witch Elves face is that the two generally acknowledged powerful builds revolve around the same idea of "build up to a frenzy, which buffs something that you either can't control or do anyway", which would be fine, if there was a more proactive hard hitting option that takes out the "middle man", on a similar level, which i think the two changes i proposed could help Carnage become, by moving a few things around and thus not really increasing the total power budget by much, while offering more diverse and varied options/build paths, which meaningfully affect the playstyle.

(To address the WH in the room i don't think this could be applied to them exactly, because they already have a powerful baseline shred and play differently so gonna leave it up to them, if they wish to make a suggestion)


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