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warrior priest dps, thoughts

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: warrior priest dps, thoughts

Post#61 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 6:30 pm

Another good thing would be to let Divine Assault heal through absorb shields.

The dmg is done, but absorbed. this way we could at least survive a bit more and heal our def target a bit better.

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Re: warrior priest dps, thoughts

Post#62 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 9:13 pm

Parallels66 wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:41 pm ^^^^^^ listen to gareul, he **** DELETES people...usually top 3 melee dps overall (usually top) with high KB in organised city groups aswell. dudes insane
Back when I played my magus, I never came across a single dedicated wp that I couldn't defeat. they never got close. It was a joke.
DPS or even shield wp shine against classes that cannot heal, interrupt, kb, disarm or burst. basically anyone that will not win a battle of attrition.
It's why equally geared wp and doks will never win against one another.

anyone can shine in organized city groups, especially when they are fully geared like him. and when you take into account that most of the time it's premade vs. pug. yikes.

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Re: warrior priest dps, thoughts

Post#63 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 9:13 pm

Azote wrote: Sun Nov 22, 2020 6:30 pm Another good thing would be to let Divine Assault heal through absorb shields.

The dmg is done, but absorbed. this way we could at least survive a bit more and heal our def target a bit better.
They tired that. Oped as heck.

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Re: warrior priest dps, thoughts

Post#64 » Sun Nov 22, 2020 9:47 pm

The biggest reasons behind that has weakened melee WP/DoK putting DS/CE, Judegment/FoK on RF is stupid idea, they still have weak utility and no CC abilitys that can help keep things in melee range. You are right its prob why i dont play as much because u still rely on more classes then other classes need to. And the refusal to tweak Sigmars Shield is annoying needs RF consumption nerf or make it drain RF over those 10sec. Since the changes Dps DoKs just fin die even with guard and nerfed utility still great ST dps, but it seems WP with the Smite+guilty Soul+Soulfire comes out ahead now in overall useful dps numbers wich i dont see a problem with aslong as DoK remains ST king, overall the changes didnt fix the biggest problem to many weaknesses to perform in melee still no gap closer or lack of Stuns/Snares.

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Re: warrior priest dps, thoughts

Post#65 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 4:19 am

boys we have to work with what we have. until the devs remember us

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Re: warrior priest dps, thoughts

Post#66 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:35 pm

Pick your targets wisely.
DPS healers will never compete against real dps because of their off-healing capabilities.
Why would anyone bring a dedicated DPS when a DPS healer can deal the same damage and off-heal?
For WP/Shaman/etc. to function as full dps, they'd have to disable "defensive target" heals and spammable lifetaps, while mirroring Divine Assault with skills like Rune of Absorption.
Unless they greatly limit their off-healing capabilities, I doubt you'll see a dps boost.

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Re: warrior priest dps, thoughts

Post#67 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 10:41 pm

Not about Dps boost we have plenty ffs its utility to perform in melee, its a melee class that also needs to melee to lifetap, MELEE its in the fin word and that excuse cannot be used anymore because they turned the spec into a mdps without a gap closer or cc button and the removal of the biggest group lifetap heal for dps specs and still have very poor casted heals from the tactics that need to be used, so no being healer in dps spec just doesnt cut it as an excuse not to give the melee portion some more utility to perform its job. And on that subject every Mdps gets a self heal so that excuse cant be used either.

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Re: warrior priest dps, thoughts

Post#68 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:40 pm

You seemed to have looked past the part where I mentioned that some, not all, melee dps classes have self heal. One that is on a long cool down. 25 seconds. Not 8.

It being capable of healing will always be a valid reason. Always. It’s one of the reasons why divine strike was removed. Again, always.

Cc? They already have a cc. An anti caster cc and a knock back. If you’re talking about a knockdown, not every class has or needs one. One class does not need to be the be all end all.
WPs also get focused mind. A very effective anti cc skill. Something other dps classes do not get.

Gap closer? Only melee healers “need” one. In fact, they once gave wps one.. and it was broken as heck. Abused by so many people. So many.
Aside from the Lion and squig, no other melee class gets a viable gap closer. Charge is rarely used as a gap closer or an effective one. Charge, pop a skill, get punted... 20+ seconds until you can charge again.

Posts: 207

Re: warrior priest dps, thoughts

Post#69 » Mon Nov 23, 2020 11:50 pm

Guys if you allow me to give my opinion, I think the warrior priest only needs two adjustments, the first, the damage of guilty soul should be instantaneous and second, the hammer of sigmar (using RF as resourse) cd should be shorter. I don't think devs will give a stun or a gap closer to the warrior priest. ask for reasonable changes. So it would be useful both in meele and rdps range and also during the sigmar wrath it would be a force to take into account, in addition to improving the 1 v 1.

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Re: warrior priest dps, thoughts

Post#70 » Tue Nov 24, 2020 2:06 am

Just not gonna argue with people who dont want improvments to classes in the game because they have a biased or limited vision and or viewpoint. I will continue to push for improvments what is 2/3 of the class being melee and 90% of the abilitys being melee to be more useful compared to the over used salv being 1/3 and a very minor aspect of the class and its fantasy. And no agian its not a valid reason when your healing is gutted as dps and survivability goes out the fin window vs all rdps and good mdps, gotta have something in return especially if u can absorb/parry/block the now limited lifetap as dps, and its a support class in all the specs if u take healing need to give some buffing/debuffing and or CC otherwise performance is even less then what it was before all the reworks.

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