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[Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

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Re: [Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

Post#231 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:40 pm

Aww no... I meant that a wb 24 order + x Nummer of engis against a wb destru + x Same numbers of ranged dps. All together organized play against. The engis say all rifleman can place an area for 3k live Ticks on a place. Mayb back line mayb in a room ore something to Support the wb with a rly nice heal place in case that they are dps classes. In my feeling its wrong that The can do that. Cause engis not Just place kegs they can go fully riffle Do Tons of dmg and can Make dat healing place. Thats massiv to hybrid hope ppl understand what i mean.. Have rly Problems with englisch. Mayb i ask someone to translate from ger to eng *edit* and the other fact Wy Penril try to bring the Szenario from 10 engis against balanced grp. Take The Szenario 10 engis against an other 10 ranged dps. Cant be that u stack up 9 ranged dps that have The possibelluty to get 3 kann life all 3 seconds. Thats unbalanced to all other classes that Cant stack abbility special unbalanced to other ranged dps. . Dat keg can impact fights Hard thats fact and dat keg OS rly effektiv dats fact too and compare to the changes what engi gets IT dont have a place their cause IT makes engi As ranged dps to good.
Tinkabell 40/41 Magus Whaagit 40/41 SH Whaagot 40/54 BO Daknallfrosch 40/72shammy

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Re: [Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

Post#232 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 5:57 pm

Daknallbomb wrote:Aww no... I meant that a wb 24 order + x Nummer of engis against a wb destru + x Same numbers of ranged dps. All together organized play against. The engis say all rifleman can place an area for 3k live Ticks on a place. Mayb back line mayb in a room ore something to Support the wb with a rly nice heal place in case that they are dps classes. In my feeling its wrong that The can do that. Cause engis not Just place kegs they can go fully riffle Do Tons of dmg and can Make dat healing place. Thats massiv to hybrid hope ppl understand what i mean.. Have rly Problems with englisch. Mayb i ask someone to translate from ger to eng
The thing destro are not understandin is that to stand in the lordroom in destro aoe and spam keg engineer has to spec for Def build so they doesn't make any strong damage : they have low BS and the same range as aaoe choppa but hasnot be stationary . So in this case yes they are well placed to heal in lordroom but they are not dps considered anymore (only support)
A dps build engineer Cannot stand 2 second in destro aoe in lord room (2 second it's the cast Tim of a keg) or they wold just suicide for deploying a keg .
They are in the ramp with few other rdps (there is not the best place to deploy a keg to make a heal advantage ) or simply stay on top of keep hitting destro healer / caster (once again they are not healing much more players here). Just think where a sorc / magus is standing on keep defence to understand where dps engineer stand too.

Having a engineer that can make a tons of damage inside lordroom while destro aoe the room and spamming a keg without dying Is NOT possible .
Useful keg provide 99% of the time from support engi
Last edited by Grunbag on Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
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Re: [Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

Post#233 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:01 pm

Thats Just nit True. U dont have to spec Hard defensiv tinkerer to do that. Today o fught against Arthur with rifleman spec. He Used snipe and so on we where 2 choosen two Hand spec 1 heal dok 1 dps shammy after 3 minits of fighting Arthur died cause He gets bugged Fall dmg. Engi can be Hard enough and Make good dmg. Everything Else is a Just not True. And again it Cant be that Stacks from a ranged dps can creates a place where u get healed better As from healer cause damnit heal debuff dont works
Tinkabell 40/41 Magus Whaagit 40/41 SH Whaagot 40/54 BO Daknallfrosch 40/72shammy

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Re: [Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

Post#234 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:15 pm

Daknallbomb wrote:Thats Just nit True. U dont have to spec Hard defensiv tinkerer to do that. Today o fught against Arthur with rifleman spec. He Used snipe and so on we where 2 choosen two Hand spec 1 heal dok 1 dps shammy after 3 minits of fighting Arthur died cause He gets bugged Fall dmg. Engi can be Hard enough and Make good dmg. Everything Else is a Just not True. And again it Cant be that Stacks from a ranged dps can creates a place where u get healed better As from healer cause damnit heal debuff dont works
Look man, I can't be arsed to attempt to decode whatever this role-play Orc speak is. In the balance forums you need to use proper English. Otherwise it's going to justifiably be glazed over and disregarded. This has got to stop.

Make your points. Use punctuation and proper spelling. Space out your thoughts into paragraphs if they're long. So far all I've seen is that Engi is too good because keg make heals. This isn't an argument, and the persistence to jam the same argument into this proposal is the only thing that's making it stretch on this far.

10 Engineers with keg specced is a waste of time in a warband. Nothing against the Bitterstone Thunderers, but they're the best example of it. Drop down a gunline, half their warband pulls out kegs, and 9 times out of 10 they're getting rolled over not just by organized warbands, but by pug warbands as well. The only place they hold any significant advantage is at keeps. That's not basis enough to nerf, and in fact is more indicative of GOOD DESIGN. Your stationary RDPS are supposed to be more effective at entrenched positions. That's their job.
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Re: [Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

Post#235 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:18 pm

Daknallbomb wrote:Aww no... I meant that a wb 24 order + x Nummer of engis against a wb destru + x Same numbers of ranged dps. All together organized play against. The engis say all rifleman can place an area for 3k live Ticks on a place. Mayb back line mayb in a room ore something to Support the wb with a rly nice heal place in case that they are dps classes. In my feeling its wrong that The can do that. Cause engis not Just place kegs they can go fully riffle Do Tons of dmg and can Make dat healing place. Thats massiv to hybrid hope ppl understand what i mean.. Have rly Problems with englisch. Mayb i ask someone to translate from ger to eng *edit* and the other fact Wy Penril try to bring the Szenario from 10 engis against balanced grp. Take The Szenario 10 engis against an other 10 ranged dps. Cant be that u stack up 9 ranged dps that have The possibelluty to get 3 kann life all 3 seconds. Thats unbalanced to all other classes that Cant stack abbility special unbalanced to other ranged dps. . Dat keg can impact fights Hard thats fact and dat keg OS rly effektiv dats fact too and compare to the changes what engi gets IT dont have a place their cause IT makes engi As ranged dps to good.
Can you please use propper english when writing?
It is are and not r.
It is you and not u.
It is realy and not rly.
It is it and not IT.

And please use some returns at the end of your sentences.
It is really hard to read your sentences and understanding them. Words who starts with a big letter but arent a sentence begin doesnt make it easier.

Edit: Wargrimnir was faster.
Yes, Wargrimnir was faster. Leave the moderation to him and myself - Penril.

@Your point:
Where does the sorcs stands safe in a lordroom. Behind the tanks or on a stairway to 3rd floor?
That is the same place and rifle engie wants to stand to shoot with his rifle.

Also still the basic question hasn't been answered.
What is the Order Warband setup that will destroy and equal sized Destro Warband that has 10-15 engies in it?
Be it 24 vs 24 or 48 vs 48?

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Re: [Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

Post#236 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:21 pm

He's a non-native English speaker, iirc. So not rp talk, just lack of second language proficiency. His posts are pretty hard to read regardless though.
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Re: [Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

Post#237 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:23 pm

Daknallbomb wrote:Thats Just nit True. U dont have to spec Hard defensiv tinkerer to do that. Today o fught against Arthur with rifleman spec. He Used snipe and so on we where 2 choosen two Hand spec 1 heal dok 1 dps shammy after 3 minits of fighting Arthur died cause He gets bugged Fall dmg. Engi can be Hard enough and Make good dmg. Everything Else is a Just not True. And again it Cant be that Stacks from a ranged dps can creates a place where u get healed better As from healer cause damnit heal debuff dont works
I *think* your post is saying that two DPS chosen, one DPS shaman and one healspec DoK working together could not put Arthur down.

Arthur isn't a raid boss so you have either left a lot of information out or keg is the least of your problems.

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Re: [Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

Post#238 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:27 pm

Iam sorry.. Cant Do it better in english... I could Do it in 4 other languages :d i try to not write anymore here. And sry

I am sorry. I can't do it better in English... I could do it in 4 other languages. I try to not write anymore here, and sorry.

You can do it better. Nothing there is hard to understand if you take half a second to write properly. If you did the same thing in any other languages it would be just as confusing.

- wargrimnir
Tinkabell 40/41 Magus Whaagit 40/41 SH Whaagot 40/54 BO Daknallfrosch 40/72shammy

Posts: 4441

Re: [Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

Post#239 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:30 pm

Daknallbomb wrote:Thats Just nit True. U dont have to spec Hard defensiv tinkerer to do that. Today o fught against Arthur with rifleman spec. He Used snipe and so on we where 2 choosen two Hand spec 1 heal dok 1 dps shammy after 3 minits of fighting Arthur died cause He gets bugged Fall dmg. Engi can be Hard enough and Make good dmg. Everything Else is a Just not True. And again it Cant be that Stacks from a ranged dps can creates a place where u get healed better As from healer cause damnit heal debuff dont works
We don't care about engagements smaller than 6v6. According to your post, this is a 4v1, so I shouldn't even bother talking about it and I should just moderate it.

Instead, I will say this: either those 4 destro players SERIOUSLY need to get better (specially because of the DPS Chosen spirit damage, which ignores Engies armor stacking, or Flame Turrets dodge/disrupt), or this scenario is a lie and Arthur was receiving heals from someone (and, possibly, guard).

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Posts: 1781

Re: [Engineer,Magus]Keg,Aegis change v.2

Post#240 » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:43 pm

Okay last Post cause Penril you realy dont Listen or you dont understand my english. That was Just an example that a riffleman engi can be Hard to kill and they are not squishy like a sorc. He can switch Towers he has enough cc to flee regenerate and so on. That was not a balance proposal based of a four on 1 Fight.... . An engi that place a riffle tower im a lord room Fight where The Enemys are 40 ft away makes something wrong. Just want to clarify that. If all ppl agree that order can create an area that gives 9 ppl more than 1k heal per second without a chance to debuff it than i feel alright with that fact cause my opinion are wrong than.
Tinkabell 40/41 Magus Whaagit 40/41 SH Whaagot 40/54 BO Daknallfrosch 40/72shammy

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