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Next SW patch

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Re: Next SW patch

Post#51 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 7:19 am


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Re: Next SW patch

Post#52 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 2:35 pm

I think Wargrimnir is terse because of the amount of drama they have to deal with on the daily. Although I do get a bit...well, concerned...when he's posting stuff about this being a "private project" when they have thousands upon thousands of players playing this game.

I think that makes every player who's putting in hundreds of hours into this game concerned about its long term viability. If its a private project, why make it public and have anyone but you playing on it? If its private, whats to keep someone from pulling the plug tomorrow? That doesn't generate a lot of confidence from the player's' perspective, so I can't say that I blame some of the criticism of the dev team's default mode as 'standoffish'.

I think a certain degree of responsibility surfaces when you make the game publicly available and it catches on like it has. Perhaps it was started to be something small, but it has become a phenomena of sorts in terms of droves of people coming here, and you now have a different situation where you guys are presiding over a pretty large playerbase. This is a GOOD thing. It comes with its forms of drama and overreaction. I agree the best advice in this thread is to ignore the known incessant trolls and move along.

As for Shadow Warriors--yes, some of the feedback has swung from absolute rage to enthusiastic support to outright mockery--but I also think the mechanical changes to the class have mirrored that feedback. You want a balanced high level assessment? Here it goes:

As someone who initially criticized the temporary buff: I now believe they have been scaled back down too much. On Destro, we went from facing 6-8 Shadow Warriors per Twisted Tower scenario when times were good (because they could burn down most targets in like 5-7 seconds), to the class becoming what is now the preeminent outcast of this entire game. The resulting temperament in game for me--as a primary medium-armor Healer at least--is that I went from constantly being aware of that rain on my head, constantly looking around for it, LoSighting and Detaunting them, to shrugging them off completely now as an afterthought--as they were before the dev team touched this class.

I said the buffs were too powerful (and I think the Dev team agreed) because we were recording upwards of 8k dmg ticks on like 4-5 second timestamps. It was insane there for a moment for certain SW builds, but now the scale has swung back too far, and they are back to being a non-threat for most of our group comps. On the Order side, they are absolutely shunned for high level city play completely. Because no class in the game deserves that level of isolation and rejection, they are back to needing a buff again to both ranged specs. At the very least, the cooldown on LA and the Healing Debuff should be reverted. Nothing should be taken 'away' from the ranged specs at all.

I don't pretend to know ALL the fixes for the class, but we can start there at least.They now need a small buff. How that is delivered I'll leave up to the professionals.

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Re: Next SW patch

Post#53 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 3:35 pm

Valantine wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 2:35 pm I think that makes every player who's putting in hundreds of hours into this game concerned about its long term viability.
At this point ROR has been live longer than the live service was.

Posts: 125

Re: Next SW patch

Post#54 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 6:39 pm

If nerfs are off the table as they seem to be then you have to bring classes upto the level of the top classes. That would mean massive buffs to alot of classes to get them to WL, DoK, BW standards. If people arent claiming a class is over powered then it isnt upto the level of those they do. mSH many say was over buffed. It wasnt. It was buffed the right amount. So was the old AM/Shaman buff.

Posts: 13

Re: Next SW patch

Post#55 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:25 pm

i dont know whats the problem. but i known atm a rr45 rSW beats easy a rr 84 rSH in 1on1. i dont know to play SW maybe its the form tho play it Atm who is anoying but he still is atm one of the most powerfull dmgdealers in game. The nerf SW was the reason because SW was 3 hitting everthing....all what i see in the forums SW player who are angry because the class gett changed. mann please you see some Squigherder crying because the are gettn 3 shotet tho death from conq. rSW? mann i read the forums for a while please wake up...i dont know what game are you playing but stop cry for SW! i can easyly upload some scrennshot from conq/annhilator SW who beats easy all dmg dealer in sc group who actuelly got Souv. full ... AGAIN WAKE UP :ugeek:

trust the devs !

Still waiting for Sh-Buff :D peace
btw. Souv. ability from rSH is not rly good... Rsh dont need cast faster...giv them maybe a juggernaut?

Posts: 31

Re: Next SW patch

Post#56 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:23 pm

there's a void present and its someone to filter through the bitching, the trolls, and the **** posts. class team lead can do that. daoc had team leads that offered mostly unbias and organized, succinct feedback for each class. that can be utilized here to bridge the gap while still maintaining distance and complete creative control.

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Re: Next SW patch

Post#57 » Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:18 pm

slattie wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:23 pm there's a void present and its someone to filter through the bitching, the trolls, and the **** posts. class team lead can do that. daoc had team leads that offered mostly unbias and organized, succinct feedback for each class. that can be utilized here to bridge the gap while still maintaining distance and complete creative control.
We already do that, it's just not a public facing function. Have fun imagining things and we will pull the kernels of interesting suggestions from the pile.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

Posts: 35

Re: Next SW patch

Post#58 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:11 am

Whoever is the "internal team lead" on the SW should probably have to undergo a drug test, and possibly an iq test also.
Enjoy your break for that one.

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Re: Next SW patch

Post#59 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:14 am

black1 wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:25 pm a rr45 rSW beats easy a rr 84 rSH in 1on1
Would like to see you on a RR 45 SW, fighting aginst Jurki, Teefz, Warhawk, Usels SH or such (not wanna fanboy :lol: )

You would die on you Mount buddy :P
wargrimnir wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 11:50 pm Accidental solo-friendly content doesn't stay that way for very long.

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Re: Next SW patch

Post#60 » Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:39 am

Likeaboss wrote: Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:14 am
black1 wrote: Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:25 pm a rr45 rSW beats easy a rr 84 rSH in 1on1
Would like to see you on a RR 45 SW, fighting aginst Jurki, Teefz, Warhawk, Usels SH or such (not wanna fanboy :lol: )

You would die on you Mount buddy :P
I just point my SW (RR8+) in the other direction if i see Jurki, he has killed me on my mount way to many times... :)

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