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It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

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In this section you can give feedback and share your opinions on what should be changed for the Return of Reckoning Project. Before posting please make sure you read the Rules and Posting Guidelines to increase the efficiency of this forum.
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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#51 » Thu May 26, 2022 3:02 am

Lawmay wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 2:15 am
No, whats baffling is thinking that the NB ban didn't significantly lower the population. Have whatever opinion you want on the addon itself, but the evidence on that is quite clear, the dev team has even admitted it and feel it was worth it to have a game that they, and many others prefer. There are other factors in the population drop, sure, but to say that NB didn't contribute to it is just dishonest, intentionally or not.
It didn't? We had 3000 players after the lazypeon video, we lost half of that PRIOR to the NB ban. We lost around 200 players after the NB ban, that, if you want to call them "players". I would rather call them situational bots. Using W-A-S-D-Q-E and moving the camera with the mouse while pressing 2 buttons isn't really playing. And honestly, it's not an oppinion, it's a fact that's well known in every MMO. But as I said, for some reason, here it isn't, which is hilarious. There's a plethora of reasons on why we went from 1200 after the NB ban to the current 400-800 numbers. Attempting to put all the blame on NB is truly disingenous. There are many reasons on why people are slowly quitting, one of them which is the most common believe it or not, is that the target audience is OLD. Adults have responsabilities that can't be avoided unlike teenagers playing world of warcraft back in 2006. You could skip a whole week of high school without consequences, a 40 something person with a family to feed, can't skip a week of work to play Return of Reckoning. You see, reality is often more simple than what you'd think. Some things are obvious like the aforementioned while others are more complicated.

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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#52 » Thu May 26, 2022 6:49 am

NerfedWar wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 7:48 pm
Talladego wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 7:27 pm Now that you are back maybe you could take a look at why the "Snared" conditional check doesn't seem to work as expected ;D
:D :D :D :D :lol: I won´t be touching NB, the ROR dev team have made their decision.
NB has already reached transcendence....

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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#53 » Thu May 26, 2022 6:58 am

Amdus wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 3:02 am
Lawmay wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 2:15 am
No, whats baffling is thinking that the NB ban didn't significantly lower the population. Have whatever opinion you want on the addon itself, but the evidence on that is quite clear, the dev team has even admitted it and feel it was worth it to have a game that they, and many others prefer. There are other factors in the population drop, sure, but to say that NB didn't contribute to it is just dishonest, intentionally or not.
It didn't? We had 3000 players after the lazypeon video, we lost half of that PRIOR to the NB ban. We lost around 200 players after the NB ban, that, if you want to call them "players". I would rather call them situational bots. Using W-A-S-D-Q-E and moving the camera with the mouse while pressing 2 buttons isn't really playing. And honestly, it's not an oppinion, it's a fact that's well known in every MMO. But as I said, for some reason, here it isn't, which is hilarious. There's a plethora of reasons on why we went from 1200 after the NB ban to the current 400-800 numbers. Attempting to put all the blame on NB is truly disingenous. There are many reasons on why people are slowly quitting, one of them which is the most common believe it or not, is that the target audience is OLD. Adults have responsabilities that can't be avoided unlike teenagers playing world of warcraft back in 2006. You could skip a whole week of high school without consequences, a 40 something person with a family to feed, can't skip a week of work to play Return of Reckoning. You see, reality is often more simple than what you'd think. Some things are obvious like the aforementioned while others are more complicated.
This. I think it is sad, but true. We are old. That's why we are still posting on the forums, grumbling about good old times.

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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#54 » Thu May 26, 2022 7:09 am

I once got a forum warning for saying Nerfed Buttons is cancer, and you're a carcinogen if you use it.

I think calling someone a carcinogen is funny.
Last edited by Fey on Thu May 26, 2022 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#55 » Thu May 26, 2022 7:12 am

one thing i hoped this could fix is optimization and stability of the game. last night played for 3 hours and had around 5 crashes. and that's with 3 times relogging, so that can game run more fluently. so in 3 hours, i had to stop my game session 8 times!! if you think that's normal, and that people tolerate stuff like that in 2022, then oh boy...

yes we're old, but main reason this game doesn't have players is optimization and stability. i know for fact, that all my friends from other games that bothered to try this, have stopped playing before even reaching t2 because game is "slow", "clunky", "buggy", "crashes", "laggs" etc.

Posts: 702

Re: It's time to toss that Hail Mary, devs.

Post#56 » Thu May 26, 2022 7:40 am

GorkaBorka wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 6:58 am
Amdus wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 3:02 am
Lawmay wrote: Thu May 26, 2022 2:15 am
No, whats baffling is thinking that the NB ban didn't significantly lower the population. Have whatever opinion you want on the addon itself, but the evidence on that is quite clear, the dev team has even admitted it and feel it was worth it to have a game that they, and many others prefer. There are other factors in the population drop, sure, but to say that NB didn't contribute to it is just dishonest, intentionally or not.
It didn't? We had 3000 players after the lazypeon video, we lost half of that PRIOR to the NB ban. We lost around 200 players after the NB ban, that, if you want to call them "players". I would rather call them situational bots. Using W-A-S-D-Q-E and moving the camera with the mouse while pressing 2 buttons isn't really playing. And honestly, it's not an oppinion, it's a fact that's well known in every MMO. But as I said, for some reason, here it isn't, which is hilarious. There's a plethora of reasons on why we went from 1200 after the NB ban to the current 400-800 numbers. Attempting to put all the blame on NB is truly disingenous. There are many reasons on why people are slowly quitting, one of them which is the most common believe it or not, is that the target audience is OLD. Adults have responsabilities that can't be avoided unlike teenagers playing world of warcraft back in 2006. You could skip a whole week of high school without consequences, a 40 something person with a family to feed, can't skip a week of work to play Return of Reckoning. You see, reality is often more simple than what you'd think. Some things are obvious like the aforementioned while others are more complicated.
This. I think it is sad, but true. We are old. That's why we are still posting on the forums, grumbling about good old times.
Everything above is true, but noone indestand what it means. Im foking old- I want to jump to game , play 1-2 h and go out. But this game demand and demand and demand time like i was 20 years old not 45. Go Gunbad ? find a group 1h, then spend 1 h in one dungeon. For 20 years old bro its nothing - for old prick like me its eternity!!

In AOR , You just grab a beer take 3 gus and jump for Gunbad for relax- in RoR ist like go to Mordor.

And I prefer ten time more last day in AoR then current state game, because i have good memories, then quasi-new game called RoR, who pretend thats hi is modern. So i dont care, simply dont care, if they ban NB or bring him back. I want my game from my youthness that all.

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