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Re: Patch Notes 19/01/2024

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:36 am
by ravezaar
Automation wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 10:13 pm
Pandastyle wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:20 pm
ravezaar wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:13 pm only issue I have with mara is aoe KD now is Monstro only

BO clear winner of patch, nice to see balance quite often now tho in case u dont like something next is just around the corner so purpose of skill reowrk seems to work.
like for real... brutality spec is dead. What else do we get when we go to 13pts brut spec? we cant have armour debuff since sav req and we cant go aoe kd since monstro req. in fact, the only other skill we can get for brutality specc is 13pts up in sav skill tree, wtf?
but who am I to cry... there are classes with useless skilltrees for ages :/
I havent played in a while and unless they changed something regarding stance dance, this seems like a very nice buff actually.
I dont know if you always stay just in 1 main stance?
Youre playing the class wrong.
Debuff with savagery -> swap to brut for burst
agree think Mara got better, maybe not if u lazy but otherwise

Re: Patch Notes 19/01/2024

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:39 am
by zageen
That has to be the most wrongly directed patch ever for the chosen.

The trade off for the parry nerf is -5% (huge deal, because the more parry you have, the more parry become effective) is 1 "Theoretical" GCD every minute if you refresh perfectly the buff

Since the class already have a big amount of spell with more than 5 sec CD, the buff refresh was already in the "mandatory" sequence en filled well.

That's just plain nerf since the role of a tank is to not get CCed as possible and parry in small scale is the only tool to counter that.

You will say that kotbs doesn't have any parry buff, but since they deal physical dmg, they invest a lot in WS that offset that and with the huge utility and dmg boost the classes are not even comparable anymore

From A+ tier to B tier for chosen, to A+ tier to SS+ tier for kotbs....

The init buff on the class that has the best passive anti crit tactic is also really strange, and is overshadowed by the fact that the only useful zealot buff is the initiative one. Pointless

A simple -10% or -5 % reduction to "try to mirror" vigilance would be way better since the chosen has 0 self-defense active buff, or even make it an offensive tool to add a bit of dmg (why not apply the amount of dmg reflected to any outgoing hit) if you want to upgrade the chosen DPS

I don't understand the logic, chosen nerfed, kotbs buffed as hell while the two class were very oriented and both balanced between utility and dmg counterpart ...

Re: Patch Notes 19/01/2024

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:48 am
by Yazeran
Well done Devs, these chages with performance are incredible.
After patch I´m running large scales battles as smooth as never before!

Re: Patch Notes 19/01/2024

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 11:45 am
by Uchoo
With a lot of discussion, we have come to the conclusion that normalizing tank channels without considering the rest of their kit, damage tactics & damage type was not at all a good idea.

Re: Patch Notes 19/01/2024

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:26 pm
by Bozzax
Balance through normalisation is a questionable method

Lets take IBs AF buff to 20s that means now means near 100% uptime on +10% on healcrits and crits stacking with DT (15%/+15%).

So 30 renown spec points worth for a easy to get ability. In reality the value is even greater since there are limited ways to negate it and it has increasing returns

Could it be this powerful buff should have some kind of clunkiness either range, duration or way above average CD??

Re: Patch Notes 19/01/2024

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 12:36 pm
by Bozzax
You guys really need to put some framework in place regarding abilities constraining how powerful individual abilities may or may not be

Ideally you use renown abilities to determine the relative value

Re: Patch Notes 19/01/2024

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 1:21 pm
by siglade
What the meaning of buffing channel when they are already far stronger than any others abilities in terms of damage ? Not a single change about their cd being low, 8sc (5s if you let the channel full). Add proc and now any tank can blast 4k damage (or more) every 8s just with the first three hit :lol:

For example kobs, channel 3 hit + AA + Ability (whatever as long as you cut the channel), channel will do 3-4 more damage than any other ability from their toolkit, each hit have a chance to trigger a proc aswell.

After gcd was 'fixed', channel started to be overperforming.

Regardless mara, too much free armor pen might be too much. Bis mara have 80% armor pen on all hit outside of fews, 55% on the rest. With the change on Brutality stance, hope you reconsider that because having 80% armor pen on everything without any requirement (buff keep refreshing itself so no issue with uptime, it's always up) is just too good to stay.
For instance most armor pen tactic are lock with one tree ability or we have armor pen from a buff that have a duration and long cd to avoid the perma ignore armor.
Monstro stance is good change imo.

Re: Patch Notes 19/01/2024

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:17 pm
by Gargis
if you think that a damage increase to Knights in the face of the CC duration nerfs is a buff, you are deluded.

Miss the big picture much? The only counter that Order had to Covenant of Celerity was Slice Through tactic, which is now 100% completely useless.

If you are foolish enough to use it, not only is your AE snare on a 15s CD, so is your ST snare. You are better off now using ST snare only which lasts 10s on 5s CD, you will have more uptime on snares.

GL to any Order melee train keeping on target, and LOL now Grace WP are worthless. It is Destro teams who will make 100% of the decisions of who a Grace WP will engage if they are smart and coordinated enough.

Do you see it now? Irrespective of the nerf to the duration of CoC, now 5s. It can have 100% up time, especially with the tactic to increase proc rate.
In short, no Order target should be able to kite or extricate themselves from the the Destro melee train, bar M2 Focus Mind. The "Life Expectancy" of Order healers is now a lot less and woe to AM who are stationary healers.

To the people who think that the change to Oathbound on IB is a buff. Try to think of it in the context of a slayer facing a team with high sever capability with Chop Faster. Poorly conceived change. If they really wanted to buff OB, all they had to so was increase the duration to 15s

All the changes to CC, bar the BO and SM were foolish. They are bad changes which IMO are designed to chase the 6 man folly.

Re: Patch Notes 19/01/2024

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:49 pm
by Alubert
Ehh. People see as always only the advantages of the other side and never see how strong their own side is.
DoK conv snare is only 20%. Every other slowdown is stronger and conv snare does not stack up against them. Every tank or dps uses their slowdown first so I don't know what the cry is about.
But ok let's take away DoK snare conv but give it instead wp Exalted defense and m1 .... oh and also Knigh 15% more heal tact for chosen. Will you be satisfied then?

Re: Patch Notes 19/01/2024

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:50 pm
by Alubert
I vote to remove WW and Chop Fasta from the game.
Problem solved.