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Patch Notes 11/11/2020

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Re: Patch Notes 11/11/2020

Post#91 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 7:14 am

wargrimnir wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:13 am Rampage is fine. Kill the midget.
Jezz why havent anybody thought of this brilliant idea before. Seems so easy until you actually login to the game and try to accomplish this.
Moonlapse and VII

Posts: 142

Re: Patch Notes 11/11/2020

Post#92 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 7:24 am

Ysaran wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 7:12 am
I would have never thought that i would say this, but... I think that Rampage is mostly fine. Your attack are undefendable? who cares! The only that defend attacks are tanks, and you don't care about them. Any good Slayer will says that the real edge of slayer over choppa is ID because of the incredible synergies that it has with others Salyer's tactic/skills. The only problem with Rampage is that tanks can't parry/block damage generated by Rampaging Slayers.
Also, in small scale every good tank has Rampage on buffhead and will insta shatter it and completly gimp slayer's damage for 20s

P.S. this doesn't mean that there isn't a Slayer/Choppa issue, it's just that Rampage is not part of it
That line is kinda describing essence of the problem and the reason destro frontline melts against slayers (amounst others thing). Just disable the undefendable thing for a week and see if there is a difference.

There are plenty of issues around, but acting like slayer dmg/synergies isnt a thing is just plain stupid
Moonlapse and VII

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Re: Patch Notes 11/11/2020

Post#93 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:07 am

Inevitable doom has always been stronger than rampage imo.
Tushi Splats Tush Emoalbino Podge

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Re: Patch Notes 11/11/2020

Post#94 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:26 am

Nice to see a patch on a Wednesday feels like we are back on track. :D
From the gaming I did last night not much tho 4h oRvR. I played my magus and dident really get to use my heal on the pet more then once or twice and it felt awkward to channel a heal on the pet when I was focused on trying to get aoe dmg out in a funnel. The pet died to aoe right after anyways. Going to try it out more but still from first experience this feels like the wrong way.

Loner tactic or something similar. Magus core issue is lack of mobility and pet taking aoe dmg. Why not adding wheels to turret and make demons float beside us? And perhaps give deamonic armor a secondary effect: all heals on you effect the demon. If something similar was added then I guess the buff magus get from the deamonic minion would have to be adjusted.
Nice patch tho, abit to much burst from enig and the heal kinda clunky.

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Re: Patch Notes 11/11/2020

Post#95 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:05 am

Magus pet heal breaks on movement and you can gain/lose range for Pink and Blue horrors respectively. With a base or 25', this changes to 29' and 21'. Perhaps we could get the Flamer pet to allow you to channel while moving? It's a small radius anyway.

Overall, tyvm for this, it will make solo pve at least much easier.
Last edited by phononHYPE on Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Patch Notes 11/11/2020

Post#96 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:07 am

wargrimnir wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:13 am Rampage is fine. Kill the midget.
Lower the wall in Reikwald a tad so I can find a spot to land an aoe without getting murdered by free casting midgets and dudes in dresses.. :p

Posts: 324

Re: Patch Notes 11/11/2020

Post#97 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:08 am

Testing Feedback: Strengthen Thrall/Field Repair:

I have been testing the new abilities. The general idea is good. The key problem is the cooldown. 20 Seconds is too long a cooldown. Under normal conditions the pet dies from AOE generally in two seconds. Two hits and the pet is done. The new abilities are great of helping, but given the AOE is flying everywhere, what ends up happening is the ability is on cooldown, the pet is dead, and things have to start all over again.

I suggest a 5 second cooldown. The ability does no damage on it's own. It gives the caster a way to respond to the AOE, and also a choice. To the degree they are focused on keeping their pet up, to that same degree they can't attack directly. It's a good trade off. AOE still have value in pressuring the caster, but the caster doesn't necessarily have to loose everything, every bloody time some AOE hits. I humbly suggest 5 seconds for the cooldown.

In addition: ideally, cast range should match with pet type, so the Bombard and Flammer pets should be castable from a greater distance, than the Flame Turret and Blue Daemon. If matching pet type isn't possible, I suggest the range should be the same as the old model for pets before they would vanish: 20 ft.
Last edited by Orontes on Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Patch Notes 11/11/2020

Post#98 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:11 am

Orontes wrote: Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:08 am Testing Feedback: Strengthen Thrall/Field Repair:

I have been testing the new abilities. The general idea is good. The key problem is the cooldown. 20 Seconds is too long a cooldown. Under normal conditions the pet dies from AOE generally in two seconds. Two hits and the pet is done. The new abilities are great of helping, but given the AOE is flying everywhere, what ends up happening is the ability is on cooldown, the pet is dead, and things have to start all over again.

I suggest a 5 second cooldown. The ability does no damage on it's own. It gives the caster a way to respond to the AOE, and also a choice. To the degree they are focused on keeping their pet up, to that same degree they can't attack directly. It's a good trade off. AOE still have value in pressuring the caster, but the caster doesn't necessarily have to loose everything, every bloody time some AOE hits. I humbly suggest 5 seconds for the cooldown.
I thought the cd was a bit too long, as well. A better idea might be to give the pet/turret a bit more hp that what they have now.

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Re: Patch Notes 11/11/2020

Post#99 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 9:33 am

For now I’ve fixed some bug wth turret / minion heal that didn’t displayed as heal in combat log , and fixed the AP cost that were supposed to be 15 AP total and appears to be 15 AP / sec. There wasn’t also a tooltip visual issue , displaying 15ft range when server range is 20ft. I’ll read attentively your feedback about pet heal
Grunbag - 40 - 33 Squig Herder
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Re: Patch Notes 11/11/2020

Post#100 » Thu Nov 12, 2020 10:22 am

Funny to see how people complain about a tactic reducing the cast time, which requires to drop another dmg increasing tactic, of most stationary class tree ever, requiring you to have the turret up for 8s before the shot, stack lots of WS and stay at the turret for the shot to make any significant dmg. If you get killed by a rifleman engi it means a) you're being focused on b) you met BT sniper squad which leads to the a) point. And believe me - it happens that even 8 or more engis sniping at the same time are not able to kill some maras, not even talking about tanks.

Also bringing forts into the balance discussion... seriously?

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