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Patch Notes 25/12/2020

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Re: Patch Notes 25/12/2020

Post#71 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:24 pm

Good idea Dab...

Maybe have only RD1 and CW1 though and make them 15 renown each.
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Re: Patch Notes 25/12/2020

Post#72 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:39 pm

- The towers at the Ruins of Greystone Keep and Kinschels's Stronhold BOs are classed as illegal areas, meaning that you will get the overextension debuff if you stand on top of them.

Stupid me thought we were past the point where you kill a GM or his destro buddies in RvR and get nerfed afterwards.

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Re: Patch Notes 25/12/2020

Post#73 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:02 pm

I wanna give feedback on the new ''shiny'' lockout system. It's already hard enough to be able balance the numbers if you as a wb or guild that want to play the underdog side and look for big numbers to fight.

But by this last change it's even more hard to be able log?
The deal with this witchhunt is getting more and more senseless for me at least.

But it's just my opinion.

Posts: 42

Re: Patch Notes 25/12/2020

Post#74 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:07 pm

simply awful realm lock change. pretty demotivating to even log in now since i cant do anything pvp related and snipe pve runs on both sides and prepare for LFG on currently active character that does cities.
Last edited by squiggastolemybike on Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Patch Notes 25/12/2020

Post#75 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:11 pm

buahahaha i see the balance is going in the right direction, keep it up. Destro win city 10-2

Posts: 45

Re: Patch Notes 25/12/2020

Post#76 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:15 pm

Massive nerf to ASW and I'm not sure why. They were already subpar compared to other MDPS options but were still fun at least.

Broadhead nerf now means that ASW no longer brings heal debuff, one of their few group utility items. It also reduces their ability to weave in and out while using bow attacks, which was a fun aspect of the spec.

Moving Shadowstep down is a huge nerf since there's nothing worth getting with those extra points. The skill is now half what it used to be and still doesn't have a run speed buff to make up for the fact that it puts you where the target used to be.

Whirling Rage is now inaccessible outside of running 6 WL. Not that it came up that often, but it was at least fun. Trading that for Swift Strikes is maybe useful/a slight buff, although it's still a garbage skill that nobody took until WL anyways

The only benefit from these changes is it frees up 2 career points, but since there's nothing to put them in aside from the tree for damage you net just lost all the aspects that got nerfed. Also, Crosscut is still doing physical rather than spirit damage when Vengeful (on the tracker)

ASW was fun while it lasted...I'm really glad I have other classes I like playing - hoping none of them get gutted too

Glad that Run Away! got adjusted though. It's still powerful, but now a bit less obnoxious
Last edited by Nebuchadnezzar on Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Patch Notes 25/12/2020

Post#77 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:20 pm

Jinxypie wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:17 pm
Grunbag wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 7:08 pm - Run Away (Goblin tactic): this tactic will now trigger at most once every 10s.
How so the Rampage can't be touched cuz its " iconic ability" and Run Away can? Not iconic enough?
You can take 15-20 more nerfs and then Knights will say "welcome to the club"

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Re: Patch Notes 25/12/2020

Post#78 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:22 pm

the thread i made wishing the xrealm lockout be removed for christmas was locked so fast..

why could we not discuss it when a change was in the works ? wouldn't it be good to gather some intel input thoughts etc before u make a BIG change like this?

its now a bigger problem for me and I bet the guys who made several accounts for their alts or guys on other factions are very happy they did it. Feels bad man

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Re: Patch Notes 25/12/2020

Post#79 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:30 pm

Glorian wrote: Fri Dec 25, 2020 8:39 pm - The towers at the Ruins of Greystone Keep and Kinschels's Stronhold BOs are classed as illegal areas, meaning that you will get the overextension debuff if you stand on top of them.

Stupid me thought we were past the point where you kill a GM or his destro buddies in RvR and get nerfed afterwards.
The sniper is all about perching on top of a building or hill and punching holes through greenskins from a mile away with the help of a mighty fine rifle. It’s about the simple pleasure of watching a group of enemies descend into panic as you pick the hapless goons off one by one – the Bitterstone Thunderers with our sniper squads thrive off moments like these. But the last few months we get restriction after restriction, and every time because there is an unhappy GM.

Unfortunately, our spots are becoming less and less, as some GM's get annoyed and ensure that the spot is removed from the game. By a blockade, or now in this case a forbidden zone. You are supossed to make use of the terrain. One of the charms of the RvR lake is that it is an open zone, and if we climb on towers, hills, hide in bushes then that should be fine. Restriction after restriction on actually using the landscape or the infrastructure in the zone. That being said, we are still just as vunerable to ranged attacks as ever. Destro has the same range as we do. That it is troublesome for the meleeball should not be our problem.
Last edited by Kragg on Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Patch Notes 25/12/2020

Post#80 » Fri Dec 25, 2020 9:32 pm

10 seconds on Run Away! is crazy harsh...
Ok back to DoK I guess.
Merry Christmas.
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