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Guild premades stomping weekend warfront

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Re: Guild premades stomping weekend warfront

Post#41 » Mon May 11, 2020 11:10 am

In T3 I made a pug premade Destro Afternoon Pacific Time, weird right? 2/2/2.. We had a very high win percentage until an organized real guild group with voice comms came on and ROFLstomped us 2 or 3 times in a row.

The moral is that its not hard to use /5 and /as to make a competitive pug group. You can beat most teams that way. Just losing to more oranized guilds with voice comms etc.

PUG is definitely easier on Destro.. The tank train mentality trains destro to work together more.

I have been on both sides of the stomp. Losing is BRUTAL. Watching the enemy get 9k renown and 80k XP and you walk with7k XP and 800 renown despite trying as hard as you can is SICK and CRUEL..

Make a group and try to win. Game isnt balanced for pug play at all... Order with like 5 RDPS gets steamrolled 90% of the time.


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