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Patch Notes 4/11/2017

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#51 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 12:53 pm

Coma wrote:
tionblack wrote:
Panzerkasper wrote:
I think you are not aware of how many Repel Blasphemy+Ripost noobs are running around in the lakes. So much for "a path no one specs into"
Have you ever played a WH ? If you take Dragon gun because ur REPEL / Riposte spec you are still doing it wrong friend.
let me reverse your question... have you ever played WE?

WE manly revolve around 2 build right now (with few varioation obviously)
one that uses suffering as main and treachery as sub
one that uses carnage as main and treachery as sub

both build are constructed around NOT USING FINSHERS... the reason is that WE finisher are completely subpar with just spamming AW (especialy if you add up the 3%crit per bloddlust tactic)... on the other hand WH actualy have finisher that are worth using (BaL in primis) and even have tactics that support quick finishers...

OYK is a skill that is used a lot by WE... and is not rare to see Carnage built WE not taking HS but just use OYK as their KD... this too is due to the fact that finisher for WE are not a worth source of damage, the fact that you consider OYK now complete mirror skill to be worthless alone demonstate the fact that WH ALREADY HAVE finisher that are worth using and are not willing to spend their mechanic on utility/cc like WE are instead FORCED to do due to lack of alternatives ^^

This new change to SS... makes a finisher that was previously almost useless (I leave the "almost" there because there is always someone running around with an absurd build and claiming it to be the best one around ^^') into one more "utility" finisher, not something that you use every time you get to 5 BL or when you need to do spike damage... but something you use for it's side effect SACRIFICING direct damage in its place.

True, WH need a tactic to gain 50% increased AA... but that tactic is a CORE one... this mean you can use it in every build and don't need to spen point to get it... SS instead is a 13 point mastery skill, it means you need to build for it greatly limit your build option, what you will likely see after this change is not current WE builds becoming stronger... but rather new builds running around.... now to see f those build are actualy stronger or weaker than the preious onw... is to see ^^

PS: you said nobody build for DC now... but lot of people actualy build for repel... for WE is the same... nobody bbuilt for SS but lot of people built for HS or at IP... now... DC had gained a 3 sec hard CC on a 10 sec CD skill, SS gained a 50% AA buff and a 30% snare... personaly I really don't know which skill was improved more... If I were to say SS it would probably be representative of HOW BAD it was before ^^'

Still dragon gun is useless since noone will use it over exit wounds/BAL.This is plain buffing WE meanwhile WH gets nothing once again.And EVEN IF many uses repel blasph it still doesnt make it viable to go up dragon gun.WH is still locked with BaL/Sod/Punish the false build or the repel/bal build. Meanwhile you get snare and AA haste buffs. Can you not see my point?

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#52 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 12:57 pm

Aurandilaz wrote:You guys are seriously complaining about gaining a 30 feet ranged knockdown on a 10 sec CD? You don't need a 20 sec cd positional requirement Pistol Whip now, you can use DG now, hell its far superior to be able to knock down anything within 30 feet range than having to position yourself behind a target and being at 5 feet range plus it has 10 sec CD instead of 20 sec.

And yes, mid tree is good, BAL is good (extra good since removal of CW), but the idea behind adjusting WE/WH finishers is that all 3 13points finishers might be worth using. Previously SS wasn't worth anything. Now it's a positional attack (you have to be behind target) and you need to build 5 frenzy to gain 50% AA haste and apparently a minor 15% snare. Compare BAL to SS and think which one is still far stronger... But now at least OYK and DG are mirrored, so that's another thing that should make WH's happy, instead of losing target after initial gank seconds, you can now wait 3-5 sec as they try to get away and then use the rkd. You must have not played WE much if you don't understand how good OYK is for catching up fleeing targets and rdps.
WH Inq Fury is a 50% AA increase CORE tactic. SS needs to build 5 frenzy, then be BEHIND target, and then hope the target sticks around so you gain the best from this 13mastery point skill (minor snare there should help so buff doesn't go down the drain).
Inq fury should easily be up all the time. SS needs all the investment, 5 frenzy points (meaning you don't get the dmg/utiity 5 other Frenzies might give) and still you need to behind target and then hope that within next 10 sec you land enough Autoattacks to justify all the cost above.
Don't expect all WE's to drop their OYK or Witchbrew specs and then have every single WE run SS from this day onwards.

And the way AA haste formula works: Weapon Speed / 1 + AA haste modifier
So assume you run a standard 2.4 sec speed weapon, you put 2.4/1+0.5 into calculator and out comes 1.6.

First of all ranged knockdown is gained via engaging meele.And no WH will prefer it over pistol whip due to DG being useless in most engagements also gimping the spec if you go up that top.And no need to type WE mechanics or WH mechanics here classes are pretty much same and got their own benefits,ups and downs.if any wh takes Dragon GUn and sacrifice BAL or Exit Wounds thats plain silly. Dragon GUN was worthless to take and still is. And the point of buffing it to make it viable so people can get out of only 2 viable spec depression.But as we can see WE changes are making that useless tree viable meanwhile WH still has the DG useless.Cant be hard to see.

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#53 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:03 pm

voldepoule wrote:
wargrimnir wrote: Disabled Resolute Defence and Cleansing Wind
Don't get the point. A real loss for the gameplay.
I agree i am shocked to see this change.

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#54 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:04 pm

tionblack wrote:Still dragon gun is useless since noone will use it over exit wounds/BAL.This is plain buffing WE meanwhile WH gets nothing once again.And EVEN IF many uses repel blasph it still doesnt make it viable to go up dragon gun.WH is still locked with BaL/Sod/Punish the false build or the repel/bal build. Meanwhile you get snare and AA haste buffs. Can you not see my point?
It just got mirrored. What are you crazy about? Now WE has a good finisher in the most core tree just like the WH has it with BaL. Where is the problem?

30/12/2018 RIP 2h Chosen

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#55 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:05 pm

Panzerkasper wrote:
tionblack wrote:Still dragon gun is useless since noone will use it over exit wounds/BAL.This is plain buffing WE meanwhile WH gets nothing once again.And EVEN IF many uses repel blasph it still doesnt make it viable to go up dragon gun.WH is still locked with BaL/Sod/Punish the false build or the repel/bal build. Meanwhile you get snare and AA haste buffs. Can you not see my point?
It just got mirrored. What are you crazy about? Now WE has a good finisher in the most core tree just like the WH has it with BaL. Where is the problem?
Nothing is mirrored what happened is 2 classes with 1 useless top tier skill 1 is still useless other one is good to go.If you call this fair i really think you cant judge things fairly.

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#56 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:14 pm

Ive read em all so far. But i miss the argument of mara disrupt base pull and the wl str base pull maybe mirror em both to disrupt?

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#57 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:23 pm

tionblack wrote:
Panzerkasper wrote:
tionblack wrote:Still dragon gun is useless since noone will use it over exit wounds/BAL.This is plain buffing WE meanwhile WH gets nothing once again.And EVEN IF many uses repel blasph it still doesnt make it viable to go up dragon gun.WH is still locked with BaL/Sod/Punish the false build or the repel/bal build. Meanwhile you get snare and AA haste buffs. Can you not see my point?
It just got mirrored. What are you crazy about? Now WE has a good finisher in the most core tree just like the WH has it with BaL. Where is the problem?
Nothing is mirrored what happened is 2 classes with 1 useless top tier skill 1 is still useless other one is good to go.If you call this fair i really think you cant judge things fairly.
DG/OYK are mirrored. Both kd the primary target. I dont see why one is useless and the other is not. The Confession tree is actually pretty good now for soloing.

30/12/2018 RIP 2h Chosen

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#58 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:25 pm

tionblack wrote:
Still dragon gun is useless since noone will use it over exit wounds/BAL.

Still sacrificial stab is useless since no one will use it over on your knees/witchbrew.
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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#59 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:26 pm

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Re: Patch Notes 4/11/2017

Post#60 » Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:27 pm

tionblack wrote:
Panzerkasper wrote:
tionblack wrote:Still dragon gun is useless since noone will use it over exit wounds/BAL.This is plain buffing WE meanwhile WH gets nothing once again.And EVEN IF many uses repel blasph it still doesnt make it viable to go up dragon gun.WH is still locked with BaL/Sod/Punish the false build or the repel/bal build. Meanwhile you get snare and AA haste buffs. Can you not see my point?
It just got mirrored. What are you crazy about? Now WE has a good finisher in the most core tree just like the WH has it with BaL. Where is the problem?
Nothing is mirrored what happened is 2 classes with 1 useless top tier skill 1 is still useless other one is good to go.If you call this fair i really think you cant judge things fairly.
oooook... let's take a look at the 3 top mastery finisher for the 2 classes:

right mastery: OYK vs DC... now they are total mirros... so nothing to say here

mid mastery: WB vs EW ... WB has been heavily nerfed with the ICD making it barely passable finisher, EX is an heavy debuff and (if tooltip dmg on builder don't lie too much... I know they are not the most trutshworty source around) it also have a decent damage

left mastery: BaL vs SS ... BaL... is there really a need to comment on it? you said it yourself that nobady would pass it for DC... that is because BaL IS A GOOD FINISHER... probably the best finisher avaible to WH... SS up till now was a totally worthless finisher... it has low damage (massively below puncture that is the basic finisher from the same mastery) and by consequence a really low self healing value on a 10 sec CD... NOW it gives a AA buff and a almost negligeble snare (15%... sereiously... can you truly say that this snare component make the skill so good?) BUT it also have positional requirement...

now no matter how you look at it... we got 2 finisher that were not used before... and they got boosted... you say that DC is still useless... guess what... WE have worked with that useless finisher for a long time now while you were using BaL and EW...
On the other end WE is still missing a pure damaging finisher worth this name (as said before WB that is the only pure dmg finisher is barely passable after all the nerf it went trough... damage changed form Spirit to corp... AoE component removed... ICD limiting it's burst potential...) and got an additional utility finisher, who's role is to substitute for a WH CORE TACTIC... do you seriously think that it will really make WE stronger? I've yet to serously test it (still din't have a chance to log today..) but unless the patch notes are missing a line about boosting SS damage as well than it will probably stay unused or maybe find it's way in some niche build.
I may be wrong... but a 50% AA is not really that enticing (usefull... sure... powerfull enough to go 13 point into a mastery? ... absolutely not)... especially if I need to use a really low damage skill to proc it... not sure about the duration of the buff but if it is below 20 sec than it relally is useless since it will mean repeted use of finishers and so loss of the 15% crit chance on AW that is the main damage source for WE

PS: just a simple question since I'm not entirely clear on WH current main builds... is the 50% AA tactic used a lot on WH? because if it is not... than why do you consider the same 50% AA buff from SS to be such a great boost to WE?

PPS: still have to test this too... but if kisses got their damage reduced... this would actualy be considerably OVERCOMPENSATING for a finisher that simply add option but don't add anything to existing build and their damage...

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