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[Warrior Priest] - Wrath Mastery Tree

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: [Warrior Priest] - Wrath Mastery Tree

Post#51 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 5:36 pm

Grace is the utility/damage spec, and Wrath should be a pure selfish DPS spec. Any changes must have Grace in mind; granting Grace access to wrath goodies lower in the tree would effectively make a pure Wrath useless. 50% heal debuff, stronger finish, and maybe some armor pen/greatweapon mastery to replace the now null and void detaunt = good start.

Posts: 835

Re: [Warrior Priest] - Wrath Mastery Tree

Post#52 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 5:47 pm

Yeah I really think they should just make it even'ish. Just remove the free AOE detaunt, remove the worthless tactics wrath has lol, and add the heal debuff, or give the DoK aoe detaunt for free and give WP the crit heal debuff.

DoK will still deal over 50% more damage and have the burst down potential granted Sac does loads more damage, the heal debuff on a torture spec if used correctly is seriously so OP it is not even funny lol. I have been severely out DPS'd by good Sac DoK's using devour essence like a champion and healing out of their asses. But Tortures heal debuff is what makes a meh dps class amazing... Wrath will never deal amazing damage. It's prayer is never going to root, people will always bhop away lol, that is fine. But if they were to get the crit heal debuff it doesn't matter that their damage is meh. They are a support selfish dps, who can burst heal a little bit with divine assault but would actually have a place in a 6 man group.

Anyone who says melee DoK doesn't have a place has never played with a good one lol. If you wanna see healers flip out, have a melee DoK (torture spec) with a chosen to cover his heal debuff and watch them melt like butter... Sure the DoK doesn't do all that much damage, but he has a role.

Wrath currently has ZERO role in a 6 man or RvR lol. They don't do much burst, have practically zero utility (heal debuff on Torture gives them the best heal debuff in the game AKA utility), and above all else Wrath is a huge liability despite the fact that is kinda fun to play. Sure, if a Wrath spec plays well, has a guard for the melee and uses his AOE detaunt very very well for the casters that he can't reach, he can deal somewhat decent single target damage.

But you want to actually matter..... remove the garbage heal debuff or make that move AOE and 50% at 10 second CD. OR just give us the tactic. I mean RP gets it, Zealot gets it... they are mirrors. Yet DoK gets this insanely amazing heal debuff, and wrath gets a 25% 567 cooldown single target HD lol....

I've played both DoK and WP melee extensively and as much as wrath is sooooo fun to play. You really add ZERO to a group lol... in T4 if you up the prayer damage to 350+ now you are sort of helping if you have a slayer spamming inevitable doom.... but other than that.... stick to 1v1's and roll primarily grace/wrath or grace/salv.

I LOVE my WP and I will start playing her again when T4 hits, but I really hope the heal debuff discrepancy is addressed or there is a massssive increase in ability DPS to make up for having one of the most useless heal debuffs that is literally on snapshot root level of "Why is it there?"

Sorry, rant over... I love WP... I just wish it was even close to as good as DoK in regards to melee healer or dps class in regards to having any role whatsoever.

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Posts: 6509

Re: [Warrior Priest] - Wrath Mastery Tree

Post#53 » Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:22 pm

been focusing on my wrath wp for a while, changing out guilty soul for hastened divinity in a 6man with a wl/sw. decent st burst, but requires a v good team - and not worth it in long run.

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