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Patch Notes 13/05/2020

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#61 » Thu May 14, 2020 11:22 am

wonshot wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 3:43 am Meleehealer shields: Amazing work, abit of a shame these are buckler sieze but i can also see why. Still very nice to see, and made me really want to grind some of these apperances on my WP. I cant even begin to imagine how excited some of the Shield-mains are over this!

followup question; Were these homemade from the RoR team like the event spiderweb cloak, or already in the database? and how likely are we to see more apperances added to the more restricted classes that have "simular" looks from T1 to Sove?"

They are made from modifying the existing 3d models for KotBS/BG/NPC shields in the game. Doing this sort of stuff is time consuming, but much easier for weapons than it is for armor pieces. As weapons basically just attach to the player in two spots, but armor pieces need to be adapted to the skeleton, and we are currently lacking some of the the tools for that.

wonshot wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 3:43 am Event slot items: An other great addition to the game! I was thinking a week or two ago, how some of the archtypes might have felt left out when the weekly event item is 3%crit chance but if you are playing a defensive build or tank, compared to the previous weeks with 3 defensive mainstats. So giving out even items each week for each archtype, is wonderful news! (keep the requirements realistic though, 500kills was abit much last week)

Yes, this is similar to but not identical to the system used on live: ... m-rewards/

I agree that the 500 kills were a bit much, that was just the value Mythic had for that weekend warfront, but I've lowered it significantly for next time. Some of the weekend warfronts are copies of the ones back on live, some of them are RoR inventions.
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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#62 » Thu May 14, 2020 11:42 am

Yaliskah wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 9:56 am
wonshot wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 3:43 am Meleehealer shields: Amazing work, abit of a shame these are buckler sieze but i can also see why. Still very nice to see, and made me really want to grind some of these apperances on my WP. I cant even begin to imagine how excited some of the Shield-mains are over this!

followup question; Were these homemade from the RoR team like the event spiderweb cloak, or already in the database? and how likely are we to see more apperances added to the more restricted classes that have "simular" looks from T1 to Sove?"
All bucklers are a modified Kotbs/Black Guard model (initially there was no dok/wp bucker in the client). You can see the live i did when i worked on it.
First, I want to thank you with all my heart for work you've done for the server, you are a modern day wizard in creating something out of thin air!

Secondly, and if I may, can we please have DOK shields be same size as WP shields or bigger than what they are now?
Atm, they are so small, insignificant and unnoticeable that it causes certain issues:
1) enemies and teammates cannot identify your build because of how tiny the shield is. Thus ppl are misguided and creates anger towards them.
2) It would be a waste to spend so much work on the design of the shield and not be able to see them unless you zoom into the character.
3) This is waaagh! Let the enemy see these shields and tremble as we charge in to the thickness of battle! ( I need practice in roleplaying indeed) :lol:
4) Some shields like oppressor one is smaller than t1 shields.
5) For some of us, appearances > stats or any other content 8-) as we are war fans for its beauty.

Again, i'm not asking them to be tank shields, but in the case of the DOK, just for them to be same size as WP or bigger than what they are now.
Thank you once again for even considering this and thank you for starting to add new skins to the game, I've been dreaming of this day and its slowly coming <3

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#63 » Thu May 14, 2020 2:18 pm

Wam wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 4:07 pm
Grunbag wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:51 pm
Wam wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:43 pm

You really do not want successful fort attacks do you? :lol: They never happen in EU prime... and this make it even more less likely

In current state of game this is a very bad change that favours bunkering and defending which is already super favoured... and also will make "why order suck so bad in cities" enhanced because of changes like this... then they will cry to get destro nerfed because they don't have walls to hide behind in city and take full advantage of easy siege choke mechanics. Talk about adding fuel to the fire.

This change will rinse the pug groups even more... ROF & NAPALM / MIST / POS is problem part of the game... why make it worse? I do not understand.

Ain’t what engineer are designed for ?

Just quoting the career description :
class details: “Engineers are defensive ranged fighters who specialize in gadgets and black powder weapons. The engineers many mechanical aids include turrets and traps, which allow them to prepare the battlefield for either an offensive ambush or a strategic defense.”

and a witch elf is suppose to be a Assassin with the best single target damage...

but hello all the other MDPS which are higher and can AOE so perform multiple roles better...

I also understand a engi's strengths... but then you get order's tears when they are fighting in open field.

I also understand the problem area's of the game right now, and forts is number one (BIG TIME) and a change which makes more stalemate is really really bad for your EU primetime player base, people become disillusioned with game because they cannot character progress mate... it has a knock on effect for motivation, why even bother, they do all the grunt work which sets it up for NA primetime... anyone from NA will simply not care or be clueless...

It creates a seperate / two tier system, the haves and have nots... EU prime gets zero opportunities at end game content at realistic times , where NA do get opportunities all the time...

I can go into problem of keeps and forts much greater no problem... its just not all rosy for game's long term health with current status quo.

So you "fixing" these classes, MAKES A PROBLEM GREATER ON THE BIGGER PICTURE... expect more stalemate, expect more NA cities when there are not enough defenders, expect no cities for EU prime... it really sends the wrong message to the player base in my opinion, it feels like we are neglected / after thought and the problem of forts (which i hope you guys are working on because they was designed for old server not as populated as current server so there is massive design flaws)

So for me, wouldn't it be better to fix the problem area's of the game first and foremost?

Hard to cap when high pop vs high pop, to even get to a fort, and no chance of locking a fort with high pop defence and even worse with "dynamic population defense" after a handful more people doesnt count when they are unguarded MDPS who are lucky to have one healer or a group for that matter, they will die to rain of fire/napalm alone, never mind the aoe damage in chokes, or morale bombs... So this change favours defenders , and defending is already favoured... so that is why in my opinion its a bad change because you are stacking the deck more in favour of defenders whilst not addressing the rest of problems with forts/keeps...
This dude just wants to morale bomb the f*** out of everything with his meta classes so everything is pure cheese, morale bomb in cities, morale bomb in 6v6, morale bomb through chokepoints, morale bomb in pug sc, (to be fair morale bombing has gotten to a pretty degenerate point on both sides) and he thinks a little pissy napalm is the bane of his existence, lol. Man has no clue magus <exists> and is better offensively and defensively and has better offensive sov gear which gives crit multipliers to even all their aoe. How about instead of having a whinge you use that big TUP head of yours and work something out with your magi. This ability was recently nerfed into the dirt, they only just now balanced it to be at least somewhat useful. Now you cant just mindlessly walk on it all day to build free morales, (you still can though if youve got half decent heals).

Stacking engis does not work period (doesn't apply to magus, Im not making sweeping generalizations, i just dont want to go into more detail rn).
Having 20 or 3 engis is still the equivalent of having 1, doesn't matter the spec unless they're all snipe bots at the top of a keep. Imagine if choppas or maras or mSH couldnt stack their damage at all just because there's more than 1 of them. I promise you if I mained a proper aoe spec high geared magus you'd be seeing a big shift in attitude towards them. Do something with your magi, you despise engi but you dont utilize their direct counter. If your magi not doing as well as an engi, they suck ass frankly or they are low RR (fair enough), and you should make that very clear to them and help them get their gearing sorted as well as how they can play to their strengths.

For the Devs reading this Ive been testing it on engi and having a pet up does nothing for the damage multiplier of napalm. It's still not working off of the class mechanic. I'm at higher damage bonus than what the devs tested with and it still hits a little under 600 unmitigated. Very solid patch though and here i was thinking we were doomed with a bugged 13pt ability. Thanks for the hard work. Those shields look sick btw
Mekanik/Cqb [engi] 40/86
Zuu [AM] 40/83
[magus] 40/70

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#64 » Thu May 14, 2020 2:41 pm

Crumbs wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 2:18 pm
Wam wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 4:07 pm
Grunbag wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 3:51 pm

Ain’t what engineer are designed for ?

Just quoting the career description :
class details: “Engineers are defensive ranged fighters who specialize in gadgets and black powder weapons. The engineers many mechanical aids include turrets and traps, which allow them to prepare the battlefield for either an offensive ambush or a strategic defense.”

and a witch elf is suppose to be a Assassin with the best single target damage...

but hello all the other MDPS which are higher and can AOE so perform multiple roles better...

I also understand a engi's strengths... but then you get order's tears when they are fighting in open field.

I also understand the problem area's of the game right now, and forts is number one (BIG TIME) and a change which makes more stalemate is really really bad for your EU primetime player base, people become disillusioned with game because they cannot character progress mate... it has a knock on effect for motivation, why even bother, they do all the grunt work which sets it up for NA primetime... anyone from NA will simply not care or be clueless...

It creates a seperate / two tier system, the haves and have nots... EU prime gets zero opportunities at end game content at realistic times , where NA do get opportunities all the time...

I can go into problem of keeps and forts much greater no problem... its just not all rosy for game's long term health with current status quo.

So you "fixing" these classes, MAKES A PROBLEM GREATER ON THE BIGGER PICTURE... expect more stalemate, expect more NA cities when there are not enough defenders, expect no cities for EU prime... it really sends the wrong message to the player base in my opinion, it feels like we are neglected / after thought and the problem of forts (which i hope you guys are working on because they was designed for old server not as populated as current server so there is massive design flaws)

So for me, wouldn't it be better to fix the problem area's of the game first and foremost?

Hard to cap when high pop vs high pop, to even get to a fort, and no chance of locking a fort with high pop defence and even worse with "dynamic population defense" after a handful more people doesnt count when they are unguarded MDPS who are lucky to have one healer or a group for that matter, they will die to rain of fire/napalm alone, never mind the aoe damage in chokes, or morale bombs... So this change favours defenders , and defending is already favoured... so that is why in my opinion its a bad change because you are stacking the deck more in favour of defenders whilst not addressing the rest of problems with forts/keeps...
This dude just wants to morale bomb the f*** out of everything with his meta classes so everything is pure cheese, morale bomb in cities, morale bomb in 6v6, morale bomb through chokepoints, morale bomb in pug sc, (to be fair morale bombing has gotten to a pretty degenerate point on both sides) and he thinks a little pissy napalm is the bane of his existence, lol. Man has no clue magus <exists> and is better offensively and defensively and has better offensive sov gear which gives crit multipliers to even all their aoe. How about instead of having a whinge you use that big TUP head of yours and work something out with your magi. This ability was recently nerfed into the dirt, they only just now balanced it to be at least somewhat useful. Now you cant just mindlessly walk on it all day to build free morales, (you still can though if youve got half decent heals).

Stacking engis does not work period (doesn't apply to magus, Im not making sweeping generalizations, i just dont want to go into more detail rn).
Having 20 or 3 engis is still the equivalent of having 1, doesn't matter the spec unless they're all snipe bots at the top of a keep. Imagine if choppas or maras or mSH couldnt stack their damage at all just because there's more than 1 of them. I promise you if I mained a proper aoe spec high geared magus you'd be seeing a big shift in attitude towards them. Do something with your magi, you despise engi but you dont utilize their direct counter. If your magi not doing as well as an engi, they suck ass frankly or they are low RR (fair enough), and you should make that very clear to them and help them get their gearing sorted as well as how they can play to their strengths.

For the Devs reading this Ive been testing it on engi and having a pet up does nothing for the damage multiplier of napalm. It's still not working off of the class mechanic. I'm at higher damage bonus than what the devs tested with and it still hits a little under 600 unmitigated. Very solid patch though and here i was thinking we were doomed with a bugged 13pt ability. Thanks for the hard work. Those shields look sick btw
20 engis can make ALL groud in front of keep napalm. 1 engi aoe 20 ft zone. 20 engi x20 ft 400 ft constant aoe dmg. Gl taking keep

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#65 » Thu May 14, 2020 3:33 pm

Wam wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 5:14 pm
Other problems the window of opporuntity is too short on sieges... (killing oil and respawning oil is just too fast) change oil cooldown to 5 minutes instead of 3 minutes... to give people half a chance to push properly and not be too forced / predictable. Deflect oil recently broken on tanks, and also not effecting that much since the damage change of oil.

Another problem is defend by suicide... respawn into a keep and play lemmings is another way to mindlessly stall the siege and campaign. Maybe large scale keep fights will be better if no respawning as soon as outer is flagged... so people have to fight properly, so warbands can cut off supplies on posterns, at the moment people can just suicide their way inside and once they got enough inside just funnel and make it tedious. So with all the early warning systems with State of realm, and ease of travel with war report, then ease of getting inside with instant respawn at keep... you see the problems quickly mount up when there are big numbers. This was less of a issue under the old server because when you talked about big numbers you was using a different criteria and rarely ever hitting critical mass. 100-200 was "big numbers" those are rookie numbers these days with 300-500+ common and thats just in one zone.
I strongly agree on increasing the oil timer, it's way too easy to mess with the ram carrier,.

On second point, not sure if door being flagged should be enough but maybe set a doorbenchmark like 50% outter to avoid having a single cannonshot trigger that.
Current respawn mechanic makes some keeps very hard to siege because you have to win on all posterns without exhausting your wb in a timeframe of 20 sec before all deaths instantly zerg back into the fight and slowly whittle you down even if you killed the same enemy 4 times already.

Maybe remove healer npc from keeps as a middleground.

But yeah overall those 2 factors allow you to stop/slog down a siege with 1 tank only. Dont even need heal or grp. Just jump out when ram carrier comes and KD him or Punt if he is immune when he is fast and comes back for second try, do that over and over until oil is back up again and ram is stuck weirdly under oil, solo win siege defense basically. It's too easy to do, I know this because I've been doing this. Just imagine what one could do with proper healing and xguarded tanks.

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#66 » Thu May 14, 2020 5:08 pm

wachlarz wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 2:41 pm
Crumbs wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 2:18 pm
Wam wrote: Wed May 13, 2020 4:07 pm
This dude just wants to morale bomb the f*** out of everything with his meta classes so everything is pure cheese, morale bomb in cities, morale bomb in 6v6, morale bomb through chokepoints, morale bomb in pug sc, (to be fair morale bombing has gotten to a pretty degenerate point on both sides) and he thinks a little pissy napalm is the bane of his existence, lol. Man has no clue magus <exists> and is better offensively and defensively and has better offensive sov gear which gives crit multipliers to even all their aoe. How about instead of having a whinge you use that big TUP head of yours and work something out with your magi. This ability was recently nerfed into the dirt, they only just now balanced it to be at least somewhat useful. Now you cant just mindlessly walk on it all day to build free morales, (you still can though if youve got half decent heals).

Stacking engis does not work period (doesn't apply to magus, Im not making sweeping generalizations, i just dont want to go into more detail rn).
Having 20 or 3 engis is still the equivalent of having 1, doesn't matter the spec unless they're all snipe bots at the top of a keep. Imagine if choppas or maras or mSH couldnt stack their damage at all just because there's more than 1 of them. I promise you if I mained a proper aoe spec high geared magus you'd be seeing a big shift in attitude towards them. Do something with your magi, you despise engi but you dont utilize their direct counter. If your magi not doing as well as an engi, they suck ass frankly or they are low RR (fair enough), and you should make that very clear to them and help them get their gearing sorted as well as how they can play to their strengths.

For the Devs reading this Ive been testing it on engi and having a pet up does nothing for the damage multiplier of napalm. It's still not working off of the class mechanic. I'm at higher damage bonus than what the devs tested with and it still hits a little under 600 unmitigated. Very solid patch though and here i was thinking we were doomed with a bugged 13pt ability. Thanks for the hard work. Those shields look sick btw
20 engis can make ALL groud in front of keep napalm. 1 engi aoe 20 ft zone. 20 engi x20 ft 400 ft constant aoe dmg. Gl taking keep
Who hurt you? how you know what I want? you realised how many group's we have killed without the need for morale? (they was disorganised groups granted but still dont need morale for this) you know you need morale 4's for fort pushes right now sherlock? for any decent funnel break in fact. I've teamed with some good magus I just pick better options stylistically at the moment. I look at the bigger picture of funnels/campaign and tedious constant stalemates during peak times, Napalm/ROF/POS/Mist are huge culprits because they melt pugs... you have to walk through this guranteed damage, on top of other aoe and then your favourite morale damage... defenders have everything stacked in their favour its why its easy to halt the campaign. I've been fan of fringe classes getting love (Wh/welf/sw/magi/engi) and not being guttered (zdps/rdps) but its just the timing (yeah everyone lost proc on firepots and these class lose on their easy fire and forget leach ability) improving funnel defence capabilites instead of fixing the balance between offense and defence so its less tilted in defence favour and the eternal problem child of orvr fortresses. Its about direction of game, direction of eu primetime and campaign... it's not me hating on fringe classes dude... its trying to shine a light on a problem which can become bigger as time goes on and more players (eu prime based in particular, on normal schedules) get disillusioned with project which would be a shame. Hopefully dev's are conjuring some magic to fix the fort problem that is plaguing the game with negativity (negative player experience, negative player interaction etc)
Wamizzle Guild Leader [TUP]
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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#67 » Thu May 14, 2020 5:22 pm


use that big TUP head of yours and work something out with your magi.

Magus is useless in Wb, thats why it's not used in TUP wb anymore. It got destroyed cause the pet instadies in fights since of wont get affected by aoe heals, and the class wont provide any dmg competetive to mara or choppa for example without its pet.

And why are you against moraledrops? they are the best chockdmg you can give against a funnel, or to get the upper hand. If morales would be deleted, we all gonna run order eventually. Not sure what you tried achieve with your post, but just sounds like you try strenghten your opinion by trying peck on someone else ?

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#68 » Thu May 14, 2020 5:44 pm

Man removing morale drops and returning aoe heal debuffs would be amazing.

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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#69 » Thu May 14, 2020 5:48 pm

TreefAM wrote: Thu May 14, 2020 5:44 pm Man removing morale drops and returning aoe heal debuffs would be amazing.
If you think never being able to take a defended keep again would be amazing, then yes, it would be.
Vayra - Sorc
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Re: Patch Notes 13/05/2020

Post#70 » Thu May 14, 2020 5:52 pm

Even though I led and helped some sieges in the past, that part of the game is literally just a step above forts.

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