[Zealot] General Zealot Topic

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[Zealot] General Zealot Topic

Post#1 » Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:05 pm

I'm going to post some general Zealot gameplay and spec tips as well as Talisman option here, feel free to contribute something too.

What is a Zealot? Why Zealot?

Zealot is the Chaos Heal archetype. He mainly functions as a single target healer that enhances allies with his Marks and helps them with Rituals. Zealot is easy to pick up compared to the other healers, but mastering him, like any other class, requires some effort.

Really short but really helpful tips

Don't go DPS Zealot. This is not a tip like don't go DPS Tank or DPS DoK. Rumors say chicken RvR has a higher chance of success.

Warping the Spirit: Read this tactic. If you don't think it's good, let your tank pull a champion and try to heal him with and without the tactic. It's just that good. There are some issues with the tactic but I personally believe that it is a must have

If you are low on AP, wait half a second in between casts to regain AP.

Positioning positioning positioning. Don't get caught in melee without a guard, you will die fast.

Let's talk about spells
In order of spell acquisition

Flash of Chaos/instaheal: Use while on the move. Use to heal low amounts of damage and to proc tactics. Use when getting focused.

Tzeentch's Cordial/HoT: Use as a filler. Use it to heal small damage. Use it on targets that are damaged but out of danger. If you have nothing else to do, just spam it on targets that might get damaged. Keep it up once you get Warping the Spirit

Veil of Chaos/absorbshield: Use to counteract burst/healdebuffs. Use it to give you a time frame to cast larger heals. Pretty efficient at first

Elixir of Dark Blessings/Harcast Heal Your bread and butter heal. Use to heal large amounts of damage. Don't use it when getting focused unless Embrace the Warp is active

Leaping Alteration Use to preheal AoE damage.

Dust of Pandemonium Use it when 3 or more people in your group are damaged. As a last effort, use it when people are out of LoS. Unless coupled with Focused Mind, you won't keep people up through a decent burst, so spamming groupheals will get you on top of the heal charts, but careful singletarget heals are often more benefitial.

So which mastery do I spec?

In essence the mastery trees boil down to Singletarget/Alcemy, HoT/Witchcraft and AoE/Dark Rites. Practically Witchcraft is bad apart from the Ritual, so we ignore that spec. Personal opinion incoming:
DoK is by far the best group healer. If you do spec your Zealot as a grouphealer, you are essentially a bad DoK. I am not saying it won't work, it's just not optimal. With that in mind, here are the cookie cutter builds:

http://waronlinebuilder.org/#career=zea ... :;0:0:0:0: Singletarget

Alternatives are going for Chaotic Force to keep Blessing of Chaos Up, or going 3 points into Dark Rites to get more potent AoE heals.

http://waronlinebuilder.org/#career=zea ... :;0:0:0:0: Rank 32 RR 40 build that I prefer for AoE

http://waronlinebuilder.org/#career=zea ... :;0:0:0:0: Alternative standard AoE healing build.

Note: Getting the M4 is not actually that important, we just might as well get it.

Let's talk about gear
You want Willpower, AP, Defstats and Healcrit. Use your Renown points to spec into whatever you don't have. Important to note: You don't need to hit the softcap on Willpower, don't ignore defensive stats.

Talisman options: Armor and Wounds. On low level Willpower is also okay.

When playing zealot on lower levels, you will notice a real shortage of AP. As mentioned previously, not spamming the heals alleviates some of that issue. Restorative burst also helps you with that. Finally, when getting to T3, get your hands on some +AP items. There are the scenario weapons, the T2/T3 greenskin influence ring and random greens on the AH. Don't get too much of it, you will lose defensive stats in return. Personally I sit at around +10 AP/s but you have to find something that suits you.
Last edited by Shadowgurke on Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Zealot] General Zealot Topic

Post#2 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:43 am

One question: does the Ritual of Innervation work with heals too or just when attacking a enemy? :)

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Re: [Zealot] General Zealot Topic

Post#3 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:49 am

>Harbinger of Doom. Seriously. Use it once, use it twice, voila. Redo that every time you teleport or do scenarios.

Correct me if I'm wrong but you don't have to do that. that's just a visual bug in char info.

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Re: [Zealot] General Zealot Topic

Post#4 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:42 am

IMO you cant ignore "Chaotic Force" tactic while going in direct healing build. 36% (current heal crit cap you can get via items and renown is 21%) crit on flash is just too huge to ignore if you are going with "Blessing of Chaos".
BlackOut - 32/40 ZealOt

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Re: [Zealot] General Zealot Topic

Post#5 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:47 am

Idk why not everyone running Wind of Insanity with Git to da Choppa, both not giving any immunities.
Its like ultimate troll setup until some BO ruins the fun.
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Re: [Zealot] General Zealot Topic

Post#6 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:48 am

Scrilian wrote:Idk why not everyone running Wind of Insanity with Git to da Choppa, both not giving any immunities.
Its like ultimate troll setup until some BO ruins the fun.
I always have it on my SC build, won my team a couple of scenes.

Edit: And yes, its so much fun to use :)
BlackOut - 32/40 ZealOt

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Re: [Zealot] General Zealot Topic

Post#7 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 12:09 pm

>Harbinger of Doom. Seriously. Use it once, use it twice, voila. Redo that every time you teleport or do scenarios.
Visual issue, check getstats :)

> Idk why not everyone running Wind of Insanity with Git to da Choppa, both not giving any immunities.
Zealot's skill isn't meant to give immunies, says in description. Choppa is meant to give immovable...

Curious on the M4 choice on single target spec, surely it takes too long without chosen r39 tactic, so you'll always want to use Focused Mind?

Edit: >Leaping Alteration Use to preheal AoE damage.
Also to add to this one, will be highly useful if/when we get on heal procs as it doesn't require a direct heal.

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Re: [Zealot] General Zealot Topic

Post#8 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:49 pm

blackout wrote:IMO you cant ignore "Chaotic Force" tactic while going in direct healing build. 36% (current heal crit cap you can get via items and renown is 21%) crit on flash is just too huge to ignore if you are going with "Blessing of Chaos".
There are two issues with that tactic. The first is that we only have 3 tactics. Warping the Spirit and Blessing of Chaos are something I consider mandatory. If we use Chaotic Force we can't use Restorative Burst, which means AP reg is really low.

Second of all is that Flash of Chaos just isn't that good of a spell. It's nice to trigger Blessing of Chaos, but at the same time it won't allow you to heal through burst.

It's an option, sure, that is why I listed it as such. But I wouldn't say that it is a must have tactic.
Lileldys wrote:Visual issue, check getstats
Fair enough
Lileldys wrote:>

Curious on the M4 choice on single target spec, surely it takes too long without chosen r39 tactic, so you'll always want to use Focused Mind?
As mentioned in the post, we just get it because we might as well. I wouldn't wait for it but in some rare cases you get to M4 without the need of M2, in which case it's a decent alternative. At least it's better than putting one point into the AoE tree, imo.
Idk why not everyone running Wind of Insanity with Git to da Choppa, both not giving any immunities.
Its like ultimate troll setup until some BO ruins the fun.
Using it is pretty risky because it roots you in place. It's a fun ability but this is more of a general guideline than a gimmick guide ;)
Zaccar20 wrote:One question: does the Ritual of Innervation work with heals too or just when attacking a enemy? :)
It should not proc on heals. But it should proc on DoT ticks

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Re: [Zealot] General Zealot Topic

Post#9 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:00 pm

Shadowgurke wrote: Don't go DPS Zealot. This is not a tip like don't go DPS Tank or DPS DoK. Rumors say chicken RvR has a higher chance of success.
Challenge accepted my friend.

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Re: [Zealot] General Zealot Topic

Post#10 » Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:22 pm

flash is awesome heal for one elixir of dark blessing you could cast 2 flashes. Twice the chance to crit, twice the chance to proc shiled, twice the chance to proc heal inc, twice the chance for rb to proc. No set back. So i dont see why ppl ever thinking that flash is not one of the best tools that zealots had.
Mostly harmless

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