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[Engineer] [Poll] Fixing the three worst tactics for T4

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Poll: Assign your worst three tactics which need to be changed.

Quick Reloader
Reinforced Casing
Extra Powder
Proximity Alarm
Stopping Power
Well Oiled Machine
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Re: [Engineer] [Poll] Fixing the three worst tactics for T4

Post#71 » Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:20 am

Azarael wrote:There is no reason why a DPS can't be based around being a stationary dps if it is adequately compensated for having to be stationary / hold a position to boost up to its damage.
The 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers approve this position. ;)

No seriously. The Bitterstone Gunline Formation is great. But even an engie Warband gets killed if it stays stationary and a similiar sized destro force decides to get into melee. The 20% damage buff is great, but once the mdps are on you it is usually game over. Be it

So some way to improve the stationary buff would help much.
And the ideas of the turrets giving different buffs is also great.

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Re: [Engineer] [Poll] Fixing the three worst tactics for T4

Post#72 » Mon May 02, 2016 3:55 am

Azarael wrote:There is no reason why a DPS can't be based around being a stationary dps if it is adequately compensated for having to be stationary / hold a position to boost up to its damage.
I somewhat agree with you but I have a hard time figuring out how one could make that work, given the long cast times, and slow long duration dots. Half the problem is that if someone is 100ft and running at you, and you go for a gunblast, not even a snipe, they will be within melee range after the first cast, and then you have to deal with set back. So your options are to run to maintain range, and lose dps with the exception of dots, or lose dps to setback. But this not something unique to engis, the same thing can be said of most rdps, and healers.

But back on topic.

How do people feel about extra powder and throwing arm in grenade?

I have always felt extra powder was fairly useless, throwing arm is a must in most grenade specs, but I wish it could be reverted to the early 99ft version from launch, one of the many aoe nerf's that was aimed at BW / Sorc, but hit Engi / Magus for no obvious reason.

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Re: [Engineer] [Poll] Fixing the three worst tactics for T4

Post#73 » Mon May 02, 2016 8:47 am

Fairly happy with throwing arm. Extra powder is useless due to AOE cap. Extra power would be better as "unstable recipe" - cleanser takes damage equal to remaining DoT damage.

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